678 research outputs found

    Queueing system with vacations after a random amount of work

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    This paper considers an M/G/1 queue with the following vacation discipline. The server takes a vacation as soon as it has served a certain amount of work since the end of the previous vacation. If the system becomes empty before the server has completed this amount of work, then it stays idle until the next customer arrival and then becomes active again. Such a vacation discipline arises, for example, in the maintenance of production systems, where machines or equipment mainly degrade while being operational. We derive an explicit expression for the distribution of the time it takes until the prespecified amount of work has been served. For the case the total amount of work till vacation is exponentially distributed, we derive the transforms of the steady-state workload at various epochs, busy period, waiting time, sojourn time, and queue length distributions

    Stochastic decomposition in discrete-time queues with generalized vacations and applications

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    For several specific queueing models with a vacation policy, the stationary system occupancy at the beginning of a rantdom slot is distributed as the sum of two independent random variables. One of these variables is the stationary number of customers in an equivalent queueing system with no vacations. For models in continuous time with Poissonian arrivals, this result is well-known, and referred to as stochastic decomposition, with proof provided by Fuhrmann and Cooper. For models in discrete time, this result received less attention, with no proof available to date. In this paper, we first establish a proof of the decomposition result in discrete time. When compared to the proof in continuous time, conditions for the proof in discrete time are somewhat more general. Second, we explore four different examples: non-preemptive proirity systems, slot-bound priority systems, polling systems, and fiber delay line (FDL) buffer systems. The first two examples are known results from literature that are given here as an illustration. The third is a new example, and the last one (FDL buffer systems) shows new results. It is shown that in some cases the queueing analysis can be considerably simplified using this property

    Sleep Mode Analysis via Workload Decomposition

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    The goal of this paper is to establish a general approach for analyzing queueing models with repeated inhomogeneous vacations. The server goes on for a vacation if the inactivity prolongs more than the vacation trigger duration. Once the system enters in vacation mode, it may continue for several consecutive vacations. At the end of a vacation, the server goes on another vacation, possibly with a different probability distribution; if during the previous vacation there have been no arrivals. However the system enters in vacation mode only if the inactivity is persisted beyond defined trigger duration. In order to get an insight on the influence of parameters on the performance, we choose to study a simple M/G/1 queue (Poisson arrivals and general independent service times) which has the advantage of being tractable analytically. The theoretical model is applied to the problem of power saving for mobile devices in which the sleep durations of a device correspond to the vacations of the server. Various system performance metrics such as the frame response time and the economy of energy are derived. A constrained optimization problem is formulated to maximize the economy of energy achieved in power save mode, with constraints as QoS conditions to be met. An illustration of the proposed methods is shown with a WiMAX system scenario to obtain design parameters for better performance. Our analysis allows us not only to optimize the system parameters for a given traffic intensity but also to propose parameters that provide the best performance under worst case conditions

    Delay analysis of a two-class batch-service queue with class-dependent variable server capacity

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    In this paper, we analyse the delay of a random customer in a two-class batch-service queueing model with variable server capacity, where all customers are accommodated in a common single-server first-come-first-served queue. The server can only process customers that belong to the same class, so that the size of a batch is determined by the length of a sequence of same-class customers. This type of batch server can be found in telecommunications systems and production environments. We first determine the steady state partial probability generating function of the queue occupancy at customer arrival epochs. Using a spectral decomposition technique, we obtain the steady state probability generating function of the delay of a random customer. We also show that the distribution of the delay of a random customer corresponds to a phase-type distribution. Finally, some numerical examples are given that provide further insight in the impact of asymmetry and variance in the arrival process on the number of customers in the system and the delay of a random customer

    Performance of the IEEE 802.16e sleep mode mechanism in the presence of bidirectional traffic

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    We refine existing performance studies of the WiMAX sleep mode operation to take into account uplink as well as downlink traffic. This as opposed to previous studies which neglected the influence of uplink traffic. We obtain numerically efficient procedures to compute both delay and energy efficiency characteristics. A test scenario with an Individual Subscriber Internet traffic model in both directions shows that even a small amount of uplink traffic has a profound effect on the system performance

    Queues with random back-offs

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    We consider a broad class of queueing models with random state-dependent vacation periods, which arise in the analysis of queue-based back-off algorithms in wireless random-access networks. In contrast to conventional models, the vacation periods may be initiated after each service completion, and can be randomly terminated with certain probabilities that depend on the queue length. We examine the scaled queue length and delay in a heavy-traffic regime, and demonstrate a sharp trichotomy, depending on how the activation rate and vacation probability behave as function of the queue length. In particular, the effect of the vacation periods may either (i) completely vanish in heavy-traffic conditions, (ii) contribute an additional term to the queue lengths and delays of similar magnitude, or even (iii) give rise to an order-of-magnitude increase. The heavy-traffic asymptotics are obtained by combining stochastic lower and upper bounds with exact results for some specific cases. The heavy-traffic trichotomy provides valuable insight in the impact of the back-off algorithms on the delay performance in wireless random-access networks