736 research outputs found

    The Fastest Mixing Markov Process on a Graph and a Connection to a Maximum Variance Unfolding Problem

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    We consider a Markov process on a connected graph, with edges labeled with transition rates between the adjacent vertices. The distribution of the Markov process converges to the uniform distribution at a rate determined by the second smallest eigenvalue lambda_2 of the Laplacian of the weighted graph. In this paper we consider the problem of assigning transition rates to the edges so as to maximize lambda_2 subject to a linear constraint on the rates. This is the problem of finding the fastest mixing Markov process (FMMP) on the graph. We show that the FMMP problem is a convex optimization problem, which can in turn be expressed as a semidefinite program, and therefore effectively solved numerically. We formulate a dual of the FMMP problem and show that it has a natural geometric interpretation as a maximum variance unfolding (MVU) problem, , the problem of choosing a set of points to be as far apart as possible, measured by their variance, while respecting local distance constraints. This MVU problem is closely related to a problem recently proposed by Weinberger and Saul as a method for "unfolding" high-dimensional data that lies on a low-dimensional manifold. The duality between the FMMP and MVU problems sheds light on both problems, and allows us to characterize and, in some cases, find optimal solutions

    Quantum machine learning: a classical perspective

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    Recently, increased computational power and data availability, as well as algorithmic advances, have led machine learning techniques to impressive results in regression, classification, data-generation and reinforcement learning tasks. Despite these successes, the proximity to the physical limits of chip fabrication alongside the increasing size of datasets are motivating a growing number of researchers to explore the possibility of harnessing the power of quantum computation to speed-up classical machine learning algorithms. Here we review the literature in quantum machine learning and discuss perspectives for a mixed readership of classical machine learning and quantum computation experts. Particular emphasis will be placed on clarifying the limitations of quantum algorithms, how they compare with their best classical counterparts and why quantum resources are expected to provide advantages for learning problems. Learning in the presence of noise and certain computationally hard problems in machine learning are identified as promising directions for the field. Practical questions, like how to upload classical data into quantum form, will also be addressed.Comment: v3 33 pages; typos corrected and references adde

    Quantum speedup of classical mixing processes

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    Most approximation algorithms for #P-complete problems (e.g., evaluating the permanent of a matrix or the volume of a polytope) work by reduction to the problem of approximate sampling from a distribution π\pi over a large set §\S. This problem is solved using the {\em Markov chain Monte Carlo} method: a sparse, reversible Markov chain PP on §\S with stationary distribution π\pi is run to near equilibrium. The running time of this random walk algorithm, the so-called {\em mixing time} of PP, is O(δ1log1/π)O(\delta^{-1} \log 1/\pi_*) as shown by Aldous, where δ\delta is the spectral gap of PP and π\pi_* is the minimum value of π\pi. A natural question is whether a speedup of this classical method to O(δ1log1/π)O(\sqrt{\delta^{-1}} \log 1/\pi_*), the diameter of the graph underlying PP, is possible using {\em quantum walks}. We provide evidence for this possibility using quantum walks that {\em decohere} under repeated randomized measurements. We show: (a) decoherent quantum walks always mix, just like their classical counterparts, (b) the mixing time is a robust quantity, essentially invariant under any smooth form of decoherence, and (c) the mixing time of the decoherent quantum walk on a periodic lattice Znd\Z_n^d is O(ndlogd)O(n d \log d), which is indeed O(δ1log1/π)O(\sqrt{\delta^{-1}} \log 1/\pi_*) and is asymptotically no worse than the diameter of Znd\Z_n^d (the obvious lower bound) up to at most a logarithmic factor.Comment: 13 pages; v2 revised several part

    Non-reversible Metropolis-Hastings

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    The classical Metropolis-Hastings (MH) algorithm can be extended to generate non-reversible Markov chains. This is achieved by means of a modification of the acceptance probability, using the notion of vorticity matrix. The resulting Markov chain is non-reversible. Results from the literature on asymptotic variance, large deviations theory and mixing time are mentioned, and in the case of a large deviations result, adapted, to explain how non-reversible Markov chains have favorable properties in these respects. We provide an application of NRMH in a continuous setting by developing the necessary theory and applying, as first examples, the theory to Gaussian distributions in three and nine dimensions. The empirical autocorrelation and estimated asymptotic variance for NRMH applied to these examples show significant improvement compared to MH with identical stepsize.Comment: in Statistics and Computing, 201

    Fast MCMC sampling algorithms on polytopes

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    We propose and analyze two new MCMC sampling algorithms, the Vaidya walk and the John walk, for generating samples from the uniform distribution over a polytope. Both random walks are sampling algorithms derived from interior point methods. The former is based on volumetric-logarithmic barrier introduced by Vaidya whereas the latter uses John's ellipsoids. We show that the Vaidya walk mixes in significantly fewer steps than the logarithmic-barrier based Dikin walk studied in past work. For a polytope in Rd\mathbb{R}^d defined by n>dn >d linear constraints, we show that the mixing time from a warm start is bounded as O(n0.5d1.5)\mathcal{O}(n^{0.5}d^{1.5}), compared to the O(nd)\mathcal{O}(nd) mixing time bound for the Dikin walk. The cost of each step of the Vaidya walk is of the same order as the Dikin walk, and at most twice as large in terms of constant pre-factors. For the John walk, we prove an O(d2.5log4(n/d))\mathcal{O}(d^{2.5}\cdot\log^4(n/d)) bound on its mixing time and conjecture that an improved variant of it could achieve a mixing time of O(d2polylog(n/d))\mathcal{O}(d^2\cdot\text{polylog}(n/d)). Additionally, we propose variants of the Vaidya and John walks that mix in polynomial time from a deterministic starting point. The speed-up of the Vaidya walk over the Dikin walk are illustrated in numerical examples.Comment: 86 pages, 9 figures, First two authors contributed equall