869 research outputs found

    Towards a conversational agent for threat detection in the internet of things.

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    A conversational agent to detect anomalous traffic in consumer IoT networks is presented. The agent accepts two inputs in the form of user speech received by Amazon Alexa enabled devices, and classified IDS logs stored in a DynamoDB Table. Aural analysis is used to query the database of network traffic, and respond accordingly. In doing so, this paper presents a solution to the problem of making consumers situationally aware when their IoT devices are infected, and anomalous traffic has been detected. The proposed conversational agent addresses the issue of how to present network information to non-technical users, for better comprehension, and improves awareness of threats derived from the mirai botnet malware

    Exploring the use of conversational agents to improve cyber situational awareness in the Internet of Things (IoT).

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging paradigm, which aims to extend the power of the Internet beyond computers and smartphones to a vast and growing range of "things" - devices, processes and environments. The result is an interconnected world where humans and devices interact with each other, establishing a smart environment for the continuous exchange of information and services. Billions of everyday devices such as home appliances, surveillance cameras, wearables and doorbells, enriched with computational and networking capabilities, have already been connected to the Internet. However, as the IoT has grown, the demand for low-cost, easy-to-deploy devices has also increased, leading to the production of millions of insecure Internet-connected smart devices. Many of these devices can be easily exploited and leveraged to perform large-scale attacks on the Internet, such as the recently witnessed botnet attacks. Since these attacks often target consumer-level products, which commonly lack a screen or user interface, it can be difficult for users to identify signs of infection and be aware of devices that have been compromised. This thesis presents four studies which collectively explored how user awareness of threats in consumer IoT networks could be improved. Maintaining situational awareness of what is happening within a home network is challenging, not least because malicious activity often occurs in devices which are not easily monitored. This thesis evaluated the effectiveness of conversational agents to improve Cyber Situational Awareness. In doing so, it presented the first study to investigate their ability to help users improve their perception of smart device activity, comprehend this in the context of their home environment, and project this knowledge to determine if a threat had occurred or may occur in the future. The research demonstrated how a BLSTMRNN with word embedding could be used to extract semantic meaning from packets to perform deep packet inspection and detect IoT botnet activity. Specifically, how the models use of contextual information from both the past and future enabled better predictions to be made about the current state (packet) due to the sequential nature of the network traffic. In addition, a cross-sectional study examined users' awareness and perception of threats and found that, although users value security and privacy, they found it difficult to identify threats and infected devices. Finally, novel cross-sectional and longitudinal studies evaluated the use of conversational agents, and demonstrated them to be an effective and efficient method of improving Cyber Situational Awareness. In particular, this was shown to be true when using a multi-modal approach and combining aural, verbal and visual modalities

    AXMEDIS 2007 Conference Proceedings

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    The AXMEDIS International Conference series has been established since 2005 and is focused on the research, developments and applications in the cross-media domain, exploring innovative technologies to meet the challenges of the sector. AXMEDIS2007 deals with all subjects and topics related to cross-media and digital-media content production, processing, management, standards, representation, sharing, interoperability, protection and rights management. It addresses the latest developments and future trends of the technologies and their applications, their impact and exploitation within academic, business and industrial communities

    Mining oral history collections using music information retrieval methods

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    Recent work at the Sussex Humanities Lab, a digital humanities research program at the University of Sussex, has sought to address an identified gap in the provision and use of audio feature analysis for spoken word collections. Traditionally, oral history methodologies and practices have placed emphasis on working with transcribed textual surrogates, rather than the digital audio files created during the interview process. This provides a pragmatic access to the basic semantic content, but obviates access to other potentially meaningful aural information; our work addresses the potential for methods to explore this extra-semantic information, by working with the audio directly. Audio analysis tools, such as those developed within the established field of Music Information Retrieval (MIR), provide this opportunity. This paper describes the application of audio analysis techniques and methods to spoken word collections. We demonstrate an approach using freely available audio and data analysis tools, which have been explored and evaluated in two workshops. We hope to inspire new forms of content analysis which complement semantic analysis with investigation into the more nuanced properties carried in audio signals


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    The Navy has included unmanned systems as a key enabler for the future fleet. Congress has mandated that the Navy (PMS 406) provide demonstrated testing and documentation sufficient to support transition of Unmanned Surface Vessels (USVs) from prototype to operational. Commercial USV certification examples only address safety of navigation and do not provide certification requirements for autonomy, nor do they consider the operational mission context or requirements for the USVs. No current methodology exists that decomposes the certification metrics and standards, including the complexity of the intended USV missions. Mission engineering (ME) provides the systems engineering rigor and methodology to ensure that the USV prototypes are evaluated in their intended missions. The mission objectives were captured in Design Reference Missions (DRMs). The DRMs provided the operational sequence of events for the USVs to accomplish their mission in support of commander's intent. The DRMs decomposed into mission essential tasks (METs). The METs were mapped to the critical systems performing the METs. This methodology can be further analyzed to produce the complete complement of certification requirements for PMS 406. Analysis revealed several gaps. The communications systems and the human-in-the-loop interaction with the USVs need to be reevaluated based upon the mission analysis.Civilian, Department of the NavyApproved for public release. Distribution is unlimited

    Research Naval Postgraduate School, v.12, no.3, October 2002

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    NPS Research is published by the Research and Sponsored Programs, Office of the Vice President and Dean of Research, in accordance with NAVSOP-35. Views and opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the Department of the Navy.Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Current Safety Nets Within the U.S. National Airspace System

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    There are over 70,000 flights managed per day in the National Airspace System, with approximately 7,000 aircraft in the air over the United States at any given time. Operators of each of these flights would prefer to fly a user-defined 4D trajectory (4DT), which includes arrival and departure times; preferred gates and runways at the airport; efficient, wind-optimal routes for departure, cruise and arrival phase of flight; and fuel efficient altitude profiles. To demonstrate the magnitude of this achievement a single flight from Los Angeles to Baltimore, accesses over 35 shared or constrained resources that are managed by roughly 30 air traffic controllers (at towers, approach control and en route sectors); along with traffic managers at 12 facilities, using over 22 different, independent automation system (including TBFM, ERAM, STARS, ASDE-X, FSM, TSD, GPWS, TCAS, etc.). In addition, dispatchers, ramp controllers and others utilize even more systems to manage each flights access to operator-managed resources. Flying an ideal 4DT requires successful coordination of all flight constraints among all flights, facilities, operators, pilots and controllers. Additionally, when conditions in the NAS change, the trajectories of one or more aircraft may need to be revised to avoid loss of flight efficiency, predictability, separation or system throughput. The Aviation Safety Network has released the 2016 airliner accident statistics showing a very low total of 19 fatal airliner accidents, resulting in 325 fatalities1. Despite several high profile accidents, the year 2016 turned out to be a very safe year for commercial aviation, Aviation Safety Network data show. Over the year 2016 the Aviation Safety Network recorded a total of 19 fatal airliner accidents [1], resulting in 325 fatalities. This makes 2016 the second safest year ever, both by number of fatal accidents as well as in terms of fatalities. In 2015 ASN recorded 16 accidents while in 2013 a total of 265 lives were lost. How can we keep it that way and not upset the apple cart by premature insertion of innovative technologies, functions, and procedures? In aviation, safety nets function as the last system defense against incidents and accidents. Current ground-based and airborne safety nets are well established and development to make them more efficient and reliable continues. Additionally, future air traffic control safety nets may emerge from new operational concepts

    Visualizing the MPI Programs: Using Continuous Semantic Zooming

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    Programs depend on the entities. Their hierarchy varies with the complexity and as their utilization increases the complexity involved in hierarchy also increases. Visualization is a traditional method of representing complex entities to enhance the human understanding. Visualization of parallel programs is not a new concept. But, the approaches followed to obtain this goal of visualizing the Message Passing Interface (MPI) programs are unique in their own ways. There are no tools, which are capable of implementing all aspects of MPI programs in an efficient way. The main reason is the complexity of parallel programs. This thesis involves using Flatland [1], a virtual reality application and its implementation through a concept called Continuous Semantic Zooming (CSZ) [2]. It is hypothesized that this method of visualization can help naïve programmers, that is, people with little or no programming experience to understand the concept of MPI programming and also can serve the purpose of the experts in the fields of MPI programming to look deeper into the issues involving debugging and analyzing the MPI program behavior. The output generated as a trace file from a set of nine MPI programs is taken as an input for the visual representation. We focus on the design, data format, the results and experiences obtained from this project

    3D Virtual Worlds and the Metaverse: Current Status and Future Possibilities

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    Moving from a set of independent virtual worlds to an integrated network of 3D virtual worlds or Metaverse rests on progress in four areas: immersive realism, ubiquity of access and identity, interoperability, and scalability. For each area, the current status and needed developments in order to achieve a functional Metaverse are described. Factors that support the formation of a viable Metaverse, such as institutional and popular interest and ongoing improvements in hardware performance, and factors that constrain the achievement of this goal, including limits in computational methods and unrealized collaboration among virtual world stakeholders and developers, are also considered