19,108 research outputs found

    A rational framework for production decision making in blood establishments

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    SAD_BaSe is a blood bank data analysis software, created to assist in the management of blood donations and the blood production chain in blood establishments. In particular, the system keeps track of several collection and production indicators, enables the definition of collection and production strategies, and the measurement of quality indicators required by the Quality Management System regulating the general operation of blood establishments. This paper describes the general scenario of blood establishments and its main requirements in terms of data management and analysis. It presents the architecture of SAD_BaSe and identifies its main contributions. Specifically, it brings forward the generation of customized reports driven by decision making needs and the use of data mining techniques in the analysis of donor suspensions and donation discards

    Explaining the Size Distribution of Plants: An Approach Based on Civic Capital

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    We show that the distribution of plant size within narrowly defined industries is affected by the variation in the stock of civic capital that occurs at the provincial level. Data on plant size come from the 2001 Italian Census of Manufacturing and Services. Civic capital turns out to have a positive effect on both the average and the standard deviation of the plant size distribution. This effect is stronger in labor-intensive industries. The potential endogeneity of current civic capital is addressed by instrumenting it with historical variables. Our interpretation for these results is that civic capital is associated with reduced opportunistic behavior, which improves intra-firm cooperation and hampers the incidence of principal-agent problems, thus allowing plants to operate on a larger scale.

    Crisis of confidence : re-narrating the consumer-professional discourse

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    The professional-consumer relationship in professional services has undergone unprecedented change. Relationships which were traditionally dominated by respect for professional status are in flux as increasingly educated consumers challenge the professional establishment. This paper considers the nature of the professional service consumer and the implications for professional service encounters. Based on qualitative interviews we identify four patterns of consumer-professional interaction, compliant, collaborative, confirmatory, and consumerist, which reflect the nature of the discourse between consumer and professiona

    The Federal Approach to FiscalDecentralisation: Conceptual Contours for Policy Makers

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    Chanchal Kumar Sharma,in his paper demonstrates that in order for fiscal decentralisation to be effective, it must be approached federally. A federal approach is not a decentralised approach but a dynamically balanced approach; one that constantly keeps on adjusting the contrasting forces of centralisation and decentralisation to create a system that can ensure good governance in accordance with the rapidly changing global and local scenario. According to the author, the good governance of the present time has to be federally flexible and dynamically decentralised and institutions of fiscal federalism are crucial for achieving such a dynamic equilibrium. Fiscal decentralisation cannot be detached from the broader principles of fiscal federalism if it is to be successful, irrespective of the fact of whether it is being carried out in a federal or non-federal country. He argues that too much decentralisation or an overly strong central federal government precludes the survival of a constitutional federal state.Federalism; Fiscal Decentralization; centralization

    An Introduction to Destructive Coordination

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    Polanyi (1944, [1957] 1968) has distinguished three 'patterns of social integration,' namely 'reciprocity', 'redistribution' and 'exchange.' This triad has provided the starting point for most subsequent discussion. Our purpose is to introduce a further type of coordination, the 'destructive mode of coordination'. This mode achieves coordination by intimidation, threat, and the use of non-institutionalized coercive means. Resources and human efforts are allocated in order to appropriate what other people produce. Two simple examples provide an introductory illustration, traffic circles (roundabouts) and prisons. Appropriation through pirating provides a further example of destructive coordination. More specifically, biopiracy (blood patenting) is discussed in order to clarify the relationship between destructive coordination and the institutionalization of property rights. Finally, we focus on the role of destructive coordination as a transitional mechanism that is supported by the institutional vacuum ultimately yielding to other modes of coordination.mode of coordination, destructive coordination, institutional vacuum, biopiracy, indeterminate property rights

    Medical Devices Competitiveness and Impact on Public Health Expenditure

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    This study provides an analytical overview of the state of the European Union medical device industry. The medical device industry sector encompasses an extremely large variety of products and technologies. It covers hundreds of thousands of products that range from more traditional products, such as bandages or syringes, to sophisticated devices that incorporate bioinformatics, nanotechnology and engineered cells. These are designed for use by practitioners, patients and healthy individuals in a variety of settings: hospitals, surgeries and private homes. Besides being a vital and innovative industry, medical devices are a key component of healthcare systems and represent, together with pharmaceuticals, the bulk of ‘medical technology’. The analysis of the sector must therefore investigate medical devices as an industry – an innovative contributor to the economy – as well its key input to healthcare systems. The following aspects are taken into account: a) the impact of innovation in medical devices on health costs and expenditure; b) the innovativeness of the European medical device industry; c) the competitiveness of the European medical device industry as compared to that of the United States and Japan.healthcare expenditure; medical devices; competitiveness; innovation