4 research outputs found

    Spectral Band Selection for Ensemble Classification of Hyperspectral Images with Applications to Agriculture and Food Safety

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    In this dissertation, an ensemble non-uniform spectral feature selection and a kernel density decision fusion framework are proposed for the classification of hyperspectral data using a support vector machine classifier. Hyperspectral data has more number of bands and they are always highly correlated. To utilize the complete potential, a feature selection step is necessary. In an ensemble situation, there are mainly two challenges: (1) Creating diverse set of classifiers in order to achieve a higher classification accuracy when compared to a single classifier. This can either be achieved by having different classifiers or by having different subsets of features for each classifier in the ensemble. (2) Designing a robust decision fusion stage to fully utilize the decision produced by individual classifiers. This dissertation tests the efficacy of the proposed approach to classify hyperspectral data from different applications. Since these datasets have a small number of training samples with larger number of highly correlated features, conventional feature selection approaches such as random feature selection cannot utilize the variability in the correlation level between bands to achieve diverse subsets for classification. In contrast, the approach proposed in this dissertation utilizes the variability in the correlation between bands by dividing the spectrum into groups and selecting bands from each group according to its size. The intelligent decision fusion proposed in this approach uses the probability density of training classes to produce a final class label. The experimental results demonstrate the validity of the proposed framework that results in improvements in the overall, user, and producer accuracies compared to other state-of-the-art techniques. The experiments demonstrate the ability of the proposed approach to produce more diverse feature selection over conventional approaches

    Multi-Classifiers And Decision Fusion For Robust Statistical Pattern Recognition With Applications To Hyperspectral Classification

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    In this dissertation, a multi-classifier, decision fusion framework is proposed for robust classification of high dimensional data in small-sample-size conditions. Such datasets present two key challenges. (1) The high dimensional feature spaces compromise the classifiers’ generalization ability in that the classifier tends to overit decision boundaries to the training data. This phenomenon is commonly known as the Hughes phenomenon in the pattern classification community. (2) The small-sample-size of the training data results in ill-conditioned estimates of its statistics. Most classifiers rely on accurate estimation of these statistics for modeling training data and labeling test data, and hence ill-conditioned statistical estimates result in poorer classification performance. This dissertation tests the efficacy of the proposed algorithms to classify primarily remotely sensed hyperspectral data and secondarily diagnostic digital mammograms, since these applications naturally result in very high dimensional feature spaces and often do not have sufficiently large training datasets to support the dimensionality of the feature space. Conventional approaches, such as Stepwise LDA (S-LDA) are sub-optimal, in that they utilize a small subset of the rich spectral information provided by hyperspectral data for classification. In contrast, the approach proposed in this dissertation utilizes the entire high dimensional feature space for classification by identifying a suitable partition of this space, employing a bank-of-classifiers to perform “local” classification over this partition, and then merging these local decisions using an appropriate decision fusion mechanism. Adaptive classifier weight assignment and nonlinear pre-processing (in kernel induced spaces) are also proposed within this framework to improve its robustness over a wide range of fidelity conditions. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed framework results in significant improvements in classification accuracies (as high as a 12% increase) over conventional approaches

    Multi-Classifiers And Decision Fusion For Robust Statistical Pattern Recognition With Applications To Hyperspectral Classification

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    In this dissertation, a multi-classifier, decision fusion framework is proposed for robust classification of high dimensional data in small-sample-size conditions. Such datasets present two key challenges. (1) The high dimensional feature spaces compromise the classifiers’ generalization ability in that the classifier tends to overit decision boundaries to the training data. This phenomenon is commonly known as the Hughes phenomenon in the pattern classification community. (2) The small-sample-size of the training data results in ill-conditioned estimates of its statistics. Most classifiers rely on accurate estimation of these statistics for modeling training data and labeling test data, and hence ill-conditioned statistical estimates result in poorer classification performance. This dissertation tests the efficacy of the proposed algorithms to classify primarily remotely sensed hyperspectral data and secondarily diagnostic digital mammograms, since these applications naturally result in very high dimensional feature spaces and often do not have sufficiently large training datasets to support the dimensionality of the feature space. Conventional approaches, such as Stepwise LDA (S-LDA) are sub-optimal, in that they utilize a small subset of the rich spectral information provided by hyperspectral data for classification. In contrast, the approach proposed in this dissertation utilizes the entire high dimensional feature space for classification by identifying a suitable partition of this space, employing a bank-of-classifiers to perform “local” classification over this partition, and then merging these local decisions using an appropriate decision fusion mechanism. Adaptive classifier weight assignment and nonlinear pre-processing (in kernel induced spaces) are also proposed within this framework to improve its robustness over a wide range of fidelity conditions. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed framework results in significant improvements in classification accuracies (as high as a 12% increase) over conventional approaches

    An Analysis of multimodal sensor fusion for target detection in an urban environment

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    This work makes a compelling case for simulation as an attractive tool in designing cutting-edge remote sensing systems to generate the sheer volume of data required for a reasonable trade study. The generalized approach presented here allows multimodal system designers to tailor target and sensor parameters for their particular scenarios of interest via synthetic image generation tools, ensuring that resources are best allocated while sensors are still in the design phase. Additionally, sensor operators can use the customizable process showcased here to optimize image collection parameters for existing sensors. In the remote sensing community, polarimetric capabilities are often seen as a tool without a widely accepted mission. This study proposes incorporating a polarimetric and spectral sensor in a multimodal architecture to improve target detection performance in an urban environment. Two novel multimodal fusion algorithms are proposed--one for the pixel level, and another for the decision level. A synthetic urban scene is rendered for 355 unique combinations of illumination condition and sensor viewing geometry with the Digital Imaging and Remote Sensing Image Generation (DIRSIG) model, and then validated to ensure the presence of enough background clutter. The utility of polarimetric information is shown to vary with the sun-target-sensor geometry, and the decision fusion algorithm is shown to generally outperform the pixel fusion algorithm. The results essentially suggest that polarimetric information may be leveraged to restore the capabilities of a spectral sensor if forced to image under less than ideal circumstances