4 research outputs found


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    Objetivo: Conhecer os dilemas éticos vivenciados na prática da equipe de saúde no cuidado à pessoa em tratamento oncológico. Métodos: Trata-se de estudo qualitativo realizado em unidades de assistência de alta complexidade em oncologia no município de Feira de Santana-Bahia. Foi realizada uma entrevista semiestruturada, que contou com a participação de onze profissionais da área da saúde. A análise dos dados ocorreu através Análise de Conteúdo proposta por Bardin. Resultados: O estudo apontou que os profissionais de saúde que lidam com pessoas em tratamento oncológico vivenciam dilemas éticos na prática, frente a: cuidados paliativos; não revelar o diagnóstico a pessoa com câncer; dúvida quanto as manobras para reanimar ou não; negação/depressão da pessoa com diagnóstico de câncer e seus familiares. Conclusão: Os profissionais de saúde vivenciam dilemas éticos cotidianamente, entretanto muitas vezes não os reconhecem, bem como ficam na dúvida para tomar decisões

    Radar-Based Hierarchical Human Activity Classification

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    Worldwide the ageing population is increasing, and there are new requirements from governments to keep people at home longer. As a consequence assisted living has been an active area of research, and radar has been identified as an emerging technology of choice for indoor activity monitoring. Activity classification has been investigated, but is often limited by the classification accuracy in the most challenging yet realistic cases. This paper aims to evaluate and improve the accuracy in classifying six commonly performed indoor activities from the University of Glasgow open dataset. For activity classification, the selection of features to discriminate between activities is paramount. Activity classification is usually done as one vs all strategy with one classifier and a set of features to distinguish between all the activities. In this paper, we propose to optimise the feature selection and classifier choice per activity using a hierarchical classification structure. This strategy reached 95.4% accuracy for all activities and about 100% for walking, opening the field for personnel recognition

    A Secure Occupational Therapy Framework for Monitoring Cancer Patients’ Quality of Life

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    Once diagnosed with cancer, a patient goes through a series of diagnosis and tests, which are referred to as “after cancer treatment”. Due to the nature of the treatment and side effects, maintaining quality of life (QoL) in the home environment is a challenging task. Sometimes, a cancer patient’s situation changes abruptly as the functionality of certain organs deteriorates, which affects their QoL. One way of knowing the physiological functional status of a cancer patient is to design an occupational therapy. In this paper, we propose a blockchain and off-chain-based framework, which will allow multiple medical and ambient intelligent Internet of Things sensors to capture the QoL information from one’s home environment and securely share it with their community of interest. Using our proposed framework, both transactional records and multimedia big data can be shared with an oncologist or palliative care unit for real-time decision support. We have also developed blockchain-based data analytics, which will allow a clinician to visualize the immutable history of the patient’s data available from an in-home secure monitoring system for a better understanding of a patient’s current or historical states. Finally, we will present our current implementation status, which provides significant encouragement for further development