498 research outputs found

    Memcapacitive Devices in Logic and Crossbar Applications

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    Over the last decade, memristive devices have been widely adopted in computing for various conventional and unconventional applications. While the integration density, memory property, and nonlinear characteristics have many benefits, reducing the energy consumption is limited by the resistive nature of the devices. Memcapacitors would address that limitation while still having all the benefits of memristors. Recent work has shown that with adjusted parameters during the fabrication process, a metal-oxide device can indeed exhibit a memcapacitive behavior. We introduce novel memcapacitive logic gates and memcapacitive crossbar classifiers as a proof of concept that such applications can outperform memristor-based architectures. The results illustrate that, compared to memristive logic gates, our memcapacitive gates consume about 7x less power. The memcapacitive crossbar classifier achieves similar classification performance but reduces the power consumption by a factor of about 1,500x for the MNIST dataset and a factor of about 1,000x for the CIFAR-10 dataset compared to a memristive crossbar. Our simulation results demonstrate that memcapacitive devices have great potential for both Boolean logic and analog low-power applications

    Neuro-memristive Circuits for Edge Computing: A review

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    The volume, veracity, variability, and velocity of data produced from the ever-increasing network of sensors connected to Internet pose challenges for power management, scalability, and sustainability of cloud computing infrastructure. Increasing the data processing capability of edge computing devices at lower power requirements can reduce several overheads for cloud computing solutions. This paper provides the review of neuromorphic CMOS-memristive architectures that can be integrated into edge computing devices. We discuss why the neuromorphic architectures are useful for edge devices and show the advantages, drawbacks and open problems in the field of neuro-memristive circuits for edge computing

    A differential memristive synapse circuit for on-line learning in neuromorphic computing systems

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    Spike-based learning with memristive devices in neuromorphic computing architectures typically uses learning circuits that require overlapping pulses from pre- and post-synaptic nodes. This imposes severe constraints on the length of the pulses transmitted in the network, and on the network's throughput. Furthermore, most of these circuits do not decouple the currents flowing through memristive devices from the one stimulating the target neuron. This can be a problem when using devices with high conductance values, because of the resulting large currents. In this paper we propose a novel circuit that decouples the current produced by the memristive device from the one used to stimulate the post-synaptic neuron, by using a novel differential scheme based on the Gilbert normalizer circuit. We show how this circuit is useful for reducing the effect of variability in the memristive devices, and how it is ideally suited for spike-based learning mechanisms that do not require overlapping pre- and post-synaptic pulses. We demonstrate the features of the proposed synapse circuit with SPICE simulations, and validate its learning properties with high-level behavioral network simulations which use a stochastic gradient descent learning rule in two classification tasks.Comment: 18 Pages main text, 9 pages of supplementary text, 19 figures. Patente

    Memristors for the Curious Outsiders

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    We present both an overview and a perspective of recent experimental advances and proposed new approaches to performing computation using memristors. A memristor is a 2-terminal passive component with a dynamic resistance depending on an internal parameter. We provide an brief historical introduction, as well as an overview over the physical mechanism that lead to memristive behavior. This review is meant to guide nonpractitioners in the field of memristive circuits and their connection to machine learning and neural computation.Comment: Perpective paper for MDPI Technologies; 43 page

    Hybrid Piezoelectric-Magnetic Neurons: A Proposal for Energy-Efficient Machine Learning

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    This paper proposes a spintronic neuron structure composed of a heterostructure of magnets and a piezoelectric with a magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ). The operation of the device is simulated using SPICE models. Simulation results illustrate that the energy dissipation of the proposed neuron compared to that of other spintronic neurons exhibits 70% improvement. Compared to CMOS neurons, the proposed neuron occupies a smaller footprint area and operates using less energy. Owing to its versatility and low-energy operation, the proposed neuron is a promising candidate to be adopted in artificial neural network (ANN) systems.Comment: Submitted to: ACM Southeast '1

    Error-triggered Three-Factor Learning Dynamics for Crossbar Arrays

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    Recent breakthroughs suggest that local, approximate gradient descent learning is compatible with Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs). Although SNNs can be scalably implemented using neuromorphic VLSI, an architecture that can learn in-situ as accurately as conventional processors is still missing. Here, we propose a subthreshold circuit architecture designed through insights obtained from machine learning and computational neuroscience that could achieve such accuracy. Using a surrogate gradient learning framework, we derive local, error-triggered learning dynamics compatible with crossbar arrays and the temporal dynamics of SNNs. The derivation reveals that circuits used for inference and training dynamics can be shared, which simplifies the circuit and suppresses the effects of fabrication mismatch. We present SPICE simulations on XFAB 180nm process, as well as large-scale simulations of the spiking neural networks on event-based benchmarks, including a gesture recognition task. Our results show that the number of updates can be reduced hundred-fold compared to the standard rule while achieving performances that are on par with the state-of-the-art