4 research outputs found

    IoT Resources and Their Practical Application, A Comprehensive Study

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) has become a paradigm shifter, connecting an enormous number of smart devices and facilitating seamless data exchange for a diverse array of applications. The availability and effective use of the IoT ecosystem's resources are key factors in determining how its practical applications will develop as they mature. The IoT resources and their practical application across several areas are thoroughly explored in this paper. The paper begins by classifying and describing the various sensor types, their applications in various fields, and IoT resources, highlighting their contributions to real-time data collection, processing, and transmission. It then goes on to demonstrate a wide range of real-world uses for these resources, such as smart cities, education, agriculture, business, healthcare, environment monitoring, transportation, and industrial automation. However, utilizing IoT resources effectively is not without difficulties. Critical difficulties such as resource allocation, scalability, security, interoperability, and privacy concerns are identified and discussed in the paper. Furthermore, the paper also highlights future directions and emerging trends in IoT resource management, including edge computing, cloud computing, human machine integration, and compatibility with other systems. These developments aim to increase the dependability of IoT applications in diverse settings and optimize resource allocation. This paper's conclusion highlights the crucial role that IoT resources play in advancing real-world applications across a variety of areas. Researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and other stakeholders may collaborate together to effectively leverage the full potential of IoT resources to build intelligent, effective ecosystems that meet the needs of contemporary society by solving difficulties and utilizing developing trends


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    As society progresses into an era where both parents work, whether it is online or in person, children in the home may be put in dangerous situations if they are not given the attention they need. The BotSitter is an automated system that follows the child around and makes an audio alarm to alert both the child and the nearby guardian. Using RSSI trilateration, predetermined danger areas, and embedded controls, the BotSitter will be able to follow the child. The device can manage to keep track of the child for the guardian while being almost completely automated outside of setup

    Overview of potential methods for corrosion monitoring

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    Sensors for Foam Balance Pad

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem vlastního senzorického řešení pro detekci pohybů prováděných na pěnové balanční podložce AIREX® Elite. Součástí práce je teoretický popis balančních cvičebních pomůcek a jejich aplikace v oblasti fyzioterapie. Dále je zde uvedena rešerše současných technických řešení pro snímání pohybu na balanční pomůcce. Pro realizaci vlastního řešení byl vybrán princip kapacitního měření vzdálenosti s využitím vodivých textilií pro realizaci senzoru. Další část je věnována návrhu hardwarového řešení, je zde popsán návrh senzorické matice, velikost jednotlivých snímacích prvků a vzdálenost mezi nimi a sběrem dat pomocí mikrokontroléru STM32 a zpracováním těchto dat v prostředí LabVIEW. Součástí vlastní práce je návrh vlastního uživatelského rozhraní k vizualizaci pohybu na pěnové balanční podložce a testování vytvořeného řešení v reálných podmínkách při rehabilitaci v domácím prostředí.The thesis deals with the design of a custom sensor solution for the detection of movements performed on the AIREX® Elite foam balance pad. The thesis includes a theoretical description of balance exercise aids and their application in the field of physiotherapy. Furthermore, a survey of current technical solutions for motion sensing on balance aids is presented. For the implementation of the actual solution, the principle of capacitive distance measurement using conductive textiles was chosen for the sensor implementation. The next section is devoted to the design of the hardware solution, it describes the design of the sensor matrix, the size of the individual sensing elements and the distance between them and the data acquisition using the STM32 microcontroller and the processing of this data in the LabVIEW environment. The actual work includes the design of a custom user interface to visualize the motion on the foam balance pad and testing of the developed solution in real conditions during rehabilitation in a home environment.450 - Katedra kybernetiky a biomedicínského inženýrstvívýborn