7,056 research outputs found

    Overlapping Multi-hop Clustering for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Clustering is a standard approach for achieving efficient and scalable performance in wireless sensor networks. Traditionally, clustering algorithms aim at generating a number of disjoint clusters that satisfy some criteria. In this paper, we formulate a novel clustering problem that aims at generating overlapping multi-hop clusters. Overlapping clusters are useful in many sensor network applications, including inter-cluster routing, node localization, and time synchronization protocols. We also propose a randomized, distributed multi-hop clustering algorithm (KOCA) for solving the overlapping clustering problem. KOCA aims at generating connected overlapping clusters that cover the entire sensor network with a specific average overlapping degree. Through analysis and simulation experiments we show how to select the different values of the parameters to achieve the clustering process objectives. Moreover, the results show that KOCA produces approximately equal-sized clusters, which allows distributing the load evenly over different clusters. In addition, KOCA is scalable; the clustering formation terminates in a constant time regardless of the network size

    D-SLATS: Distributed Simultaneous Localization and Time Synchronization

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    Through the last decade, we have witnessed a surge of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, and with that a greater need to choreograph their actions across both time and space. Although these two problems, namely time synchronization and localization, share many aspects in common, they are traditionally treated separately or combined on centralized approaches that results in an ineffcient use of resources, or in solutions that are not scalable in terms of the number of IoT devices. Therefore, we propose D-SLATS, a framework comprised of three different and independent algorithms to jointly solve time synchronization and localization problems in a distributed fashion. The First two algorithms are based mainly on the distributed Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) whereas the third one uses optimization techniques. No fusion center is required, and the devices only communicate with their neighbors. The proposed methods are evaluated on custom Ultra-Wideband communication Testbed and a quadrotor, representing a network of both static and mobile nodes. Our algorithms achieve up to three microseconds time synchronization accuracy and 30 cm localization error

    Dynamic Parameter Allocation in Parameter Servers

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    To keep up with increasing dataset sizes and model complexity, distributed training has become a necessity for large machine learning tasks. Parameter servers ease the implementation of distributed parameter management---a key concern in distributed training---, but can induce severe communication overhead. To reduce communication overhead, distributed machine learning algorithms use techniques to increase parameter access locality (PAL), achieving up to linear speed-ups. We found that existing parameter servers provide only limited support for PAL techniques, however, and therefore prevent efficient training. In this paper, we explore whether and to what extent PAL techniques can be supported, and whether such support is beneficial. We propose to integrate dynamic parameter allocation into parameter servers, describe an efficient implementation of such a parameter server called Lapse, and experimentally compare its performance to existing parameter servers across a number of machine learning tasks. We found that Lapse provides near-linear scaling and can be orders of magnitude faster than existing parameter servers

    Belief Consensus Algorithms for Fast Distributed Target Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    In distributed target tracking for wireless sensor networks, agreement on the target state can be achieved by the construction and maintenance of a communication path, in order to exchange information regarding local likelihood functions. Such an approach lacks robustness to failures and is not easily applicable to ad-hoc networks. To address this, several methods have been proposed that allow agreement on the global likelihood through fully distributed belief consensus (BC) algorithms, operating on local likelihoods in distributed particle filtering (DPF). However, a unified comparison of the convergence speed and communication cost has not been performed. In this paper, we provide such a comparison and propose a novel BC algorithm based on belief propagation (BP). According to our study, DPF based on metropolis belief consensus (MBC) is the fastest in loopy graphs, while DPF based on BP consensus is the fastest in tree graphs. Moreover, we found that BC-based DPF methods have lower communication overhead than data flooding when the network is sufficiently sparse
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