788 research outputs found

    Sub-nanosecond signal propagation in anisotropy engineered nanomagnetic logic chains

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    Energy efficient nanomagnetic logic (NML) computing architectures propagate and process binary information by relying on dipolar field coupling to reorient closely-spaced nanoscale magnets. Signal propagation in nanomagnet chains of various sizes, shapes, and magnetic orientations has been previously characterized by static magnetic imaging experiments with low-speed adiabatic operation; however the mechanisms which determine the final state and their reproducibility over millions of cycles in high-speed operation (sub-ns time scale) have yet to be experimentally investigated. Monitoring NML operation at its ultimate intrinsic speed reveals features undetectable by conventional static imaging including individual nanomagnetic switching events and systematic error nucleation during signal propagation. Here, we present a new study of NML operation in a high speed regime at fast repetition rates. We perform direct imaging of digital signal propagation in permalloy nanomagnet chains with varying degrees of shape-engineered biaxial anisotropy using full-field magnetic soft x-ray transmission microscopy after applying single nanosecond magnetic field pulses. Further, we use time-resolved magnetic photo-emission electron microscopy to evaluate the sub-nanosecond dipolar coupling signal propagation dynamics in optimized chains with 100 ps time resolution as they are cycled with nanosecond field pulses at a rate of 3 MHz. An intrinsic switching time of 100 ps per magnet is observed. These experiments, and accompanying macro-spin and micromagnetic simulations, reveal the underlying physics of NML architectures repetitively operated on nanosecond timescales and identify relevant engineering parameters to optimize performance and reliability.Comment: Main article (22 pages, 4 figures), Supplementary info (11 pages, 5 sections

    A Family of Controllable Cellular Automata for Pseudorandom Number Generation

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    In this paper, we present a family of novel Pseudorandom Number Generators (PRNGs) based on Controllable Cellular Automata (CCA) ─ CCA0, CCA1, CCA2 (NCA), CCA3 (BCA), CCA4 (asymmetric NCA), CCA5, CCA6 and CCA7 PRNGs. The ENT and DIEHARD test suites are used to evaluate the randomness of these CCA PRNGs. The results show that their randomness is better than that of conventional CA and PCA PRNGs while they do not lose the structure simplicity of 1-d CA. Moreover, their randomness can be comparable to that of 2-d CA PRNGs. Furthermore, we integrate six different types of CCA PRNGs to form CCA PRNG groups to see if the randomness quality of such groups could exceed that of any individual CCA PRNG. Genetic Algorithm (GA) is used to evolve the configuration of the CCA PRNG groups. Randomness test results on the evolved CCA PRNG groups show that the randomness of the evolved groups is further improved compared with any individual CCA PRNG

    Virtual Communication Stack: Towards Building Integrated Simulator of Mobile Ad Hoc Network-based Infrastructure for Disaster Response Scenarios

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    Responses to disastrous events are a challenging problem, because of possible damages on communication infrastructures. For instance, after a natural disaster, infrastructures might be entirely destroyed. Different network paradigms were proposed in the literature in order to deploy adhoc network, and allow dealing with the lack of communications. However, all these solutions focus only on the performance of the network itself, without taking into account the specificities and heterogeneity of the components which use it. This comes from the difficulty to integrate models with different levels of abstraction. Consequently, verification and validation of adhoc protocols cannot guarantee that the different systems will work as expected in operational conditions. However, the DEVS theory provides some mechanisms to allow integration of models with different natures. This paper proposes an integrated simulation architecture based on DEVS which improves the accuracy of ad hoc infrastructure simulators in the case of disaster response scenarios.Comment: Preprint. Unpublishe

    New efficient designs of reversible logic gates and circuits in the QCA technology

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    Quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA) is a developing nanotechnology, which seems to be a good candidate to replace the conventional complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technology. The QCA has the advantages of very low power dissipation, faster switching speed, and extremely low circuit area, which can be used in designing nanoscale reversible circuits. In this paper, the new efficient QCA implementations of the basic reversible Gates such as: CNOT, Toffoli, Feynman, Double Feynman, Fredkin, Peres, MCL, and R Gates are presented based on the straight interactions between the QCA cells. Also, the designs of 4-Bit reversible parity checker and 3-bit reversible binary to Grey converter are introduced using these optimized reversible Gates. The proposed layouts are designed and simulated using QCADesigner software. In comparison with previous QCA designs, the proposed layouts are implemented with the minimum area, minimum number of cells, and minimum delay without any wire-crossing techniques. Also, in comparison with the CMOS technology, the proposed layouts are more efficient in terms of the area and power. Therefore, our designs can be used to realize quantum computation in ultralow power computer communication

    A Search for Good Pseudo-random Number Generators : Survey and Empirical Studies

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    In today's world, several applications demand numbers which appear random but are generated by a background algorithm; that is, pseudo-random numbers. Since late 19th19^{th} century, researchers have been working on pseudo-random number generators (PRNGs). Several PRNGs continue to develop, each one demanding to be better than the previous ones. In this scenario, this paper targets to verify the claim of so-called good generators and rank the existing generators based on strong empirical tests in same platforms. To do this, the genre of PRNGs developed so far has been explored and classified into three groups -- linear congruential generator based, linear feedback shift register based and cellular automata based. From each group, well-known generators have been chosen for empirical testing. Two types of empirical testing has been done on each PRNG -- blind statistical tests with Diehard battery of tests, TestU01 library and NIST statistical test-suite and graphical tests (lattice test and space-time diagram test). Finally, the selected 2929 PRNGs are divided into 2424 groups and are ranked according to their overall performance in all empirical tests