26,522 research outputs found

    Theoretical approach of branding from a semiotic perspective

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    This paper outlines the importance of the world of signs and symbols relating to brand management. We will explore the traditional semiotics authors and how those have been influenced other academics who have researched branding from a semiotic perception. This research provides a literature revision theoretical of the brand from a semiotic insight considering its theoretical framework and the implementations of some of the analysis models for a deep revision of the implications of semiotics in branding.Este artículo describe la importancia del mundo de los signos y símbolos relacionados con la gestión de marca. Exploraremos los autores semióticos tradicionales y cómo estos han influenciado a otros académicos que han investigado la marca desde una percepción semiótica. Esta investigación proporciona una revisión de la literatura teórica de la marca desde una perspectiva semiótica considerando su marco teórico y la implementación de algunos de los modelos de análisis para una revisión profunda de sus implicaciones en relación a la marca

    A polyocular framework for research on multifunctional farming and rural development

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    The paradox of multifunctionality is that, on the one hand, the specialized functionalities of agriculture only arise because of the functional differentiation of social systems and scientific disciplines and, on the other hand, multifunctionality can only enter as a way to mediate between conflicts, interests and fragmented knowledge when different functions and observations of functions combine. The aim of this paper is to contribute to a theoretical and methodological platform for multidisciplinary research on multifunctional farming. With the notions of polyocular cognition and polyocular communication we introduce a second order, interdisciplinary communication process that can meet the challenge of creating a shared view on multifunctional farming. Polyocular communication must be based on other rules than the rules of the involved disciplines. Whereas disciplinary communication is about providing consistent, efficient and precise knowledge in the context of a sharply delimited research world, polyocular communication is about extending a multidimensional space of understanding

    An aesthetic for sustainable interactions in Product-Service Systems?

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    Copyright @ 2014 Greenleaf Publishing.Eco-efficient Product-Service Systems (PSS, in which the economic interest of the stakeholders involved in the offer continuously foster the optimisation of environmental resource consumption) represent a promising approach to sustainability. However, despite their potential win–win characteristics, the application of this concept is still limited. One key reason is that eco-efficient PSSs are often radical innovations and their adoption usually challenges existing customers’ habits (cultural barriers), companies’ organisations (corporate barriers), and regulative framework (regulative barriers). Starting from these considerations this chapter first investigates the barriers that affect the attractiveness and acceptance of eco-efficient PSS alternatives. A debate is then opened on the aesthetics of eco-efficient PSSs and the way in which aesthetics could enhance specific inner qualities of eco-efficient PSSs, i.e. facilitating and enhancing their wider diffusion. Through the analysis of several case studies, and integrating insights from semiotics, the chapter then outlines several research hypotheses on how the aesthetic elements of an eco-efficient PSS could facilitate user attraction, acceptance and satisfaction

    Fast parallel volume visualization on cuda technology

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    In the medical diagnosis and treatment planning, radiologists and surgeons rely heavily on the slices produced by medical imaging scanners. Unfortunately, most of these scanners can only produce two dimensional images because the machines that can produce three dimensional are very expensive. The two dimensional images from these devices are difficult to interpret because they only show cross-sectional views of the human structure. Consequently, such circumstances require highly qualified doctors to use their expertise in the interpretation of the possible location, size or shape of the abnormalities especially for large datasets of enormous amount of slices. Previously, the concept of reconstructing two dimensional images to three dimensional was introduced. However, such reconstruction model requires high performance computation, may either be time-consuming or costly. Furthermore, detecting the internal features of human anatomical structure, such as the imaging of the blood vessels, is still an open topic in the computer-aided diagnosis of disorders and pathologies. This study proposed, designed and implemented a visualization framework named SurLens with high performance computing using Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA), augmenting the widely proven ray casting technique in terms of superior qualities of images but with slow speed. Considering the rapid development of technology in the medical community, our framework is implemented on Microsoft .NET environment for easy interoperability with other emerging revolutionary tools. The Visualization System was evaluated with brain datasets from the department of Surgery, University of North Carolina, United States, containing 109 datasets of MRA, T1-FLASH, T2-Weighted, DTI and T1-MPRAGE. Significantly, at a reasonably cheaper cost, SurLens Visualization System achieves immediate reconstruction and obvious mappings of the internal features of the human brain, reliable enough for instantaneously locate possible blockages in the brain blood vessels without any prior segmentation of the datasets

    Understanding information needs of Australian business organisations

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    Over the past decade, universities have used repositories as channels to create access to research outputs. Increasingly government and universities are seeking to optimise the impact of their research, particularly to improve public policy. This study looks at the impact of access to research from the perspective of business associations and researchers. It finds that business organisations value trusted timely, relevant research. Accessibility and peer-reviewed research outputs are highly valued but little used. Barriers to use of the research include availability (material not openly accessible), discoverability (ranking on search engines) and knowledge by trusted mediators and connectivity (presentation as part of a cohort of scholarly knowledge). Barriers for researchers include lack of rewards and recognition for research outputs focused on these organisations. The theories used in the study include triple helix, Kautto-Koivula and Huhtaniemi’s model for knowledge and competence management and actor network theory. The study concludes that significant work is required to improve the accessibility and discoverability of research. In particular, the search paradigm is insufficient to provide optimal awareness of and impact of research.Australian Library and Information Associatio

    Primary children’s understanding and relationship with cartoon characters : a multimodal praxis-based research experience

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    This paper presents the research outcomes of a two-year research venture conducted by Attard (2019) which links theory to classroom-based praxis. In brief, the first part of the paper presents a sound theoretical grounding based on international literature about primary school children’s understanding and relationship with cartoon characters. Later, based on the critical theoretical literature review presented in the first part, the paper links the outcomes to two levels of praxis. Initially, it presents how nine / ten-year-old children attending Maltese primary schools understand and relate to cartoon characters based on their everyday cartoon watching experiences. Then, based on an original multimodal framework (Cremona, 2017), as a main conclusion, a set of practical multimodal suggestions are proposed. These suggestions are intended to be used by educators, parents or guardians with primary school children.peer-reviewe