194 research outputs found

    Road side unit deployment: a density-based approach

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    © 2013 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Currently, the number of vehicles increases every year, raising the probability of having accidents. When an accident occurs, wireless technologies enable vehicles to share warning messages with other vehicles by using vehicle to vehicle (V2V) communications, and with the emergency services by using vehicle to infrastructure (V2I) communications. Regarding vehicle to infrastructure communications, Road Side Units (RSUs) act similarly to wireless LAN access points, and can provide communications with the infrastructure. Since RSUs are usually very expensive to install, authorities limit their number, especially in suburbs and areas of sparse population, making RSUs a precious resource in vehicular environments. In this paper, we propose a Density-based Road Side Unit deployment policy (D-RSU), specially designed to obtain an efficient system with the lowest possible cost to alert emergency services in case of an accident. Our approach is based on deploying RSUs using an inverse proportion to the expected density of vehicles. The obtained results show how D-RSU is able to reduce the required number of RSUs, as well as the accident notification time.This work was partially supported by the Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia, Spain, under Grant TIN2011-27543-C03-01, as well as by the Fundacion Universitaria Antonio Gargallo (FUAG), and the Caja de Ahorros de la Inmaculada (CAI).Barrachina, J.; Garrido, P.; Fogue, M.; Martínez, FJ.; Cano Escribá, JC.; Tavares De Araujo Cesariny Calafate, CM.; Manzoni, P. (2013). Road side unit deployment: a density-based approach. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine. 5(3):30-39. https://doi.org/10.1109/MITS.2013.2253159S30395

    Efficient Data Collection in Multimedia Vehicular Sensing Platforms

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    Vehicles provide an ideal platform for urban sensing applications, as they can be equipped with all kinds of sensing devices that can continuously monitor the environment around the travelling vehicle. In this work we are particularly concerned with the use of vehicles as building blocks of a multimedia mobile sensor system able to capture camera snapshots of the streets to support traffic monitoring and urban surveillance tasks. However, cameras are high data-rate sensors while wireless infrastructures used for vehicular communications may face performance constraints. Thus, data redundancy mitigation is of paramount importance in such systems. To address this issue in this paper we exploit sub-modular optimisation techniques to design efficient and robust data collection schemes for multimedia vehicular sensor networks. We also explore an alternative approach for data collection that operates on longer time scales and relies only on localised decisions rather than centralised computations. We use network simulations with realistic vehicular mobility patterns to verify the performance gains of our proposed schemes compared to a baseline solution that ignores data redundancy. Simulation results show that our data collection techniques can ensure a more accurate coverage of the road network while significantly reducing the amount of transferred data

    The Method of Modelling Wireless Network Using Telematics Maps

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    The paper describes development of the methods and algorithm for predicting telematics on the vehicle’s route. De- scribed data management technology on global and local wireless networks, provides methods for managing data on the telematics environment, implemented a prototype of the data management subsystem. The time dependencies of the execution of queries are analyzed depending on the amount of data for the data warehouse on board the vehicle and for the cloud service. The result of the work is recommendations for developing connection management methods in wireless multiprotocol networks on vehicle devices. The paper describes the result of the development and research methods for predicting the telematics environment, for obtaining and analyzing the temporal characteristics of their functioning from global and local telematic maps

    Towards seamless inter-technology handovers in vehicular IPv6 communications

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    Network mobility plays an important role in communications when using different access networks while maintaining application sessions. This is the case of vehicular networks used by the emerging Cooperative Intelligent Transport System (C-ITS), where vehicles are constantly moving, changing their access network. Standardization bodies like IETF, and particular proposals in the literature, have already defined mobility mechanisms by using widely used Internet technologies. The usefulness of these mechanisms in vehicular networks is clear when using IPv6, however, its performance suffer from the high mobility of nodes, the fluctuating performance of communication technologies, and the need for a decision mechanism to choose a proper attachment point among the available access networks on roads. For this reason, here we propose an instantiation of the ISO/ETSI reference architecture for vehicular cooperative systems, by deploying a real vehicular network based on IPv6, as well as a mobility service provided by Network Mobility Basic Support (NEMO) and the Multiple Care of Addresses Registration (MCoA) extension. This mobility solution is embedded into a framework that integrates the IEEE 802.21 technology, which provides a greater control over the handover process. The resulting architecture not only provides a seamless handover but also supports the decision making when searching for the most suitable target network. Our experiments reveal that our combined NEMO/MCoA/802.21 system within a vehicular communication stack is able to provide uninterrupted communications during handovers with a dramatic reduction in the time needed by this process.This work has been sponsored by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the EDISON project (contract TIN2014-52099-R) and the Spanish Department of Transport (DGT) through the S-CICLO project (contract SPIP2015-01757)


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    The brilliant mobility of vehicles also makes routing far complicated once we lack reliable way to infer the long run location of vehicles. However, when thinking about a genuine deployment, the idea of full understanding from the trajectories of vehicles appears impractical because it raises several privacy concerns. The FPF strategy demands partial mobility information, i.e., the power of vehicles inside the urban cells and also the migration ratios between all pairs of urban cells. FPF doesn't consider anyone information. In addition, processing the trajectories of vehicles needs a large computing effort, and gathering similarly info is way from trivial. The brilliant mobility of vehicles also makes routing far complicated once we lack reliable way to infer the long run location of vehicles. Within this work we advise a deployment formula according to migration ratios between urban cells without counting on the person vehicles trajectories. Among several optimization targets, we maximize the amount of distinct vehicles contacting the infrastructure, a fascinating metric whenever we plan to collect and disseminate small traffic bulletins. However, the amount of distant vehicles increases extremely fast once we escape from the chosen urban cell. During hurry hrs the main roads get congested and also the motorists use secondary roads as a substitute for getting away the congestions. The aim of FPF would be to select individual’s urban cells presenting the greatest quantity of uncovered vehicles. FPF might be expressed being an Integer Straight line Programming Formulation. Our goal would be to evaluate the outcome from the mobility info on the deployment performance. We validated our programs by applying the Integer Straight line Programming Formulation. Such result shows that previous understanding from the trajectories from the vehicles isn’t mandatory for achieving a detailed-to-optimal deployment performance whenever we plan to disseminate small traffic bulletins


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    The brilliant mobility of vehicles also makes routing far complicated once we lack reliable way to infer the long run location of vehicles. However, when thinking about a genuine deployment, the idea of full understanding from the trajectories of vehicles appears impractical because it raises several privacy concerns. The FPF strategy demands partial mobility information, i.e., the power of vehicles inside the urban cells and also the migration ratios between all pairs of urban cells. FPF doesn't consider anyone information. In addition, processing the trajectories of vehicles needs a large computing effort, and gathering similarly info is way from trivial. The brilliant mobility of vehicles also makes routing far complicated once we lack reliable way to infer the long run location of vehicles. Within this work we advise a deployment formula according to migration ratios between urban cells without counting on the person vehicles trajectories. Among several optimization targets, we maximize the amount of distinct vehicles contacting the infrastructure, a fascinating metric whenever we plan to collect and disseminate small traffic bulletins. However, the amount of distant vehicles increases extremely fast once we escape from the chosen urban cell. During hurry hrs the main roads get congested and also the motorists use secondary roads as a substitute for getting away the congestions. The aim of FPF would be to select individual’s urban cells presenting the greatest quantity of uncovered vehicles. FPF might be expressed being an Integer Straight line Programming Formulation. Our goal would be to evaluate the outcome from the mobility info on the deployment performance. We validated our programs by applying the Integer Straight line Programming Formulation. Such result shows that previous understanding from the trajectories from the vehicles isn’t mandatory for achieving a detailed-to-optimal deployment performance whenever we plan to disseminate small traffic bulletins

    A Survey on Attacks and Preservation Analysis of IDS in Vanet

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    Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) are the extremely famous enabling network expertise for Smart Transportation Systems. VANETs serve numerous pioneering impressive operations and prospects although transportation preservation and facilitation functions are their basic drivers. Numerous preservation allied VANETs functions are immediate and task imperative, which would entail meticulous assurance of preservation and authenticity. Yet non preservation associated multimedia operations, which would assist an imperative task in the future, would entail preservation assistance. Short of such preservation and secrecy in VANETs is one of the fundamental barriers to the extensive extended implementations of it. An anxious and untrustworthy VANET could be more hazardous than the structure without VANET assistance. So it is imperative to build specific that “life-critical preservation” data is protected adequate to rely on. Securing the VANETs including proper shield of the secrecy drivers or vehicle possessors is an extremely challenging assignment. In this research paper we review the assaults, equivalent preservation entails and objections in VANETs. We as well present the enormously admired common preservation guidelines which are based on avoidance as well recognition methods. Many VANETs operations entail system wide preservation support rather than individual layer from the VANETs’ protocol heap. This paper will also appraise the existing researches in the perception of holistic method of protection. Finally, we serve some potential future trends to attain system-wide preservation with secrecy pleasant preservation in VANETs. Keywords: VANET (Vehicular Ad-hoc Network), Routing algorithm, Vehicle preservation, IDS, attack, Secrec

    Three Dimensional UAV Positioning for Dynamic UAV-to-Car Communications

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    [EN] In areas with limited infrastructure, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) can come in handy as relays for car-to-car communications. Since UAVs are able to fully explore a three-dimensional environment while flying, communications that involve them can be affected by the irregularity of the terrains, that in turn can cause path loss by acting as obstacles. Accounting for this phenomenon, we propose a UAV positioning technique that relies on optimization algorithms to improve the support for vehicular communications. Simulation results show that the best position of the UAV can be timely determined considering the dynamic movement of the cars. Our technique takes into account the current flight altitude, the position of the cars on the ground, and the existing flight restrictions.This work was partially supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Programa Estatal de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad, Proyectos I+D+I 2018 , Spain, under Grant RTI2018-096384-B-I00, and grant BES-2015-075988, Ayudas para contratos predoctorales 2015.Hadiwardoyo, SA.; Tavares De Araujo Cesariny Calafate, CM.; Cano, J.; Krinkin, K.; Klionskiy, D.; Hernández-Orallo, E.; Manzoni, P. (2020). Three Dimensional UAV Positioning for Dynamic UAV-to-Car Communications. Sensors. 20(2):1-18. https://doi.org/10.3390/s20020356S11820
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