927 research outputs found

    Security Analysis for Distributed IoT-Based Industrial Automation

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    Internet of Things (IoT) technologies enable development of reconfigurable manufacturing systems--a new generation of modularized industrial equipment suitable for highly customized manufacturing. Sequential control in these systems is largely based on discrete events, whereas their formal execution semantics is specified as control interpreted Petri nets (CIPN). Despite industry-wide use of programming languages based on the CIPN formalism, formal verification of such control applications in the presence of adversarial activity is not supported. Consequently, in this article, we introduce security-aware modeling and verification techniques for CIPN-based sequential control applications. Specifically, we show how CIPN models of networked industrial IoT controllers can be transformed into time Petri net (TPN)-based models and composed with plant and security-aware channel models in order to enable system-level verification of safety properties in the presence of network-based attacks. Additionally, we introduce realistic channel-specific attack models that capture adversarial behavior using nondeterminism. Moreover, we show how verification results can be utilized to introduce security patches and facilitate design of attack detectors that improve system resiliency and enable satisfaction of critical safety properties. Finally, we evaluate our framework on an industrial case study

    Prevention of Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Network By Removing Falsified Sub Aggregate Attack By Node Recovery

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    The remote sensor framework is encircled by group of large no. of sensor nodes. The sensor center points have the limit of distinguishing the weight, vibration, development, dampness, and sound as in etc. In view of a necessity for generosity of checking, remote sensor frameworks (WSN) are regularly abundance. Data from different sensors is totaled at an aggregator center point which then advances to the base station only the aggregate qualities. Existing structure simply focus on acknowledgment of Attack in the framework. This paper areas examination of Attack Prevention besides gives an idea to how to overcome the issues. What's more, utilize the SSSD dijkstra calculation for finding the briefest way from source hub to destination hub. Furthermore, give more security in the system

    Resilience-oriented control and communication framework for cyber-physical microgrids

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    Climate change drives the energy supply transition from traditional fossil fuel-based power generation to renewable energy resources. This transition has been widely recognised as one of the most significant developing pathways promoting the decarbonisation process toward a zero-carbon and sustainable society. Rapidly developing renewables gradually dominate energy systems and promote the current energy supply system towards decentralisation and digitisation. The manifestation of decentralisation is at massive dispatchable energy resources, while the digitisation features strong cohesion and coherence between electrical power technologies and information and communication technologies (ICT). Massive dispatchable physical devices and cyber components are interdependent and coupled tightly as a cyber-physical energy supply system, while this cyber-physical energy supply system currently faces an increase of extreme weather (e.g., earthquake, flooding) and cyber-contingencies (e.g., cyberattacks) in the frequency, intensity, and duration. Hence, one major challenge is to find an appropriate cyber-physical solution to accommodate increasing renewables while enhancing power supply resilience. The main focus of this thesis is to blend centralised and decentralised frameworks to propose a collaboratively centralised-and-decentralised resilient control framework for energy systems i.e., networked microgrids (MGs) that can operate optimally in the normal condition while can mitigate simultaneous cyber-physical contingencies in the extreme condition. To achieve this, we investigate the concept of "cyber-physical resilience" including four phases, namely prevention/upgrade, resistance, adaption/mitigation, and recovery. Throughout these stages, we tackle different cyber-physical challenges under the concept of microgrid ranging from a centralised-to-decentralised transitional control framework coping with cyber-physical out of service, a cyber-resilient distributed control methodology for networked MGs, a UAV assisted post-contingency cyber-physical service restoration, to a fast-convergent distributed dynamic state estimation algorithm for a class of interconnected systems.Open Acces

    How Physicality Enables Trust: A New Era of Trust-Centered Cyberphysical Systems

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    Multi-agent cyberphysical systems enable new capabilities in efficiency, resilience, and security. The unique characteristics of these systems prompt a reevaluation of their security concepts, including their vulnerabilities, and mechanisms to mitigate these vulnerabilities. This survey paper examines how advancement in wireless networking, coupled with the sensing and computing in cyberphysical systems, can foster novel security capabilities. This study delves into three main themes related to securing multi-agent cyberphysical systems. First, we discuss the threats that are particularly relevant to multi-agent cyberphysical systems given the potential lack of trust between agents. Second, we present prospects for sensing, contextual awareness, and authentication, enabling the inference and measurement of ``inter-agent trust" for these systems. Third, we elaborate on the application of quantifiable trust notions to enable ``resilient coordination," where ``resilient" signifies sustained functionality amid attacks on multiagent cyberphysical systems. We refer to the capability of cyberphysical systems to self-organize, and coordinate to achieve a task as autonomy. This survey unveils the cyberphysical character of future interconnected systems as a pivotal catalyst for realizing robust, trust-centered autonomy in tomorrow's world

    Self-triggered Coordination over a Shared Network under Denial-of-Service

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    The issue of security has become ever more prevalent in the analysis and design of cyber-physical systems. In this paper, we analyze a consensus network in the presence of Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks, namely attacks that prevent communication among the network agents. By introducing a notion of Persistency-of-Communication (PoC), we provide a characterization of DoS frequency and duration such that consensus is not destroyed. An example is given to substantiate the analysis

    HoPP: Robust and Resilient Publish-Subscribe for an Information-Centric Internet of Things

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    This paper revisits NDN deployment in the IoT with a special focus on the interaction of sensors and actuators. Such scenarios require high responsiveness and limited control state at the constrained nodes. We argue that the NDN request-response pattern which prevents data push is vital for IoT networks. We contribute HoP-and-Pull (HoPP), a robust publish-subscribe scheme for typical IoT scenarios that targets IoT networks consisting of hundreds of resource constrained devices at intermittent connectivity. Our approach limits the FIB tables to a minimum and naturally supports mobility, temporary network partitioning, data aggregation and near real-time reactivity. We experimentally evaluate the protocol in a real-world deployment using the IoT-Lab testbed with varying numbers of constrained devices, each wirelessly interconnected via IEEE 802.15.4 LowPANs. Implementations are built on CCN-lite with RIOT and support experiments using various single- and multi-hop scenarios

    Survey On: Improved Secured Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Network by Attack Detection and Recovery Mechanism

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    The remote sensor system is framed by vast number of sensor hubs. Sensor hubs may be homogeneous or heterogeneous. These systems are much conveyed and comprise of numerous number of less cost, less power, less memory and self-arranging sensor hubs. The sensor hubs have the capacity of detecting the temperature, weight, vibration, movement, mugginess, and sound as in and so on. Because of a requirement for heartiness of checking, remote sensor systems (WSN) are normally excess. Information from various sensors is totaled at an aggregator hub which then advances to the base station just the total qualities. Existing framework just concentrate on recognition of Attack in the system. This paper locations investigation of Attack Prevention furthermore gives a thought to how to conquer the issues