5 research outputs found


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    Pemrograman Dasar merupakan mata pelajaran yang dianggap sulit karena berisi konsep abstrak, faktor yang menyebabkan kesulitan siswa adalah metode pembelajaran. Dalam pembelajaran karakteristik individu yang berbeda-beda adalah faktor yang mempengaruhi pembelajaran, sehingga diperlukan metode pembelajaran yang berpusat pada siswa. Solusi yang diajukan untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut adalah media pembelajaran berbasis web dengan pendekatan personalized learning. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan kognitif siswa pada mata pelajaran pemrograman dasar setelah menggunakan media pembelajaran berbasis web dengan pendekatan personalized learning. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif kausal komparatif, pengembangan media yang digunakan adalah Metode Siklus Hidup Menyeluruh. Hasil yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini, media pembelajaran berbasis web yang telah dikembangan mendapatkan rata-rata persentase sebesar 83,98% dari ahli dengan kategori “Sangat Baik”. Media pembelajaran berbasis web terbukti membantu meningkatkan kemampuan kognitif siswa, diperoleh rata-rata nilai gain 0,47 pada kelompok yang dibebaskan untuk mengakses materi, dan rata-rata gain 0,53 pada kelompok yang belajar sesuai dengan gaya belajarnya, keduanya berada pada kriteria “Sedang”. Berdasarkan analisis korelasi, terdapat hubungan antara penilaian siswa terhadap media pembelajaran dengan peningkatan n-gain. Peserta didik memberikan tanggapan terhadap media, didapatkan rata-rata presentase sebesar 94,43%. Basic programming is a difficult lesson because it contains abstract concepts, the factor that causes student difficulties is the learning method. In the learning process, different individual characteristics are factors that influence learning, so a student-centered learning method is needed. The solution proposed to solve this problem is a web-based learning media with a personalized learning approach. This study aims to see the increase in students' cognitive abilities in basic programming subjects after using web-based learning media with a personalized learning approach. This research uses comparative causal quantitative research methods, the media development uses SHM (Siklus Hidup Menyeluruh) method. The results obtained from this research is, the web-based learning media that has been developed get an average percentage of 83.98% from the experts in the "Very Good" category. Web-based learning media is proven to help improve students' cognitive abilities, the average gain value of 0.47 is obtained in the group that is freed to access the material, and an average gain of 0.53 in the group that is learning according to their learning style, both are in the criteria "Medium”. Based on the results of the correlation analysis, there is a relationship between students' assessment of the learning media used and the increase in n-gain. Students gave responses to the media, the average percentage was 94.43%

    A Recommender System Assisting Instructor in Building Learning Path for Personalized Learning System

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    Multimodal E-assessment: An Empirical Study

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    Due to the availability of technology, there has been a shift from traditional assessment methods to e-assessment methods designed to support learning. With this development there is a need to address the suitability and effectiveness of the e-assessment interface. One development in the e-assessment interface has been the use of the multimodal metaphor. Unfortunately, the associated effectiveness of multimodality in terms of usability and its suitability in achieving assessment aims has not been fully addressed. Thus, there is a need to determine the impact of multimodality on the effectiveness of e-assessment and to reveal the benefits, primarily to the user. Moreover, those involved in the development and assessment should be aware of potential impacts and benefits. This thesis investigates the role and effectiveness of multimodal metaphors in e-assessment, specifically; the thesis assesses the effect of multimodal metaphors, alone or in combination, on usability in e-assessment. Usability includes efficiency, effectiveness and user satisfaction. The empirical research described in this study consisted of three experiments of 30 participants each to evaluate the effect of description text, avatars and images individually, avatars, description text and recorded speech in combination with images, and finally, the use of avatars with whole body gestures, earcons and auditory icons. The experimental stages were designed as a progression towards the main focus of the study, which was the effectiveness of full body gesture avatar, considered to be the latest development in multimodal metaphors. The experimentation also assessed the role that an avatar could play as a tutor in e-assessment interfaces. The results proved the positive effectiveness and applicability of metaphors to enhance e-assessment usability. This was achieved through a more effective interaction between the user and the assessment interface. A set of empirically derived guidelines for the design and use of these metaphors to enhance e-assessment is also used in order to generate more usable e-assessment interface

    Compendium: Educational metadata

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    Wann immer Daten über die eigene Plattform hinaus ausgetauscht werden sollen, müssen die Rahmenbedingungen festgelegt werden, unter denen dieser Austausch erfolgreich zustande kommen kann. Beim Datenaustausch spielen Metadaten eine besondere Rolle. Um nützliche Bildungsservices anbieten zu können, sind gerade im Bildungsbereich didaktische Metadaten besonders relevant. Trotz der allgemein anerkannten Relevanz finden sich jedoch wenige bis gar keine Übersichten zu diesem Thema. Das vorliegende Kompendium möchte diese Lücke schließen, indem es einen Einblick in das Thema gewährt, weiterführende Informationen präsentiert und damit als Nachschlagewerk einen Ausgangspunkt für zukünftige Entwicklungen bietet. Es richtet sich daher an Entscheider*innen, Fachexpert*innen, Entwickler*innen und alle interessierten Personen, die einen thematischen Überblick über Metadaten- und E-Learning-Standards sowie didaktische Metadaten und Metadaten mit didaktischer Funktion gewinnen möchten. (DIPF/Orig.