14 research outputs found

    A Framework for Security Metrics Based on Operational System Attributes

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    There exists a large number of suggestions for how to measure security, and in many cases the goal is to find a single overall metric of security. Given that security is a complex and multi-faceted property, we believe that there are fundamental problems to find such an overall metric. Thus, we suggest a framework for security metrics that is based on a number of system attributes taken from the security and the dependability disciplines. We then regroup those attributes according to an existing conceptual system model and propose a metrication framework in accordance. We suggest that there should be metrics related to protective attributes, to behavioural attributes and possibly to system correctness. Thus, the main idea is that security metrication should be split up and related to a number of specific attributes, and that a composite security metric is hard to define

    How to Quantify the Security Level of Embedded Systems? A Taxonomy of Security Metrics

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    Embedded Systems (ES) development has been historically focused on functionality rather than security, and today it still applies in many sectors and applications. However, there is an increasing number of security threats over ES, and a successful attack could have economical, physical or even human consequences, since many of them are used to control critical applications. A standardized and general accepted security testing framework is needed to provide guidance, common reporting forms and the possibility to compare the results along the time. This can be achieved by introducing security metrics into the evaluation or assessment process. If carefully designed and chosen, metrics could provide a quantitative, repeatable and reproducible value that would reflect the level of security protection of the ES. This paper analyzes the features that a good security metric should exhibit, introduces a taxonomy for classifying them, and finally, it carries out a literature survey on security metrics for the security evaluation of ES. In this review, more than 500 metrics were collected and analyzed. Then, they were reduced to 169 metrics that have the potential to be applied to ES security evaluation. As expected, the 77.5% of them is related exclusively to software, and only the 0.6% of them addresses exclusively hardware security. This work aims to lay the foundations for constructing a security evaluation methodology that uses metrics so as to quantify the security level of an ES

    Identifying Suitable Attributes for Security and Dependability Metrication

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    In this paper, we suggest a framework for security and dependability metrics that is based on a number of non-functional system attributes. The attributes are the traditional security attributes (the “CIA”) and a set of dependability attributes. Based on a system model, we group those attributes into protective attributes and behavioural attributes and propose that metrication should be done in accordance. We also discuss the dependence between these two sets of attributes and how it affects the corresponding metrics. The metrics themselves are only defined to a limited degree. The concepts of security and dependability largely reflect the same basic system meta-property and are partly overlapping. We claim that the suggested approach will facilitate making quantitative assessment of the integrated concept of security and dependability as reflected by those attributes

    A machine learning-based investigation of cloud service attacks

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    In this thesis, the security challenges of cloud computing are investigated in the Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) layer, as security is one of the major concerns related to Cloud services. As IaaS consists of different security terms, the research has been further narrowed down to focus on Network Layer Security. Review of existing research revealed that several types of attacks and threats can affect cloud security. Therefore, there is a need for intrusion defence implementations to protect cloud services. Intrusion Detection (ID) is one of the most effective solutions for reacting to cloud network attacks. [Continues.

    Modeling of Security Measurement (Metrics) in an Information System

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    Security metrics and measurement is a sub-field of broader information security field. This field is not new but it got very least and sporadic attention as a result of which it is still in its early stages. The measurement and evaluation of security now became a long standing challenge to the research community. Much of the focus remained towards devising and the application of new and updated protection mechanisms. Measurements in general act as a driving force in decision making. As stated by Lord Kelvin “if you cannot measure it then you cannot improve it”. This principle is also applicable to security measurement of information systems. Even if the necessary and required protection mechanisms are in place still the level of security remains unknown, which limits the decision making capabilities to improve the security of a system. With the increasing reliance on these information systems in general and software systems in particular security measurement has become the most pressing requirement in order to promote and develop the security critical systems in the current networked environment. The resultant indicators of security measurement preferably the quantative indicators act as a basis for the decision making to enhance the security of overall system. The information systems are comprised of various components such as people, hardware, data, network and software. With the fast growing reliance on the software systems, the research reported in this thesis aims to provide a framework using mathematical modeling techniques for evaluation of security of the software systems at the architectural and design phase of the system lifecycle and the derived security metrics on a controlled scale from the proposed framework. The proposed security evaluation framework is independent of the programing language and the platform used in developing the system and also is applicable from small desktop application to large complex distributed software. The validation process of security metrics is the most challenging part of the security metrics field. In this thesis we have conducted the exploratory empirical evaluation on a running system to validate the derived security metrics and the measurement results. To make the task easy we have transformed the proposed security evaluation into algorithmic form which increased the applicability of the proposed framework without requiring any expert security knowledge. The motivation of the research is to provide the software development team with a tool to evaluate the level of security of each of the element of the system and the overall system at the early development stages of the system life cycle. In this regard three question “What is to be measured?”, “where (in the system life cycle) to measure?” and “how to measure?” have been answered in the thesis. Since the field of security metrics and measurements is still in the its early stages, the first part of the thesis investigates and analyzes the basic terminologies , taxonomies and major efforts made towards security metrics based on the literature survey. Answering the second question “Where (in the system life cycle) to measure security”, the second part of the thesis analyzes the secure software development processes (SSDPs) followed and identifies the key stages of the system’s life cycle where the evaluation of security is necessary. Answering the question 1 and 2, “What is to be measured “and “How to measure”, third part of the thesis presents a security evaluation framework aimed at the software architecture and design phase using mathematical modeling techniques. In the proposed framework, the component based architecture and design (CBAD) using UML 2.0 component modeling techniques has been adopted. Further in part 3 of the thesis present the empirical evaluation of the proposed framework to validate and analyze the applicability and feasibility of the proposed security metrics. Our effort is to get the focus of the software development community to focus on the security evaluation in the software development process in order to take the early decisions regarding the security of the overall system

    A Security Metrics Taxonomization Model for Software-Intensive Systems

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    A security metrics taxonomization model for software-intensive systems

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    Abstract: We introduce a novel high-level security metrics objective taxonomization model for soft-ware-intensive systems. The model systematizes and organizes security metrics development activities. It focuses on the security level and security performance of technical systems while taking into account the alignment of metrics objectives with different business and other management goals. The model emphasizes the roles of security-enforcing mechanisms, the overall security quality of the system un-der investigation, and secure system lifecycle, project and business management. Security correctness, effectiveness and efficiency are seen as the fundamental measurement objectives, determining the di-rections for more detailed security metrics development. Integration of the proposed model with risk-driven security metrics development approaches is also discussed