2,198 research outputs found

    Detection and Classification of EEG Epileptiform Transients with RBF Networks using Hilbert Huang Transform-derived Features

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    Diagnosis of epilepsy or epileptic transients AEP (Abnormal Epileptiform Paroxysmal) is tedious, but important, and an expensive process. The process involves trained neurologists going over the patient\u27s EEG records looking for epileptiform discharge like events and classifying it as AEP (Abnormal Epileptiform Paroxysmal) or non-AEP. The objective of this research is to automate the process of detecting such events and classifying them into AEP(definitely an Epileptiform Transient) and non-AEPs (unlikely an epileptiform transient). The problem is approached in two separate steps and cascaded to validate and analyze the performance of the overall system. The first step is a detection problem to find the Epileptiform like transients (ETs) from the Electroencephalograph (EEG) of a patient. A Radial basis function-based neural network has been trained using a training set consisting of examples from both classes (ETs and non-ETs). The ETs are the yellow boxes which are marked by expert neurologists. There are no particular examples of non-ETs and any data not annotated by experts can be considered to be examples of non-ETs. The second step is classification of the detected ETs also known as yellow boxes, into AEPs or non-AEPs. A similar Radial basis function-based neural network has been trained using the ETs marked and classified into AEPs and non-AEPs manually by seven expert neurologists. The annotations or yellow boxes along with the contextual signal was used to extract features using the Hilbert Huang Transform. The system is validated by considering an entire epoch of the patient EEG and potential ETs are identified using the detector. The potential ETs marked by the detector are classified into AEPs and non-AEPs and compared against the annotations marked by the experts

    A real time classification algorithm for EEG-based BCI driven by self-induced emotions

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    Background and objective: The aim of this paper is to provide an efficient, parametric, general, and completely automatic real time classification method of electroencephalography (EEG) signals obtained from self-induced emotions. The particular characteristics of the considered low-amplitude signals (a self-induced emotion produces a signal whose amplitude is about 15% of a really experienced emotion) require exploring and adapting strategies like the Wavelet Transform, the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and the Support Vector Machine (SVM) for signal processing, analysis and classification. Moreover, the method is thought to be used in a multi-emotions based Brain Computer Interface (BCI) and, for this reason, an ad hoc shrewdness is assumed. Method: The peculiarity of the brain activation requires ad-hoc signal processing by wavelet decomposition, and the definition of a set of features for signal characterization in order to discriminate different self-induced emotions. The proposed method is a two stages algorithm, completely parameterized, aiming at a multi-class classification and may be considered in the framework of machine learning. The first stage, the calibration, is off-line and is devoted at the signal processing, the determination of the features and at the training of a classifier. The second stage, the real-time one, is the test on new data. The PCA theory is applied to avoid redundancy in the set of features whereas the classification of the selected features, and therefore of the signals, is obtained by the SVM. Results: Some experimental tests have been conducted on EEG signals proposing a binary BCI, based on the self-induced disgust produced by remembering an unpleasant odor. Since in literature it has been shown that this emotion mainly involves the right hemisphere and in particular the T8 channel, the classification procedure is tested by using just T8, though the average accuracy is calculated and reported also for the whole set of the measured channels. Conclusions: The obtained classification results are encouraging with percentage of success that is, in the average for the whole set of the examined subjects, above 90%. An ongoing work is the application of the proposed procedure to map a large set of emotions with EEG and to establish the EEG headset with the minimal number of channels to allow the recognition of a significant range of emotions both in the field of affective computing and in the development of auxiliary communication tools for subjects affected by severe disabilities

    Classification of epilepsy using computational intelligence techniques

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    AbstractThis paper deals with a real-life application of epilepsy classification, where three phases of absence seizure, namely pre-seizure, seizure and seizure-free, are classified using real clinical data. Artificial neural network (ANN) and support vector machines (SVMs) combined with supervised learning algorithms, and k-means clustering (k-MC) combined with unsupervised techniques are employed to classify the three seizure phases. Different techniques to combine binary SVMs, namely One Vs One (OvO), One Vs All (OvA) and Binary Decision Tree (BDT), are employed for multiclass classification. Comparisons are performed with two traditional classification methods, namely, k-Nearest Neighbour (k-NN) and Naive Bayes classifier. It is concluded that SVM-based classifiers outperform the traditional ones in terms of recognition accuracy and robustness property when the original clinical data is distorted with noise. Furthermore, SVM-based classifier with OvO provides the highest recognition accuracy, whereas ANN-based classifier overtakes by demonstrating maximum accuracy in the presence of noise