12,289 research outputs found

    A Semantics for Propositions as Sessions

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    Abstract. Session types provide a static guarantee that concurrent pro-grams respect communication protocols. Recently, Caires, Pfenning, and Toninho, and Wadler, have developed a correspondence between proposi-tions of linear logic and session typed pi-calculus processes. We relate the cut-elimination semantics of this approach to an operational semantics for session-typed concurrency in a functional language. We begin by pre-senting a variant of Wadler’s session-typed core functional language, GV. We give a small-step operational semantics for GV. We develop a suitable notion of deadlock, based on existing approaches for capturing deadlock in pi-calculus, and show that all well-typed GV programs are deadlock-free, deterministic, and terminating. We relate GV to linear logic by giving translations between GV and CP, a process calculus with a type system and semantics based on classical linear logic. We prove that both directions of our translation preserve reduction; previous translations from GV to CP, in contrast, failed to preserve β-reduction. Furthermore, to demonstrate the modularity of our approach, we define two extensions of GV which preserve deadlock-freedom, determinism, and termination.

    A New Linear Logic for Deadlock-Free Session-Typed Processes

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    The π -calculus, viewed as a core concurrent programming language, has been used as the target of much research on type systems for concurrency. In this paper we propose a new type system for deadlock-free session-typed π -calculus processes, by integrating two separate lines of work. The first is the propositions-as-types approach by Caires and Pfenning, which provides a linear logic foundation for session types and guarantees deadlock-freedom by forbidding cyclic process connections. The second is Kobayashi’s approach in which types are annotated with priorities so that the type system can check whether or not processes contain genuine cyclic dependencies between communication operations. We combine these two techniques for the first time, and define a new and more expressive variant of classical linear logic with a proof assignment that gives a session type system with Kobayashi-style priorities. This can be seen in three ways: (i) as a new linear logic in which cyclic structures can be derived and a CYCLE -elimination theorem generalises CUT -elimination; (ii) as a logically-based session type system, which is more expressive than Caires and Pfenning’s; (iii) as a logical foundation for Kobayashi’s system, bringing it into the sphere of the propositions-as-types paradigm

    Type systems for distributed programs: session communication

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    Distributed systems are everywhere around us and guaranteeing their correctness is of paramount importance. It is natural to expect that these systems interact and communicate among them to achieve a common task. In this work, we develop techniques based on types and type systems for the verification of correctness, consistency and safety properties related to communication in complex distributed systems. We study advanced safety properties related to communication, like deadlock or lock freedom and progress. We study session types in the pi-calculus describing distributed systems and communication-centric computation. Most importantly, we de- fine an encoding of the session pi-calculus into the standard typed pi-calculus in order to understand the expressive power of these concurrent calculi. We show how to derive in the session pi-calculus basic properties, like type safety or complex ones, like progress, by exploiting this encoding

    Synchronous Online Philosophy Courses: An Experiment in Progress

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    There are two main ways to teach a course online: synchronously or asynchronously. In an asynchronous course, students can log on at their convenience and do the course work. In a synchronous course, there is a requirement that all students be online at specific times, to allow for a shared course environment. In this article, the author discusses the strengths and weaknesses of synchronous online learning for the teaching of undergraduate philosophy courses. The author discusses specific strategies and technologies he uses in the teaching of online philosophy courses. In particular, the author discusses how he uses videoconferencing to create a classroom-like environment in an online class

    Verifying Security Properties in Unbounded Multiagent Systems

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    We study the problem of analysing the security for an unbounded number of concurrent sessions of a cryptographic protocol. Our formal model accounts for an arbitrary number of agents involved in a protocol-exchange which is subverted by a Dolev-Yao attacker. We define the parameterised model checking problem with respect to security requirements expressed in temporal-epistemic logics. We formulate sufficient conditions for solving this problem, by analysing several finite models of the system. We primarily explore authentication and key-establishment as part of a larger class of protocols and security requirements amenable to our methodology. We introduce a tool implementing the technique, and we validate it by verifying the NSPK and ASRPC protocols
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