7 research outputs found

    Secure eHealth-Care Service on Self-Organizing Software Platform

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    There are several applications connected to IT health devices on the self-organizing software platform (SoSp) that allow patients or elderly users to be cared for remotely by their family doctors under normal circumstances or during emergencies. An evaluation of the SoSp applied through PAAR watch/self-organizing software platform router was conducted targeting a simple user interface for aging users, without the existence of extrasettings based on patient movement. On the other hand, like normal medical records, the access to, and transmission of, health information via PAAR watch/self-organizing software platform requires privacy protection. This paper proposes a security framework for health information management of the SoSp. The proposed framework was designed to ensure easy detection of identification information for typical users. In addition, it provides powerful protection of the user’s health information

    Adaptive Redundancy Management for Durable P2P Backup

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    We design and analyze the performance of a redundancy management mechanism for Peer-to-Peer backup applications. Armed with the realization that a backup system has peculiar requirements -- namely, data is read over the network only during restore processes caused by data loss -- redundancy management targets data durability rather than attempting to make each piece of information availabile at any time. In our approach each peer determines, in an on-line manner, an amount of redundancy sufficient to counter the effects of peer deaths, while preserving acceptable data restore times. Our experiments, based on trace-driven simulations, indicate that our mechanism can reduce the redundancy by a factor between two and three with respect to redundancy policies aiming for data availability. These results imply an according increase in storage capacity and decrease in time to complete backups, at the expense of longer times required to restore data. We believe this is a very reasonable price to pay, given the nature of the application. We complete our work with a discussion on practical issues, and their solutions, related to which encoding technique is more suitable to support our scheme

    Secure P2P Data Storage and Maintenance

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    P2P data storage requires strong reliability and security assurances. Existing data storage solutions have been designed for centralized as well as distributed settings; yet they do not address the security and cooperation issues raised by self-organization. P2P systems also introduce new needs regarding data availability due to the dynamicity of the infrastructure, which are unaddressed so far. This paper first discusses the approaches for tackling these problems. A solution is then introduced that relies on self-organizing security mechanisms in conjunction with a data rejuvenation scheme using erasure codes

    Methods for improving resilience in communication networks and P2P overlays

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    Resilience to failures and deliberate attacks is becoming an essential requirement in most communication networks today. This also applies to P2P Overlays which on the one hand are created on top of communication infrastructures, and therefore are equally affected by failures of the underlying infrastructure, but which on the other hand introduce new possibilities like the creation of arbitrary links within the overlay. In this article, we present a survey of strategies to improve resilience in communication networks as well as in P2P overlay networks. Furthermore, our intention is to point out differences and similarities in the resilience-enhancing measures for both types of networks. By revising some basic concepts from graph theory, we show that many concepts for communication networks are based on well-known graph-theoretical problems. Especially, some methods for the construction of protection paths in advance of a failure are based on very hard problems, indeed many of them are in NP and can only be solved heuristically or on certain topologies. P2P overlay networks evidently benefit from resilience-enhancing strategies in the underlying communication infrastructure, but beyond that, their specific properties pose the need for more sophisticated mechanisms. The dynamic nature of peers requires to take some precautions, like estimating the reliability of peers, redundantly storing information, and provisioning a reliable routing

    A security protocol for self-organizing data storage

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