4 research outputs found

    Road accident analysis in Lisbon

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    Studies about urban mobility in big European cities have been increasing due to the high volume of data and interest that exists about this topic. As such, competent authorities feel the need to design intelligent solutions that help to mitigate mobility problems. This research work was developed using mobility data from the Câmara Municipal de Lisboa, namely road accidents that occurred in 2019 in this city, using the CRISP-DM approach in Python. The data were previously integrated and cleaned to later be submitted to visualization methods, to identify patterns of occurrence of road accidents in the city of Lisbon.A mobilidade urbana nas grandes cidades europeias tem sido cada vez mais estudada devido ao elevado volume de dados e de interesse que existe sobre a mesma. Como tal, as autoridades competentes sentem a necessidade de desenhar soluções inteligentes que auxiliem na mitigação de problemas de mobilidade. O presente trabalho de investigação foi desenvolvido com os dados de mobilidade da Câmara Municipal de Lisboa, nomeadamente dos acidentes rodoviários ocorridos no ano de 2019 nesta cidade, através da abordagem CRISP-DM em Python. Os dados foram previamente integrados e limpos para posteriormente serem submetidos a métodos de visualização, de forma a identificar padrões de ocorrência de acidentes rodoviários na cidade de Lisboa

    Count Data Regression Modelling: An Application to Monkeypox Confirmed Cases

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    Introduction: With the presence of COVID 19, some countries also faced an increase in number of cases due to Monkeypox virus. The main aim of this research was to investigate whether it is possible to fit count data regression models to predict the daily incidence of Monkeypox confirmed cases. Methods: In this study we have used two types of traditional count regression models like Poisson regression model and Negative binomial regression model using identity and logarithmic link function. Since our data was overdispersed, Negative binomial regression model with logarithmic link function fitted well as compared to other models. The parameters were estimated using SPSS, version 23.0. Results: The Negative Binomial Regression model with logarithm function fits well to the data related to Monkeypox cases. Therefore, the model shows that majority of the countries like Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Peru, Spain, United Kingdom and United States of America shows significant decrease in number of cases with respect to time. The prediction line was plotted using this model where the line predicts well about the daily Monkeypox cases reported by different countries. Conclusion: From our study, we concluded that the count data regression model can be used widely to predict the incidence of any disease. The countries like Canada and Brazil have largest and smallest slope coefficient which shows maximum and minimum decrease in expected number of cases confirmed each day respectively.  

    Predicting Road Traffic Accidents—Artificial Neural Network Approach

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    Road traffic accidents are a significant public health issue, accounting for almost 1.3 million deaths worldwide annually, with millions more experiencing non-fatal injuries. A variety of subjective and objective factors contribute to the occurrence of traffic accidents, making it difficult to predict and prevent them on new road sections. Artificial neural networks (ANN) have demonstrated their effectiveness in predicting traffic accidents using limited data sets. This study presents two ANN models to predict traffic accidents on common roads in the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina) using objective factors that can be easily determined, such as road length, terrain type, road width, average daily traffic volume, and speed limit. The models predict the number of traffic accidents, as well as the severity of their consequences, including fatalities, injuries and property damage. The developed optimal neural network models showed good generalization capabilities for the collected data foresee, and could be used to accurately predict the observed outputs, based on the input parameters. The highest values of r2 for developed models ANN1 and ANN2 were 0.986, 0.988, and 0.977, and 0.990, 0.969, and 0.990, accordingly, for training, testing and validation cycles. Identifying the most influential factors can assist in improving road safety and reducing the number of accidents. Overall, this research highlights the potential of ANN in predicting traffic accidents and supporting decision-making in transportation planning

    A Review of Data Analytic Applications in Road Traffic Safety. Part 1: Descriptive and Predictive Modeling

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    This part of the review aims to reduce the start-up burden of data collection and descriptive analytics for statistical modeling and route optimization of risk associated with motor vehicles. From a data-driven bibliometric analysis, we show that the literature is divided into two disparate research streams: (a) predictive or explanatory models that attempt to understand and quantify crash risk based on different driving conditions, and (b) optimization techniques that focus on minimizing crash risk through route/path-selection and rest-break scheduling. Translation of research outcomes between these two streams is limited. To overcome this issue, we present publicly available high-quality data sources (different study designs, outcome variables, and predictor variables) and descriptive analytic techniques (data summarization, visualization, and dimension reduction) that can be used to achieve safer-routing and provide code to facilitate data collection/exploration by practitioners/researchers. Then, we review the statistical and machine learning models used for crash risk modeling. We show that (near) real-time crash risk is rarely considered, which might explain why the optimization models (reviewed in Part 2) have not capitalized on the research outcomes from the first stream