91 research outputs found

    A resource management architecture for metacomputing systems

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    Self-organising management of Grid environments

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    This paper presents basic concepts, architectural principles and algorithms for efficient resource and security management in cluster computing environments and the Grid. The work presented in this paper is funded by BTExacT and the EPSRC project SO-GRM (GR/S21939)

    An Overview of a Grid Architecture for Scientific Computing

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    This document gives an overview of a Grid testbed architecture proposal for the NorduGrid project. The aim of the project is to establish an inter-Nordic testbed facility for implementation of wide area computing and data handling. The architecture is supposed to define a Grid system suitable for solving data intensive problems at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. We present the various architecture components needed for such a system. After that we go on to give a description of the dynamics by showing the task flow

    ULabGrid, an infrastructure to develop distant laboratories for undergrad students over a Grid

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    Nowadays, there is a big discussion about two different topics: how distance learning and the old fashioned learning can be improved using the new technologies. In both cases, there are many collaborative tools based on the web infrastructure such as e-mail, web discussing groups, virtual campuses or audio and video conferences, that basically give a way of exchanging information among the different groups involved in learning tasks, but very few of them have been thought to help or to develop laboratory classes (labs). In this paper we describe a GRID infrastructure (ULabGrid) that supports distant laboratories for undergrad students.Peer Reviewe

    DiPerF: an automated DIstributed PERformance testing Framework

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    We present DiPerF, a distributed performance testing framework, aimed at simplifying and automating service performance evaluation. DiPerF coordinates a pool of machines that test a target service, collects and aggregates performance metrics, and generates performance statistics. The aggregate data collected provide information on service throughput, on service "fairness" when serving multiple clients concurrently, and on the impact of network latency on service performance. Furthermore, using this data, it is possible to build predictive models that estimate a service performance given the service load. We have tested DiPerF on 100+ machines on two testbeds, Grid3 and PlanetLab, and explored the performance of job submission services (pre WS GRAM and WS GRAM) included with Globus Toolkit 3.2.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, will appear in IEEE/ACM Grid2004, November 200

    A Multilevel Approach to Topology-Aware Collective Operations in Computational Grids

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    The efficient implementation of collective communiction operations has received much attention. Initial efforts produced "optimal" trees based on network communication models that assumed equal point-to-point latencies between any two processes. This assumption is violated in most practical settings, however, particularly in heterogeneous systems such as clusters of SMPs and wide-area "computational Grids," with the result that collective operations perform suboptimally. In response, more recent work has focused on creating topology-aware trees for collective operations that minimize communication across slower channels (e.g., a wide-area network). While these efforts have significant communication benefits, they all limit their view of the network to only two layers. We present a strategy based upon a multilayer view of the network. By creating multilevel topology-aware trees we take advantage of communication cost differences at every level in the network. We used this strategy to implement topology-aware versions of several MPI collective operations in MPICH-G2, the Globus Toolkit[tm]-enabled version of the popular MPICH implementation of the MPI standard. Using information about topology provided by MPICH-G2, we construct these multilevel topology-aware trees automatically during execution. We present results demonstrating the advantages of our multilevel approach by comparing it to the default (topology-unaware) implementation provided by MPICH and a topology-aware two-layer implementation.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    Security for Grid Services

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    Grid computing is concerned with the sharing and coordinated use of diverse resources in distributed "virtual organizations." The dynamic and multi-institutional nature of these environments introduces challenging security issues that demand new technical approaches. In particular, one must deal with diverse local mechanisms, support dynamic creation of services, and enable dynamic creation of trust domains. We describe how these issues are addressed in two generations of the Globus Toolkit. First, we review the Globus Toolkit version 2 (GT2) approach; then, we describe new approaches developed to support the Globus Toolkit version 3 (GT3) implementation of the Open Grid Services Architecture, an initiative that is recasting Grid concepts within a service oriented framework based on Web services. GT3's security implementation uses Web services security mechanisms for credential exchange and other purposes, and introduces a tight least-privilege model that avoids the need for any privileged network service.Comment: 10 pages; 4 figure

    GRIDKIT: Pluggable overlay networks for Grid computing

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    A `second generation' approach to the provision of Grid middleware is now emerging which is built on service-oriented architecture and web services standards and technologies. However, advanced Grid applications have significant demands that are not addressed by present-day web services platforms. As one prime example, current platforms do not support the rich diversity of communication `interaction types' that are demanded by advanced applications (e.g. publish-subscribe, media streaming, peer-to-peer interaction). In the paper we describe the Gridkit middleware which augments the basic service-oriented architecture to address this particular deficiency. We particularly focus on the communications infrastructure support required to support multiple interaction types in a unified, principled and extensible manner-which we present in terms of the novel concept of pluggable overlay networks

    MPICH-G2: A Grid-Enabled Implementation of the Message Passing Interface

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    Application development for distributed computing "Grids" can benefit from tools that variously hide or enable application-level management of critical aspects of the heterogeneous environment. As part of an investigation of these issues, we have developed MPICH-G2, a Grid-enabled implementation of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) that allows a user to run MPI programs across multiple computers, at the same or different sites, using the same commands that would be used on a parallel computer. This library extends the Argonne MPICH implementation of MPI to use services provided by the Globus Toolkit for authentication, authorization, resource allocation, executable staging, and I/O, as well as for process creation, monitoring, and control. Various performance-critical operations, including startup and collective operations, are configured to exploit network topology information. The library also exploits MPI constructs for performance management; for example, the MPI communicator construct is used for application-level discovery of, and adaptation to, both network topology and network quality-of-service mechanisms. We describe the MPICH-G2 design and implementation, present performance results, and review application experiences, including record-setting distributed simulations.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figure
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