6 research outputs found

    Ontology in Information Security

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    The past several years we have witnessed that information has become the most precious asset, while protection and security of information is becoming an ever greater challenge due to the large amount of knowledge necessary for organizations to successfully withstand external threats and attacks. This knowledge collected from the domain of information security can be formally described by security ontologies. A large number of researchers during the last decade have dealt with this issue, and in this paper we have tried to identify, analyze and systematize the relevant papers published in scientific journals indexed in selected scientific databases, in period from 2004 to 2014. This paper gives a review of literature in the field of information security ontology and identifies a total of 52 papers systematized in three groups: general security ontologies (12 papers), specific security ontologies (32 papers) and theoretical works (8 papers). The papers were of different quality and level of detail and varied from presentations of simple conceptual ideas to sophisticated frameworks based on ontology

    Automation of Information Security Risk Assessment

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    An information security audit method (ISA) for a distributed computer network (DCN) of an informatization object (OBI) has been developed. Proposed method is based on the ISA procedures automation by using Bayesian networks (BN) and artificial neural networks (ANN) to assess the risks. It was shown that such a combination of BN and ANN makes it possible to quickly determine the actual risks for OBI information security (IS). At the same time, data from sensors of various hardware and software information security means (ISM) in the OBI DCS segments are used as the initial information. It was shown that the automation of ISA procedures based on the use of BN and ANN allows the DCN IS administrator to respond dynamically to threats in a real time manner, to promptly select effective countermeasures to protect the DC

    Automation of Information Security Risk Assessment

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    An information security audit method (ISA) for a distributed computer network (DCN) of an informatization object (OBI) has been developed. Proposed method is based on the ISA procedures automation by using Bayesian networks (BN) and artificial neural networks (ANN) to assess the risks. It was shown that such a combination of BN and ANN makes it possible to quickly determine the actual risks for OBI information security (IS). At the same time, data from sensors of various hardware and software information security means (ISM) in the OBI DCS segments are used as the initial information. It was shown that the automation of ISA procedures based on the use of BN and ANN allows the DCN IS administrator to respond dynamically to threats in a real time manner, to promptly select effective countermeasures to protect the DC

    A proposed framework that enhances the quality of cyber security audits

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    The need to protect information systems or assets remains crucial today. Innovations in technology have led to rapid developments and as technology continues to advance, so is the need to protect information systems. Amongst numerous effects of cyber-attacks on organizations, huge financial losses which in turn affect the economy have since been reported. Cyber security audits need to be strengthened to tighten the protection of information systems. The importance of cybersecurity audits is widely endorsed in literature. Nonetheless, frameworks used to audit cybersecurity are viewed as‘sometimes' weak links to cybersecurity due to their drawbacks in auditing cyber security. A review of literature indicated that cyber-attacks are more rampant in the African continent with the financial sector being the most targeted. Literature also highlighted that the use of relevant frameworks for auditing cyber security improves the quality and effectiveness of audits thereby enhancing cyber security. Studies in information systems have mostly looked at the adoption of frameworks, types of cyber threats and tools needed to audit. Nonetheless, it is important to note that few scholars have examined the applicability and effectiveness of the existing frameworks in auditing cyber security. Furthermore, previous studies emphasize on enhancing cyber security without a particular focus on auditing cyber security including assessing the role of the auditor during the process. As a result, this study looked at cyber security from an auditing perspective with a particular focus on the strengths and weaknesses of the current frameworks that are being used to audit cyber security including. The study also looked at the factors that enhance the effectiveness of cyber security audits. The study draws from different theories, literature and from the strengths and drawbacks of existing frameworks to create an explanatory model. To statistically test and evaluate the model, a quantitative research approach was employed to collect, analyze, and interpret data from South Africa. Data was collected using a questionnaire which was distributed to IT auditors and cyber security professionals from the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) South African chapter members. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) cyber security framework was found to be the widely adopted framework followed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards, with the Control Objectives for Information Technologies (COBIT) being the least employed framework. The COBIT framework was found to be more aligned to Information Technology governance rather than cyber security. Furthermore, results of this study indicate that effectiveness of cyber security audits is dependent upon competencies of auditors including their ethics and integrity. Results further indicate that frameworks used for auditing are effective to some extent if properly implemented. A proper alignment of an auditor's competencies which include ethics and integrity, and an adoption of a relevant framework will result in effective cyber security audits that reduce the risks of cyber-attacks. Concerning the contribution to practice, results from this study can help organizations to determine and review focus areas of cyber security auditing that they need to emphasize and develop on. Furthermore, the developed model can be used by auditors to develop an audit plan and conduct audits that are effective in identifying, protecting, detecting, preventing, and recovering information systems or assets. The methodological, theoretical, and practical contributions are further discussed in this thesis along with limitations, recommendations, and areas for future research

    HCAPP-SEC : selection and analysis of security assessment items based on heuristics and criteria

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    Orientador: Mario JinoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: Nos dias atuais, o software tem papel importante na maioria das indústrias e áreas de atividade. Os aspectos relacionados à segurança da informação são críticos, com forte impacto na qualidade dos sistemas. Como saber se uma determinada avaliação de segurança foi boa ou suficiente? Por meio de critérios e heurísticas é possível determinar a suficiência da avaliação de segurança e, consequentemente, analisar sua qualidade. Fontes de conhecimento (normas, padrões, conjuntos de casos de teste) e seus itens de avaliação são instrumentos essenciais para avaliar a segurança dos sistemas. Para criar projetos de avaliação de segurança mais efetivos é necessário saber as propriedades de segurança e as dimensões de avaliação abordadas em cada item de uma fonte de conhecimento de segurança. Nesta tese, uma abordagem para selecionar e analisar itens de avaliação de segurança (HCApp-Sec) é proposta; suas bases provêm de critérios e heurísticas de avaliação e visam a aumentar a cobertura das dimensões de avaliação e propriedades de segurança dos projetos de avaliação. A abordagem centra-se em selecionar itens de avaliação de forma sistemática. Sistematiza-se o processo de avaliação de segurança por meio da formalização conceitual da área de avaliação de segurança; uma ontologia (SecAOnto) é usada para explicitar os conceitos principais. HCApp-Sec pode ser aplicada a qualquer fonte de conhecimento de segurança para selecionar ou analisar itens de avaliação em relação a 11 propriedades de segurança e 6 dimensões de avaliação. A abordagem é flexível e permite que outras dimensões e propriedades sejam incorporadas. Nossa proposta visa a apoiar: (i) a geração de projetos de avaliação de segurança de alta cobertura que incluam itens mais abrangentes e com cobertura assegurada das principais características de segurança e (ii) a avaliação de fontes de conhecimento de segurança em relação à cobertura de aspectos de segurança. Em um estudo de caso, um mapeamento de fontes de conhecimento de segurança é apresentado. Então, aplica-se a proposta a uma fonte de conhecimento de segurança bem conhecida (ISO/IEC 27001); seus itens são analisadosAbstract: Nowadays, software plays an important role in most industries and application domains. The aspects related to information security are critical, with a strong impact on systems quality. How to know whether a particular security assessment was good or sufficient? By means of criteria and heuristics it is possible to determine the sufficiency of the security assessment and consequently to analyze its quality. Knowledge sources (standards, patterns, sets of test cases) and their assessment items are essential instruments for evaluation of systems security. To create security assessment designs with suitable assessment items we need to know which security properties and assessment dimensions are covered by each knowledge source. We propose an approach for selecting and analyzing security assessment items (HCApp-Sec); its foundations come from assessment criteria and heuristics and it aims to increase the coverage of assessment dimensions and security properties in assessment designs. Our proposal focuses on the selection of better assessment items in a systematic manner. We systematize the security assessment process by means of a conceptual formalization of the security assessment area; an ontology of security assessment makes explicit the main concepts. HCApp-Sec can be applied to any security knowledge source to select or analyze assessment items with respect to 11 security properties and 6 assessment dimensions. The approach is flexible and allows other dimensions and properties to be incorporated. Our proposal is meant to support: (i) the generation of high-coverage assessment designs which includes security assessment items with assured coverage of the main security characteristics and (ii) evaluation of security standards with respect to coverage of security aspects. We have applied our proposal to a well known security knowledge source (ISO/IEC 27001); their assessment items were analyzedDoutoradoEngenharia de ComputaçãoDoutor em Engenharia Elétric