4 research outputs found

    Using PPI network autocorrelation in hierarchical multi-label classification trees for gene function prediction

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    BACKGROUND: Ontologies and catalogs of gene functions, such as the Gene Ontology (GO) and MIPS-FUN, assume that functional classes are organized hierarchically, that is, general functions include more specific ones. This has recently motivated the development of several machine learning algorithms for gene function prediction that leverages on this hierarchical organization where instances may belong to multiple classes. In addition, it is possible to exploit relationships among examples, since it is plausible that related genes tend to share functional annotations. Although these relationships have been identified and extensively studied in the area of protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks, they have not received much attention in hierarchical and multi-class gene function prediction. Relations between genes introduce autocorrelation in functional annotations and violate the assumption that instances are independently and identically distributed (i.i.d.), which underlines most machine learning algorithms. Although the explicit consideration of these relations brings additional complexity to the learning process, we expect substantial benefits in predictive accuracy of learned classifiers. RESULTS: This article demonstrates the benefits (in terms of predictive accuracy) of considering autocorrelation in multi-class gene function prediction. We develop a tree-based algorithm for considering network autocorrelation in the setting of Hierarchical Multi-label Classification (HMC). We empirically evaluate the proposed algorithm, called NHMC (Network Hierarchical Multi-label Classification), on 12 yeast datasets using each of the MIPS-FUN and GO annotation schemes and exploiting 2 different PPI networks. The results clearly show that taking autocorrelation into account improves the predictive performance of the learned models for predicting gene function. CONCLUSIONS: Our newly developed method for HMC takes into account network information in the learning phase: When used for gene function prediction in the context of PPI networks, the explicit consideration of network autocorrelation increases the predictive performance of the learned models. Overall, we found that this holds for different gene features/ descriptions, functional annotation schemes, and PPI networks: Best results are achieved when the PPI network is dense and contains a large proportion of function-relevant interactions

    A Shrinkage Approach for Modeling Non-Stationary Relational Autocorrelation

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    Recent research has shown that collective classification in relational data often exhibit significant performance gains over conventional approaches that classify instances individually. This is primarily due to the presence of autocorrelation in relational datasets, meaning that the class labels of related entities are correlated and inferences about one instance can be used to improve inferences about linked instances. Statistical relational learning techniques exploit relational autocorrelation by modeling global autocorrelation dependencies under the assumption that the level of autocorrelation is stationary throughout the dataset. To date, there has been no work examining the appropriateness of this stationarity assumption. In this paper; we examine two real-world datasets and show that there is significant variance in the autocorrelation dependencies throughout the relational data graphs. We develop a shrinkage technique for modeling this non-stationary autocorrelation and show that it achieves significant accuracy gains over competing techniques that model either local or global autocorrelation dependencies in isolation