8,147 research outputs found

    Statistical Analysis of Bus Networks in India

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    Through the past decade the field of network science has established itself as a common ground for the cross-fertilization of exciting inter-disciplinary studies which has motivated researchers to model almost every physical system as an interacting network consisting of nodes and links. Although public transport networks such as airline and railway networks have been extensively studied, the status of bus networks still remains in obscurity. In developing countries like India, where bus networks play an important role in day-to-day commutation, it is of significant interest to analyze its topological structure and answer some of the basic questions on its evolution, growth, robustness and resiliency. In this paper, we model the bus networks of major Indian cities as graphs in \textit{L}-space, and evaluate their various statistical properties using concepts from network science. Our analysis reveals a wide spectrum of network topology with the common underlying feature of small-world property. We observe that the networks although, robust and resilient to random attacks are particularly degree-sensitive. Unlike real-world networks, like Internet, WWW and airline, which are virtual, bus networks are physically constrained. The presence of various geographical and economic constraints allow these networks to evolve over time. Our findings therefore, throw light on the evolution of such geographically and socio-economically constrained networks which will help us in designing more efficient networks in the future.Comment: Submitted to PLOS ON

    A review of Monte Carlo simulations of polymers with PERM

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    In this review, we describe applications of the pruned-enriched Rosenbluth method (PERM), a sequential Monte Carlo algorithm with resampling, to various problems in polymer physics. PERM produces samples according to any given prescribed weight distribution, by growing configurations step by step with controlled bias, and correcting "bad" configurations by "population control". The latter is implemented, in contrast to other population based algorithms like e.g. genetic algorithms, by depth-first recursion which avoids storing all members of the population at the same time in computer memory. The problems we discuss all concern single polymers (with one exception), but under various conditions: Homopolymers in good solvents and at the Θ\Theta point, semi-stiff polymers, polymers in confining geometries, stretched polymers undergoing a forced globule-linear transition, star polymers, bottle brushes, lattice animals as a model for randomly branched polymers, DNA melting, and finally -- as the only system at low temperatures, lattice heteropolymers as simple models for protein folding. PERM is for some of these problems the method of choice, but it can also fail. We discuss how to recognize when a result is reliable, and we discuss also some types of bias that can be crucial in guiding the growth into the right directions.Comment: 29 pages, 26 figures, to be published in J. Stat. Phys. (2011

    Multicritical Phases of the O(n) Model on a Random Lattice

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    We exhibit the multicritical phase structure of the loop gas model on a random surface. The dense phase is reconsidered, with special attention paid to the topological points g=1/pg=1/p. This phase is complementary to the dilute and higher multicritical phases in the sense that dense models contain the same spectrum of bulk operators (found in the continuum by Lian and Zuckerman) but a different set of boundary operators. This difference illuminates the well-known (p,q)(p,q) asymmetry of the matrix chain models. Higher multicritical phases are constructed, generalizing both Kazakov's multicritical models as well as the known dilute phase models. They are quite likely related to multicritical polymer theories recently considered independently by Saleur and Zamolodchikov. Our results may be of help in defining such models on {\it flat} honeycomb lattices; an unsolved problem in polymer theory. The phase boundaries correspond again to ``topological'' points with g=p/1g=p/1 integer, which we study in some detail. Two qualitatively different types of critical points are discovered for each such gg. For the special point g=2g=2 we demonstrate that the dilute phase O(2)O(-2) model does {\it not} correspond to the Parisi-Sourlas model, a result likely to hold as well for the flat case. Instead it is proven that the first {\it multicritical} O(2)O(-2) point possesses the Parisi-Sourlas supersymmetry.}Comment: 28 pages, 4 figures (not included

    Weighted Scale-free Networks in Euclidean Space Using Local Selection Rule

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    A spatial scale-free network is introduced and studied whose motivation has been originated in the growing Internet as well as the Airport networks. We argue that in these real-world networks a new node necessarily selects one of its neighbouring local nodes for connection and is not controlled by the preferential attachment as in the Barab\'asi-Albert (BA) model. This observation has been mimicked in our model where the nodes pop-up at randomly located positions in the Euclidean space and are connected to one end of the nearest link. In spite of this crucial difference it is observed that the leading behaviour of our network is like the BA model. Defining link weight as an algebraic power of its Euclidean length, the weight distribution and the non-linear dependence of the nodal strength on the degree are analytically calculated. It is claimed that a power law decay of the link weights with time ensures such a non-linear behavior. Switching off the Euclidean space from the same model yields a much simpler definition of the Barab\'asi-Albert model where numerical effort grows linearly with NN.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    High-dimensional Ising model selection using 1{\ell_1}-regularized logistic regression

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    We consider the problem of estimating the graph associated with a binary Ising Markov random field. We describe a method based on 1\ell_1-regularized logistic regression, in which the neighborhood of any given node is estimated by performing logistic regression subject to an 1\ell_1-constraint. The method is analyzed under high-dimensional scaling in which both the number of nodes pp and maximum neighborhood size dd are allowed to grow as a function of the number of observations nn. Our main results provide sufficient conditions on the triple (n,p,d)(n,p,d) and the model parameters for the method to succeed in consistently estimating the neighborhood of every node in the graph simultaneously. With coherence conditions imposed on the population Fisher information matrix, we prove that consistent neighborhood selection can be obtained for sample sizes n=Ω(d3logp)n=\Omega(d^3\log p) with exponentially decaying error. When these same conditions are imposed directly on the sample matrices, we show that a reduced sample size of n=Ω(d2logp)n=\Omega(d^2\log p) suffices for the method to estimate neighborhoods consistently. Although this paper focuses on the binary graphical models, we indicate how a generalization of the method of the paper would apply to general discrete Markov random fields.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/09-AOS691 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org