26 research outputs found

    A Review of Issues in Healthcare Information Management Systems and Blockchain Solutions

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    Healthcare is a data-driven domain where a large volumes of data are created, accessed, stored, and disseminated daily. In this paper, issues such as security, privacy, data transparency, interoperability, data accessibility, user interface issues in healthcare information management systems are presented. In addition, blockchain technology related studies in healthcare information systems are discussed with the aim to find what issues in healthcare system present research opportunities using blockchains

    Privacy-preserving pandemic monitoring

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    A Comprehensive Review on Blockchain Technology in Healthcare System

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    Blockchain technology is a transformative force with far-reaching implications in various professional sectors, including healthcare. This technology is characterized by its continuous evolution, fostering trust and information security across geographical distances through a linked series of data blocks. In recent years, the surge in blockchain adoption has spurred extensive research and innovation, particularly in healthcare applications. This survey offers a comprehensive examination of emerging blockchain-based healthcare technologies and their associated applications. It delves into key research areas within this rapidly growing field, providing detailed insights. Moreover, it underscores the potential of blockchain technology to revolutionize the healthcare industry by enhancing data security, fostering transparency, and enabling innovative solutions

    Using Blockchain to Achieve Decentralized Privacy In IoT Healthcare

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    With the advent of the Internet of Things (IoT), e-health has become one of the main topics of research. Due to the sensitivity of patient information, patient privacy seems challenging. Nowadays, patient data is usually stored in the cloud in healthcare programs, making it difficult for users to have enough control over their data. The recent increment in announced cases of security and surveillance breaches compromising patients' privacy call into question the conventional model, in which third-parties gather and control immense amounts of patients' Healthcare data. In this work, we try to resolve the issues mentioned above by using blockchain technology. We propose a blockchain-based protocol suitable for e-health applications that does not require trust in a third party and provides an efficient privacy-preserving access control mechanism. Transactions in our proposed system, unlike Bitcoin, are not entirely financial, and we do not use conventional methods for consensus operations in blockchain like Proof of Work (PoW). It is not suitable for IoT applications because IoT devices have resources-constraints. Usage of appropriate consensus method helps us to increase network security and efficiency, as well as reducing network cost, i.e., bandwidth and processor usage. Finally, we provide security and privacy analysis of our proposed protocol.Comment: 6 page

    Enhanced Information Systems Success Model for Patient Information Assurance

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    The current health information systems have many challenges such as lack of standard user interfaces, data security and privacy issues, inability to uniquely identify patients across multiple hospital information systems, probable misuse of patient data, high technological costs, resistance to technology deployments in hospital management, lack of data gathering, processing and analysis standardization. All these challenges, among others hamper either the acceptance of the health information systems, operational efficiency or expose patient information to cyber attacks. In this paper, an enhanced information systems success model for patient information assurance is developed using an amalgamation of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Information Systems Success Model (ISS). This involved the usage of Linear Structured Relationship (LISREL) software to model a combination of ISS and Intention to Use (ITU), TAM and ITU, ISS and user satisfaction (US), and finally TAM and US. The sample size of 110 respondents was obtained based on the total population of 221 using the Conhrans formula. Thereafter, simple random sampling was employed to select members within each category of employees to take part in the study. The questionnaire as a research tool was checked for reliability via Cronbach’s Alpha. The results obtained showed that for ISS and ITU modeling, only perceived ease of use, system features, response time, flexibility, timeliness, accuracy, responsiveness and user training positively influenced the intention to use. However, for the TAM and ITU modeling, only TAM’s measures such as timely information, efficiency, increased transparency, and proper patient identification had a positive effect on intension to use. The ISS and US modeling revealed that perceived ease of use had the greatest impact on user satisfaction while response time had the least effect on user satisfaction. On its part, the TAM and US modeling showed that timely information, effectiveness, consistency, enhanced communication, and proper patients identification had a positive influence on user satisfaction

    Enhancing E-commerce Security: The Effectiveness of Blockchain Technology in Protecting Against Fraudulent Transactions

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    This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of blockchain technology in securing e-commerce transactions and protecting against fraud. The study examines the application of blockchain technology in various e-commerce platforms and identifies its potential to enhance transaction security and reduce the risk of fraud. The study found that blockchain technology offers several advantages in securing e-commerce transactions. One of the key findings is that the immutable nature of blockchain records ensures that transaction data cannot be tampered with once it has been recorded. This makes it almost impossible for fraudsters to manipulate e-commerce transactions, ensuring the authenticity and integrity of the data. The study also found that cryptographic security is a crucial aspect of blockchain technology that enhances e-commerce transaction security. The use of digital signatures, hash functions, and encryption algorithms ensure that transactions are secure and private, preventing unauthorized access to transaction data. Decentralized consensus is another key finding of this study. The study found that the validation and confirmation of transactions by a network of nodes rather than a central authority makes it difficult for fraudsters to manipulate or alter transactions since they would need to compromise a large number of nodes to do so. The study further discovered that the automation of e-commerce transactions using smart contracts enhances transaction security and reduces the risk of fraud. Smart contracts automate the execution of e-commerce transactions, ensuring that they are carried out according to pre-defined rules and conditions, eliminating the need for intermediaries and reducing the risk of fraud. The study identified that the traceability of transactions and their associated data using blockchain technology makes it easier to identify and investigate fraudulent activities

    Pregled primjene blockchain tehnologije: perspektiva organizacije i menadžmenta

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    Danas je bitcoin jedna od najpomodnijih riječi u svijetu informacijske tehnologije. Bitcoin je digitalni novac čije transakcije se odvijaju preko interneta u decentraliziranom sustavu koji se zove blockchain. Blockchain je decentralizirana tehnologija upravljanja podatcima koja omogućuje distribuciju podataka. Ova je tehnologija prvo razvijena u financijskoj domeni, i to za bitcoin. Danas se primjenjuje u širokom spektru domena. Temeljno istraživačko pitanje ovoga rada je istražiti aktualne domene primjene i teme istraživanja u ovom području, identificirati izazove i smjernice za buduća istraživanja vezana uz blockchain tehnologiju. Fokus rada je na razumijevanju blockchaina iz perspektivu organizacije i menadžmenta. Sistematski pregled literature napravljen je u svrhu odgovora na istraživačka pitanja i analizirani su podatci iz primarnih istraživanja koja se bave primjenom blockchain tehnologije. Temeljem dobivenih rezultata daju se smjernice za buduća istraživanja u ovom području

    Revisión sistemática del uso de Blockchains en datos clínicos y su aplicación en Colombia

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    Trabajo de investigaciónEste documento presenta una revisión sistemática realizada en 3 fuentes de datos como IEEE, Scopus y Web of Science, buscando una síntesis de información para visualizar qué aplicaciones o desarrollos hay en el mundo acerca de blockchain, qué temas y soluciones abarca, qué se está tratando, qué implantaciones hay en curso y cuáles son los retos actuales y futuros para de esta manera divisar cuáles pueden ser los campos en los que esta tecnología se incorpore en la salud colombiana.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. GENERALIDADES 2. PLANIFICACIÓN DE LA REVISIÓN SISTEMÁTICA 3. RESULTADOS 4. DESARROLLO DE LA PROPUESTA CONCLUSIONES RECOMENDACIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍA ANEXOSPregradoIngeniero de Sistema