90 research outputs found

    A Review of Reinforcement Learning for Natural Language Processing, and Applications in Healthcare

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    Reinforcement learning (RL) has emerged as a powerful approach for tackling complex medical decision-making problems such as treatment planning, personalized medicine, and optimizing the scheduling of surgeries and appointments. It has gained significant attention in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) due to its ability to learn optimal strategies for tasks such as dialogue systems, machine translation, and question-answering. This paper presents a review of the RL techniques in NLP, highlighting key advancements, challenges, and applications in healthcare. The review begins by visualizing a roadmap of machine learning and its applications in healthcare. And then it explores the integration of RL with NLP tasks. We examined dialogue systems where RL enables the learning of conversational strategies, RL-based machine translation models, question-answering systems, text summarization, and information extraction. Additionally, ethical considerations and biases in RL-NLP systems are addressed

    A review of reinforcement learning based approaches for industrial demand response

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    Industrial demand response plays a key role in mitigating the operational challenges of smart grid brought by massive proliferation of distributed energy resources. However, industrial plants have complex and intertwined processes, which provides barriers for their participation in industrial demand response programs. This is in part due to the complexity and uncertainties of approximating systems models. More recently, reinforcement learning has emerged as a data-driven control technique for sequential decision-making under uncertainty. This emergence is strongly coupled with the abundance of data offered by advanced information technologies. The potential of applying reinforcement learning in industrial demand response is identified in this work by comparing pivotal aspects of reinforcement learning with the requirements of industrial demand response schemes

    Learning Algorithms for Minimizing Queue Length Regret

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    We consider a system consisting of a single transmitter/receiver pair and NN channels over which they may communicate. Packets randomly arrive to the transmitter's queue and wait to be successfully sent to the receiver. The transmitter may attempt a frame transmission on one channel at a time, where each frame includes a packet if one is in the queue. For each channel, an attempted transmission is successful with an unknown probability. The transmitter's objective is to quickly identify the best channel to minimize the number of packets in the queue over TT time slots. To analyze system performance, we introduce queue length regret, which is the expected difference between the total queue length of a learning policy and a controller that knows the rates, a priori. One approach to designing a transmission policy would be to apply algorithms from the literature that solve the closely-related stochastic multi-armed bandit problem. These policies would focus on maximizing the number of successful frame transmissions over time. However, we show that these methods have Ω(logT)\Omega(\log{T}) queue length regret. On the other hand, we show that there exists a set of queue-length based policies that can obtain order optimal O(1)O(1) queue length regret. We use our theoretical analysis to devise heuristic methods that are shown to perform well in simulation.Comment: 28 Pages, 11 figure

    BEAR: Physics-Principled Building Environment for Control and Reinforcement Learning

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    Recent advancements in reinforcement learning algorithms have opened doors for researchers to operate and optimize building energy management systems autonomously. However, the lack of an easily configurable building dynamical model and energy management task simulation and evaluation platform has arguably slowed the progress in developing advanced and dedicated reinforcement learning (RL) and control algorithms for building operation tasks. Here we propose "BEAR", a physics-principled Building Environment for Control And Reinforcement Learning. The platform allows researchers to benchmark both model-based and model-free controllers using a broad collection of standard building models in Python without co-simulation using external building simulators. In this paper, we discuss the design of this platform and compare it with other existing building simulation frameworks. We demonstrate the compatibility and performance of BEAR with different controllers, including both model predictive control (MPC) and several state-of-the-art RL methods with two case studies.Comment: Accepted at ACM e-Energy 2023; Code available at https://github.com/chz056/BEA

    Designing a generalised reward for Building Energy Management Reinforcement Learning agents

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    The reduction of the carbon footprint of buildings is a challenging task, partly due to the conflicting goals of maximising occupant comfort and minimising energy consumption. An intelligent management of Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems is creating a promising research line in which the creation of suitable algorithms could reduce energy consumption maintaining occupants' comfort. In this regard, Reinforcement Learning (RL) approaches are giving a good balance between data requirements and intelligent operations to control building systems. However, there is a gap concerning how to create a generalised reward signal that can train RL agents without delimiting the problem to a specific or controlled scenario. To tackle it, an analysis and discussion is presented about the necessary requirements for the creation of generalist rewards, with the objective of laying the foundations that allow the creation of generalist intelligent agents for building energy management.The work described in this paper was partially supported by the Basque Government under ELKARTEK project (LANTEGI4.0 KK-2020/00072)

    Energy-Flexible Job-Shop Scheduling Using Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    Considering its high energy demand, the manufacturing industry has grand potential for demand response studies to increase the use of clean energy while reducing its own electricity cost. Production scheduling, driven by smart demand response services, plays a major role in adjusting the manufacturing sector to the volatile energy market. As a state-of-the-art method for scheduling problems, reinforcement learning has not yet been applied to the job-shop scheduling problem with demand response objectives. To address this gap, we conceptualize and implement deep reinforcement learning as a single-agent approach, combining energy cost and makespan minimization objectives. We consider makespan as an ancillary objective in order not to entirely abandon the timely completion of production operations while assigning different weights to both objectives and analyzing the resulting trade-offs between them. Our main contribution is the integration of the energy cost-related objective. We present two innovative reward functions, which consider the dynamic energy prices to select a job for the machine or allow the machine idle. The reinforcement learning agent finds optimal schedules determined by cumulative energy costs for benchmark scheduling cases from the literature