5 research outputs found

    Mitigating the Torque Ripple in Electric Traction using Proportional Integral Resonant Controller

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    Permanent magnet (PM) machines offer high efficiencies which are attractive to be used in vehicle propulsion systems, however, their design creates an inherent torque ripple. This is particularly problematic for electric vehicles (EV) due to low damping of torsional vibration which can result in reduced vehicle comfort. This can prohibit the take up of PM machines, missing opportunities for improving vehicle energy efficiency. This paper presents the application of resonant control (RC) to suppress the impact of the PM torque ripple this enabling take up of this technology and for the first time aims to demonstrate a reduction in vibration at a vehicle level. A prototype PM machine and driveline have been fitted to a light-duty off-road vehicle. Firstly an analysis of the vehicle vibration when it is driven in a speed-control mode with a conventional proportional-integral (PI) control. The main source of the vibration is identified as the 24th harmonic torque ripple of the PM machine, which originates from the cogging torque and air-gap flux harmonics. The vibration is more severe when the torque ripple frequency is close to the natural frequency of the drivetrain. The application of Resonance Control has demonstrated over 80% reduction in speed ripple even when the torque ripple frequency is close to the natural frequency of the vehicle

    Front seat passengers’ experience of ride comfort and NVH in modern cars

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    Due to the refinements in combustion-engine and electric cars, ride comfort has become a prominent attribute when it comes to developing cars in the future. A variety of factors, such as seat, seatbelt, sound and vibration, have been shown to influence perceived overall ride comfort in passenger cars. Numerous studies have investigated human responses to sound and vibration. However, few studies have investigated passengers’ experiences of sound and vibration in real passenger cars, in different real-world driving scenarios. The purpose of this licentiate thesis is to identify human experiences of sound and vibration in modern passenger cars. An approach has been developed to investigate how sound and vibration influence overall perceived ride comfort in combustion-engine cars (CVs) and electric cars (EVs). The first research question relates to the definition of ride comfort, from the passenger’s perspective, and the methodology used to specify the factors that influence overall ride comfort. The second research question deals with specifying how ride comfort is influenced by sound and vibration.The research includes literature reviews of human responses to sound and vibration and a user study using a mixed-method research approach that focused on subjective judgements and objective measurements of overall ride comfort. The literature reviews found that several laboratory studies have covered the level and frequency ranges of interest for vibration and sound found in passenger cars. Other studies have employed realistic ride postures with populations of various ages, gender and anthropometric measures to investigate the influence of vibration on ride comfort. Studies of sound in passenger car have explored approaches to identify sound sources, assess sound quality and design product sound. The overall conclusion from the literature reviews was that there is a lack of studies that consider all the different parameters influencing the overall ride comfort experience of automotive vehicle passengers. Also, further studies are specifically needed to investigate the influence of sound and vibration on passengers’ experience of overall ride comfort. The user study comprised eight typical driving scenarios (initial comfort, start/stop, acceleration and deceleration, constant speed, speed bumps, long bumps and cornering, bridge joints and rough roads) with ten participants in a CV and an EV. The overall results indicated that the two cars were similar in terms of the prominent effects of ingress, room for the body, seat adjustment and seat support on initial comfort, but varied in terms of dynamic discomfort. Induced body movements dominated dynamic discomfort in the CV, while annoying sound dominated in the EV. Sound annoyance in the CV was primarily triggered by tyre noise at lower speeds and wind noise at higher speeds. In the EV it was the high-frequency tonal sound from electrical components that produced the most annoyance. In both cars, vibration discomfort was linked most strongly to induced body movement. Sound annoyance was judged lower when passengers perceived pronounced induced body movement or when participants experienced vibrations coherent to the sound. Nevertheless, the overall influence of sound accumulated over time, making it difficult for passengers to relax. In contrast, the instantaneous judgement of vibration discomfort was not affected noticeably by the simultaneous sound.The main conclusion of this licentiate thesis is that from the passenger’s perspective, ride comfort encompasses static comfort and dynamic discomfort. Static comfort is associated with ingress, room for the body, seat support and seat adjustment. While dynamic discomfort is attributed to the annoying sound, induced body movement, as well as discordance between sound and vibration. The influence of sound and vibration on perceived ride comfort varies depending on the type of driving scenario (e.g., road profile and speed) and on the type of cars (e.g., CV or EV). Moreover, dynamic discomfort could be controlled by controlling sound and vibration

    Reduction of torsional vibrations due to electromechanical interaction in aircraft systems

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    With the growth of electrical power onboard aircraft, the interaction between the electrical systems and the engine will become significant. Moreover, since the drivetrain has a flexible shaft, higher load connections can excite torsional vibrations on the aircraft drivetrain. These vibrations can break the shaft if the torque induced is higher than the designed value, or reduce its lifespan if the excitation is constant. To avoid these problems, the electromechanical interaction between the electrical power system and the drivetrain must be evaluated. Past studies have identified the electromechanical interaction and introduced experimental setups that allow its study. However, strategies to reduce the excitation of the torsional vibrations have not been presented. This thesis aims to analyse the electromechanical interaction in aircraft systems and develop an advanced electrical power management system (PMS) to mitigate its effects. The PMS introduces strategies based on the load timing requirements, which are built on the open loop Posicast compensator. The strategies referred as Single Level Multi-edge Switching Loads (SLME), Multilevel Loading (MLL), and Multi-load Single Level Multi-edge Switching Loads (MSLME) are applied to different loads, such as pulsating loads, ice protection system, and time-critical loads, such as the control surfaces. The Posicast based strategies, eliminate the torsional vibrations after a switching event, by the addition of zeros that cancel the poles of the system. For this reason, the knowledge of the natural frequencies of the mechanical system is necessary. Experimentally, the system parameters are obtained through Fourier analysis of the step response and the strategies are applied. A robust analysis of the strategies allows the establishment of the range of uncertainty on the frequencies that allow the proper operation of the strategies. Simulation and experimental results show that the torsional vibrations can be reduced to values close to zero by the application of the strategy. Therefore, the PMS mitigates the electromechanical interaction between the electrical power system and the aircraft drivetrain

    Reduction of torsional vibrations due to electromechanical interaction in aircraft systems

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    With the growth of electrical power onboard aircraft, the interaction between the electrical systems and the engine will become significant. Moreover, since the drivetrain has a flexible shaft, higher load connections can excite torsional vibrations on the aircraft drivetrain. These vibrations can break the shaft if the torque induced is higher than the designed value, or reduce its lifespan if the excitation is constant. To avoid these problems, the electromechanical interaction between the electrical power system and the drivetrain must be evaluated. Past studies have identified the electromechanical interaction and introduced experimental setups that allow its study. However, strategies to reduce the excitation of the torsional vibrations have not been presented. This thesis aims to analyse the electromechanical interaction in aircraft systems and develop an advanced electrical power management system (PMS) to mitigate its effects. The PMS introduces strategies based on the load timing requirements, which are built on the open loop Posicast compensator. The strategies referred as Single Level Multi-edge Switching Loads (SLME), Multilevel Loading (MLL), and Multi-load Single Level Multi-edge Switching Loads (MSLME) are applied to different loads, such as pulsating loads, ice protection system, and time-critical loads, such as the control surfaces. The Posicast based strategies, eliminate the torsional vibrations after a switching event, by the addition of zeros that cancel the poles of the system. For this reason, the knowledge of the natural frequencies of the mechanical system is necessary. Experimentally, the system parameters are obtained through Fourier analysis of the step response and the strategies are applied. A robust analysis of the strategies allows the establishment of the range of uncertainty on the frequencies that allow the proper operation of the strategies. Simulation and experimental results show that the torsional vibrations can be reduced to values close to zero by the application of the strategy. Therefore, the PMS mitigates the electromechanical interaction between the electrical power system and the aircraft drivetrain

    A Real-Time Vibration Suppression Strategy in Electric Vehicles

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