69 research outputs found

    Information Management in Product Development Workflows – A Novel Approach on the basis of Pseudonymization of Product Information

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    AbstractInformation stored in the documentation of a product constitutes in many aspects the intellectual property (IP) of an enterprise. This valuable knowledge, built over years of extensive research and development deserves special attention and protection. Especially the context of distributed product development activities and increased collaborations with external partners puts companies at a growing risk that unauthorized individuals obtain access to this prized capital. In this paper, we present a novel concept for managing and sharing sensitive information in product development processes. Product information is separated and subsequently pseudonymized into independent blocks of data fragments which can be reassembled to specific information levels depending on the requirements of the organization. Thus, a user can be given access to that level of information specifically required to complete the task. The product information itself is only available as unordered data fragments and no longer interpretable even in case of data theft. By doing so, a comprehensive protection against internal and external abuse of sensitive product information can be realized which can easily be combined with existing concepts in the field of information protection

    Self Controllable Health Care Monitoring Arrangement for Patient

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    In this undertaking is utilized to the Condition care monitoring system. Distributed Healthcare cloud computing arrangement considerably facilitates effectual patient treatment for health consultation by allocating confidential condition data amid healthcare providers. Though, it brings concerning the trial of keeping both the data confidentiality and patients’ individuality privacy simultaneously. Countless continuing admission manipulation and nameless authentication schemes cannot be straightforwardly exploited. The arrangement acts there are provider, doctor, patient and admin. The provider is list to website to consent staying to appeal dispatch to admin. Admin is Proved to in a particular provider it deeds to the present add to doctors and hospital divisions established. User or Patient is list to the site. Patient Login to present the deed booking the doctor appointment in situation patient to dispatch a feedback to that doctor treatment comments onward to admin. Doctors is add provider to dispatch a username and password .Doctor is login to think patient appointment features and checking the doctor is present patient or fake user to identified to dispatch to symptoms description upload files(x-ray).Admin is finished procedure is upheld in this system. Patient dispatch doctors feedback bad or wrong to particular doctors appointment annulled temporally. In this undertaking generally utilized for patient and hospital ,doctors features through online upheld for India astute established on card

    A Generic Architecture for Integrating Health Monitoring and Advanced Care Provisioning

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    This paper presents a novel approach for advanced person- alized care and health services. It consists of four tiers and presents a high level of openness, privacy and manageability compared to existing systems. Moreover, the architecture is driven by realistic underlying business opportunities and is validated through the design of multiple scenarios.status: publishe

    Evaluation of the Precision-Privacy Tradeoff of Data Perturbation for Smart Metering

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    Abstract: Smart grid users and standardization committees require that utilities and third parties collecting metering data employ techniques for limiting the level of precision of the gathered household measurements to a granularity no finer than what is required for providing the expected service. Data aggregation and data perturbation are two such techniques. This paper provides quantitative means to identify a tradeoff between the aggregation set size, the precision on the aggregated measurements, and the privacy level. This is achieved by formally defining an attack to the privacy of an individual user and calculating how much its success probability is reduced by applying data perturbation. Under the assumption of time-correlation of the measurements, colored noise can be used to even further reduce the success probability. The tightness of the analytical results is evaluated by comparing them to experimental data

    Privacy in Smart Homes Using Privacy Impact Assessment to Inspect Privacy Issues in a Smart Home

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    IoT has an ever-increasing amount of development as more and more different devices connect to the Internet and become IoT devices. For the regular private user, the smart home may be the most enticing domain of IoT as it can be used to ease their lives. Smart home and smart home devices are one of the subfields of the Internet of Things. They allow the inhabitants to control various home devices remotely from anywhere within the house or anywhere in the world at any particular time. Smart homes have several benefits. They are improving the quality of individuals' lives, as individuals can control their various smart devices at any time. In addition, a smart home allows individuals to have greater control of their energy use. Other pros of smart homes include complete control over devices, increased convenience, and insurance benefits. However, regardless of the many benefits of smart homes, they are also associated with various challenges. Security and privacy are significant challenges related to the smart home environment. This thesis will discuss the privacy impact of smart homes and smart devices. Four different devices have been included, and each device will be analyzed to conclude what private sensitive information they collect. Moreover, a privacy impact assessment (PIA) tool will be used to conclude whether our manual analysis of the devices was correct or not. Lastly, we will propose some solutions that we consider will increase the protection of users' privacy

    A data flow process for confidential data and its application in a health research project

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    Background The use of linked healthcare data in research has the potential to make major contributions to knowledge generation and service improvement. However, using healthcare data for secondary purposes raises legal and ethical concerns relating to confidentiality, privacy and data protection rights. Using a linkage and anonymisation approach that processes data lawfully and in line with ethical best practice to create an anonymous (non-personal) dataset can address these concerns, yet there is no set approach for defining all of the steps involved in such data flow end-to-end. We aimed to define such an approach with clear steps for dataset creation, and to describe its utilisation in a case study linking healthcare data. Methods We developed a data flow protocol that generates pseudonymous datasets that can be reversibly linked, or irreversibly linked to form an anonymous research dataset. It was designed and implemented by the Comprehensive Patient Records (CPR) study in Leeds, UK. Results We defined a clear approach that received ethico-legal approval for use in creating an anonymous research dataset. Our approach used individual-level linkage through a mechanism that is not computer-intensive and was rendered irreversible to both data providers and processors. We successfully applied it in the CPR study to hospital and general practice and community electronic health record data from two providers, along with patient reported outcomes, for 365,193 patients. The resultant anonymous research dataset is available via DATA-CAN, the Health Data Research Hub for Cancer in the UK. Conclusions Through ethical, legal and academic review, we believe that we contribute a defined approach that represents a framework that exceeds current minimum standards for effective pseudonymisation and anonymisation. This paper describes our methods and provides supporting information to facilitate the use of this approach in research
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