13 research outputs found

    A Review of Researches on Blockchain

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    Analyzing 242 articles related to the study of blockchain which were published in China and abroad from 2014 to 2016, and from the aspects of literature sources, research subjects, research methods and western countries, the basic frame of blockchain research classification is put forward. Summarize the current blockchain technology progress, research limitations and future development trends. The research shows that the domestic research on the blockchain is more decentralized, non-systematic, and has not reached a certain research depth. What’s more, it is lack of quantitative analysis. Digital currency, Internet finance, and the risk of blockchain technology research will be the focus of future research

    Uncovering the Trust Transfer Mechanisms in a Blockchain-Based Healthcare Platform: A Mixed Method

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    Drawing on a mixed-method, this study aims to explore, identify, and investigate the various trust targets and their transfer mechanisms in a blockchain-based healthcare mutual aid platform. A qualitative online interview is first conducted to potential users in the online healthcare platform. Particularly, we identify three types of trust: trust in technology, trust in members, and trust in platform, that play salient roles in promoting users’ behavioral intention towards the online healthcare platform. Moreover, we find out that the three trust targets are formulated through different platform mechanisms. A preliminary research model is developed and a following-up research agenda is proposed for subsequent quantitative study

    On Blockchain Performance Enhancement: A Systematic Map of Strategies Used

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    Blockchain technology is one among the recent innovations in the computing industry. Blockchains have gathered a widespread interest in the industry mainly due to their security promise. Despite the anticipated benefits of Blockchains, there are several limitations which make the technology less suitable in large scale applications such as banking, one being low throughput. Several initiatives to improve the throughput of Blockchains are being tried out both in the academia and the business worlds but no systematic classification of the initiatives and the strategies used has been done. This study explores Blockchain performance improvement initiatives and classify the initiatives by the improvement strategy used. This study has found that, out of 365 articles on the area of Blockchain performance, 300 were solution proposals aimed at improving the performance of Blockchains. The most used strategies in these proposals were alternative to PoW, sharding and multi-chain architecture

    Blockchain for Development: Preliminary Insights from a Literature Review

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    Blockchain is considered a disruptive technology with the potential to cause socioeconomic transformation in developing and emerging economies. In this preliminary study, we conducted a review of papers dealing with Blockchain for development published by 2019. These were issued in various outlets such as journals, conference proceedings, and professional magazines. We also caught some gray literature, such as press releases and reports. Initially, we found 288 papers, but after an evaluation of relevance and removing duplicates, we ended up with 35 articles. We examined the research focus taking into consideration such aspects as understanding of development, Blockchain use, type of contribution, and themes investigated in the papers. We also analyzed the research scope understood as country or region of inquiry. Based on the analysis, we discerned opportunities and challenges of Blockchain for development and gaps and opportunities for future research

    Yapılandırılmış ve yapılandırılmamış öğrenme süreçlerinde blokzinciri teknolojisi

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    Blockchain technology can be defined as a ledger based on distributed, online technologies. With the opportunities this technology offers; It can also be described as a new generation, global, decentralized infrastructure system or mechanism. In the context of this study, the use of blockchain technology in formal and informal learning processes and the opportunities and limitations that arise with blockchain technology are discussed. For this purpose, the findings obtained by reviewing the literature were synthesized. Blockchain technology, according to research findings, can be considered as an infrastructure technology with significant potential to safely record unstructured learning experiences that occur in online, distributed, multi-layered and heterogeneous learning environments. This creates a possible scenario that allows for quality assurance and accreditation not only in terms of recording these experiences, but also in linking learning experiences in structured and unstructured environments. In other words, blockchain is thought to be a technology that can eliminate the boundaries between structured and unstructured learning experiences and act as a bridge between relevant learning experiences. When evaluated in the context of this thought, it seems possible to record and document lifelong learning experiences from structured learning to unstructured learning with an inclusive and holistic perspective

    Financial Innovation Solutions from Blockchain Technology in the Perception of Financial Market Agents

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    The phenomenon of financial innovation (FI) found, in the fast-contemporary technological advance, the possibility of disseminating solutions that are intended to fill market gaps, promoting profound changes in the traditional financial structure. This finding can be explained by the perceptible movement of different agents interested in exploring the applications of blockchain technology in recent years. Considering this scenario of changes and expectations the present work aims to analyze perceptions of financial market agents about the possibility of blockchain technology influence in the creation of FI solutions. From the point of view of the research strategy, it constitutes a field research. We operated through interviews with the participation of twelve managers of institutions that operate in the financial environment. The results point to blockchain impacting the financial environment of organizations, whether in its technology platforms, investments, internal structures, people, governance, business conceptions. Likewise, by the existence of opportunities to solve market problems, affecting, through deeper changes in the financial system, from the disintermediation.  It reveals the emergence of new business models and the possibility of consumers and managers less dependent on a centralized financial environment

    A Study on Blockchain Technology as a Dominant Feature to Mitigate Reputational Risk for Indian Academic Institutions and Universities

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    The paper-based certification is prone to manipulation and vulnerable to fraud. Instances of fraudulent degrees, manipulation of academic records, or compromised academic programs adversely impact and damage an academic institution's credibility. It also affects the Indian universities’ mission and prospects of the students graduating from such a university. What makes reputational risk a unique risk is that it may arise both from the university or institution's failure or the action outside the university. It is, therefore, essential to take an enterprise risk management approach to mitigate reputational risk. Robust credential verification and validation protocols are the most important protections against fake certifications. The legacy certificate verification solutions are highly centralized, i.e., utterly dependent on the issuing authority for certificates. Despite the University Grants Commission (UGC) taking strict measures against individuals, Indian universities, colleges, and associations, we do come across several acts of torts. Some of the technology-savvy institutions have moved to digital certificates and digital signatures. However, this has an inherent weakness, i.e., they still need to rely on a trusted third party. Blockchain technology has three foundational components, data structures based on cryptography that make it secure and tamperproof, consensus protocols that allow it to function truthfully and without any central authority or a third party smart contracts, which provide efficiency and business value transactions. These key features of blockchain, if implemented appropriately, effectively has the potential to mitigate the inherent reputational risk arising from fraudulent academic certificate matters. Niti Ayog is currently developing a blockchain-based proof of concepts to solve traditional educational qualifications related to identity misrepresentation and document forgery. The immutability attribute of the blockchain ensures that tampering and manipulation of the record are not attainable. This paper focuses on the reputational risk Indian universities and institution may face when its certifications are not easily verifiable. Therefore, it becomes easy targets for bad actors to exploit vulnerabilities by issuing counterfeit certificates. Secondary published data, including various scholarly journals, reports, industry publications, and website sources, are utilized to develop this case study. The paper also explores how blockchain technology with specific reference to the proof of concept SuperCert proposed by Niti Ayog for Indian academic institutions may provide effective preventive control to overcome such reputational risk using the ABCD analysis framework as a research case study

    A Study on Blockchain Technology as a Dominant Feature to Mitigate Reputational Risk for Indian Academic Institutions and Universities

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    The paper-based certification is prone to manipulation and vulnerable to fraud. Instances of fraudulent degrees, manipulation of academic records, or compromised academic programs adversely impact and damage an academic institution's credibility. It also affects the Indian universities’ mission and prospects of the students graduating from such a university. What makes reputational risk a unique risk is that it may arise both from the university or institution's failure or the action outside the university. It is, therefore, essential to take an enterprise risk management approach to mitigate reputational risk. Robust credential verification and validation protocols are the most important protections against fake certifications. The legacy certificate verification solutions are highly centralized, i.e., utterly dependent on the issuing authority for certificates. Despite the University Grants Commission (UGC) taking strict measures against individuals, Indian universities, colleges, and associations, we do come across several acts of torts. Some of the technology-savvy institutions have moved to digital certificates and digital signatures. However, this has an inherent weakness, i.e., they still need to rely on a trusted third party. Blockchain technology has three foundational components, data structures based on cryptography that make it secure and tamperproof, consensus protocols that allow it to function truthfully and without any central authority or a third party smart contracts, which provide efficiency and business value transactions. These key features of blockchain, if implemented appropriately, effectively has the potential to mitigate the inherent reputational risk arising from fraudulent academic certificate matters. Niti Ayog is currently developing a blockchain-based proof of concepts to solve traditional educational qualifications related to identity misrepresentation and document forgery. The immutability attribute of the blockchain ensures that tampering and manipulation of the record are not attainable. This paper focuses on the reputational risk Indian universities and institution may face when its certifications are not easily verifiable. Therefore, it becomes easy targets for bad actors to exploit vulnerabilities by issuing counterfeit certificates. Secondary published data, including various scholarly journals, reports, industry publications, and website sources, are utilized to develop this case study. The paper also explores how blockchain technology with specific reference to the proof of concept SuperCert proposed by Niti Ayog for Indian academic institutions may provide effective preventive control to overcome such reputational risk using the ABCD analysis framework as a research case study

    Blockchain and Property Technology

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    Blockchain technology has emerged as a revolutionary force in the real estate sector, promis ing transformative changes in how properties are bought, sold, and managed. This study delves into the integration of blockchain in real estate, emphasizing the development and testing of a practical proof-of-concept application. The research, undertaken during an internship at DevScope, critically examines the potential of blockchain to enhance trans parency, security, and efficiency in managing exclusivity contracts. The research starts with a comprehensive review of blockchain literature, exploring its diverse applications within the real estate industry. It delves into the intricacies of challenges faced and opportunities presented during the implementation of blockchain technology in this context. Through rigorous analysis, the study assesses the profound impact of blockchain on the real estate landscape, elucidating the multifaceted benefits and challenges inherent in deploying blockchain-based solutions. Furthermore, this research not only contributes valuable insights to the ongoing discourse surrounding blockchain in real estate but also presents practical implications. The findings are poised to inform strategic decisions, providing DevScope with a nuanced perspective on integrating blockchain technology into their products. Specifically, this study evaluates the feasibility of incorporating a blockchain-based solution into MaxWork, one of DevScope’s products, thereby paving the way for innovative advancements within the realm of Multiple Listing Service solutions.A tecnologia Blockchain emergiu como uma força revolucionária no setor imobiliário, prom etendo mudanças na forma como as propriedades são transacionadas e geridas. Este estudo explora a integração da blockchain no setor imobiliário, a partir do desenvolvimento de uma aplicação de prova de conceito. A pesquisa, realizada durante um estágio na DevScope, examina o potencial da Blockchain para melhorar a transparência, segurança e eficiência nas transações imobiliárias. A pesquisa inicia-se com uma revisão da literatura sobre Blockchain e Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), explorando as diversas aplicações dentro da indústria imobiliária. O estudo avalia o impacto da blockchain no cenário imobiliário, elucidando os benefícios e desafios inerentes à implementação de soluções baseadas em Blockchain. Além disso, esta pesquisa não só contribui com insights valiosos para o contínuo debate sobre Blockchain no setor imobiliário, como também apresenta implicações práticas. As descobertas deste estudo proporcionam à DevScope uma perspectiva detalhada sobre a integração da tecnologia Blockchain. Especificamente, este estudo avalia a viabilidade de incorporar uma solução baseada em Blockchain no MaxWork, um dos principais produtos da DevScope, abrindo caminho para avanços inovadores no âmbito dos Multiple Listing Services (MLS)

    Blockchain and the Construction of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

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    V medijih zadnja leta lahko zasledimo, da smo v času četrte industrijske revolucije, v kateri naj bi nove tehnologije in načini njihove uporabe radikalno spreminjali bistvo gospodarskih, družbenih in političnih sistemov. Blockchain je ena izmed takšnih tehnologij, njegova najbolj poznana uporaba je kriptovaluta bitcoin. V razpoloženju glede tehnološko-ekonomskih sprememb se prepletata negotovost in navdušenje nad obeti prihodnosti, ki jo prinašajo. V skladu z neoliberalno logiko se v medijskem diskurzu izpostavlja nujnost izboljševanja lastne konkurenčnosti ljudi na trgu dela, ki jo podpira stalna grožnja tako globalnih trgov kot novih tehnologij: če se ne prilagodimo, nas lahko nadomestijo stroji ali cenejši delavec. Hkrati pa grožnje dopolnjuje obljuba priložnostiboljšega življenja, če bomo logiki sledili. V primeru uveljavljanja kriptovalut sta to denimo potenciala odprave "neučinkovitih in netransparentnih" državnih institucij (npr. centralne banke) ter neposrednega bogatenja s trgovanjem s kriptovalutami. Družbene spremembe, povezane s tehnologijo, so pogosto predstavljene kot samoumevne in neizbežne, a različni teoretski pristopi pri tem opozarjajo na vlogo diskurzov, ki se pojavljajo v zvezi z njimi. Pomembna ugotovitev pri tem je, da gre večinoma za spremembe na področju dela. S pomočjo kvalitativne analize tekstov orišem diskurze, ki se pojavljajo o četrti industrijski revoluciji, blockchainu in bitcoinu v izbranih slovenskih spletnih medijih.According to the media, we have entered the era of the the fourth industrial revolution, in which new technologies and ways of their use are radically changing economic, social and political systems. Blockchain and its well-known application, bitcoin, are among such technologies. Technological and economic changes are met with uncertainty and enthusiasm over the prospect of the future they bring. Neoliberal media discourse emphasizes the need to improve the competitiveness of people in the labor market, which is supported by the constant threat of both global markets and new technologies: one who does not adjust can be replaced by machines or a cheaper worker. At the same time, there is the promise of a better life if we follow the logic. For example, what makes cryptocurrencies attractive is their potential for the elimination of "ineffective and non-transparent" state institutions (eg. central banks) and prospect of enrichment by trade. Social changes related to technology are often presented as self-evident and inevitable, but various theoretical approaches draw attention to the role of discourses appearing in relation to them. An important finding is that the the vast share of the influence of the tecnological changes affects labour. By method of qualitative text analysis, I summarise the discourses regarding the fourth industrial revolution, blockchain and bitcoin in selected Slovenian online media