7 research outputs found


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    Thesis (Master of Information Science)--University of Tsukuba, no. 34311, 2015.3.25201

    To Deconvolve, or Not to Deconvolve: Inferences of Neuronal Activities using Calcium Imaging Data

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    With the increasing popularity of calcium imaging data in neuroscience research, methods for analyzing calcium trace data are critical to address various questions. The observed calcium traces are either analyzed directly or deconvolved to spike trains to infer neuronal activities. When both approaches are applicable, it is unclear whether deconvolving calcium traces is a necessary step. In this article, we compare the performance of using calcium traces or their deconvolved spike trains for three common analyses: clustering, principal component analysis (PCA), and population decoding. Our simulations and applications to real data suggest that the estimated spike data outperform calcium trace data for both clustering and PCA. Although calcium trace data show higher predictability than spike data at each time point, spike history or cumulative spike counts is comparable to or better than calcium traces in population decoding

    Computational principles of single neuron adaptation

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    Cortical neurons continuously transform sets of incoming spike trains into output spike trains. This input-output transformation is referred to as single-neuron computation and constitutes one of the most fundamental process in the brain. A deep understanding of single-neuron dynamics is therefore required to study how neural circuits support complex behaviors such as sensory perception, learning and memory. The results presented in this thesis focus on single-neuron computation. In particular, I address the question of how and why cortical neurons adapt their coding strategies to the statistical properties of their inputs. A new spiking model and a new fitting procedure are introduced that enable reliable nonparametric feature extraction from in vitro intracellular recordings. By applying this method to a new set of data from L5 pyramidal neurons, I found that cortical neurons adapt their firing rate over multiple timescales, ranging from tens of milliseconds to tens of second. This behavior results from two cellular processes, which are triggered by the emission of individual action potentials and decay according to a power-law. An analysis performed on in vivo intracellular recordings further indicates that power-law adaptation is near-optimally tuned to efficiently encode natural inputs received by single neurons in biologically relevant situations. These results shade light on the functional role of spike-frequency adaptation in the cortex. The second part of this thesis focuses on the long-standing question of whether cortical neurons act as temporal integrators or coincidence detectors. According to standard theories relying on simplified spiking models, cortical neurons are expected to feature both coding strategies, depending on the statistical properties of their inputs. A model-based analysis performed on a second set of in vitro recordings demonstrates that the spike initiation dynamics implements a complex form of adaptation to make cortical neurons act as coincidence detectors, regardless of the input statistics. This result indicates that cortical neurons are well-suited to support a temporal code in which the relevant information is carried by the precise timing of spikes. The spiking model introduced in this thesis was not designed to study a particular aspect of single-neuron computation and achieves good performances in predicting the spiking activity of different neuronal types. The proposed method for parameter estimation is efficient and only requires a limited amount of data. If applied on large datasets, the mathematical framework presented in this thesis could therefore lead to automated high-throughput single-neuron characterization

    The Dynamics of Adapting Neurons

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    How do neurons dynamically encode and treat information? Each neuron communicates with its distinctive language made of long silences intermitted by occasional spikes. The spikes are prompted by the pooled effect of a population of pre-synaptic neurons. To understand the operation made by single neurons is to create a quantitative description of their dynamics. The results presented in this thesis describe the necessary elements for a quantitative description of single neurons. Almost all chapters can be unified under the theme of adaptation. Neuronal adaptation plays an important role in the transduction of a given stimulation into a spike train. The work described here shows how adaptation is brought by every spike in a stereotypical fashion. The spike-triggered adaptation is then measured in three main types of cortical neurons. I analyze in detail how the different adaptation profiles can reproduce the diversity of firing patterns observed in real neurons. I also summarize the most recent results concerning the spike-time prediction in real neurons, resulting in a well-founded single-neuron model. This model is then analyzed to understand how populations can encode time-dependent signals and how time-dependent signals can be decoded from the activity of populations. Finally, two lines of investigation in progress are described, the first expands the study of spike-triggered adaptation on longer time scales and the second extends the quantitative neuron models to models with active dendrites