8,870 research outputs found

    VGM-RNN: Recurrent Neural Networks for Video Game Music Generation

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    The recent explosion of interest in deep neural networks has affected and in some cases reinvigorated work in fields as diverse as natural language processing, image recognition, speech recognition and many more. For sequence learning tasks, recurrent neural networks and in particular LSTM-based networks have shown promising results. Recently there has been interest – for example in the research by Google’s Magenta team – in applying so-called “language modeling” recurrent neural networks to musical tasks, including for the automatic generation of original music. In this work we demonstrate our own LSTM-based music language modeling recurrent network. We show that it is able to learn musical features from a MIDI dataset and generate output that is musically interesting while demonstrating features of melody, harmony and rhythm. We source our dataset from VGMusic.com, a collection of user-submitted MIDI transcriptions of video game songs, and attempt to generate output which emulates this kind of music

    Screencasts: enhancing coursework feedback for game programming students

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    Is There a Market for Work Group Servers? Evaluating Market Level Demand Elasticities Using Micro and Macro Models

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    This paper contains an empirical analysis demand for "work-group" (or low-end) servers. Servers are at thecentre of many US and EU anti-trust debates, including the Hewlett-Packard/Compaq merger and investigationsinto the activities of Microsoft. One question in these policy decisions is whether a high share of work serversindicates anything about shortrun market power. To investigate price elasticities we use model-level panel dataon transaction prices, sales and characteristics of practically every server in the world. We contrast estimatesfrom the traditional "macro" approaches that aggregate across brands and modern "micro" approaches that usebrand-level information (including both "distance metric" and logit based approaches). We find that the macroapproaches lead to overestimates of consumer price sensitivity. Our preferred micro-based estimates of themarket level elasticity of demand for work group servers are around 0.3 to 0.6 (compared to 1 to 1.3 in themacro estimates). Even at the higher range of the estimates, however, we find that demand elasticities aresufficiently low to imply a distinct "anti-trust" market for work group servers and their operating systems. It isunsurprising that firms with large shares of work group servers have come under some antitrust scrutiny.demand elasticities, network servers, computers, anti-trust

    Interaction Data Sets In The UK: An Audit

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    Interaction or flow data involves counts of flows between origin and destination areas and can be extracted from a range of sources. The Centre for Interaction Data Estimation and Research (CIDER) maintains a web-based system (WICID) that allows academic researchers to access and extract migration and commuting flow data (the so-called Origin-Destination Statistics) from the last three censuses. However, there are many other sources of interaction data other than the decadal census, including national administrative or registration procedures and large scale social surveys. This paper contains an audit of interaction data sets in the UK, providing detailed description and exemplification in each case and outlining the advantages and shortcomings of the different types of data where appropriate. The Census Origin-Destination Statistics have been described elsewhere in detail and only a short synopsis is provided here together with review of the interaction data that can be derived from other census products. The primary aims of the audit are to identify those interaction data sets that exist that might complement the census origin-destination statistics currently contained in WICID and to assess their suitability and availability as potential data sets to be held in an expanded version of WICID. Tables or flow data sets are included for exemplification. The paper concludes with a series of recommendations as to which of these data sets should be incorporated into a new information system for interaction flows that complement the census data and also provide opportunities for new research projects

    Back from the brink: Microsoft and the strategic use of standards in the Browser Wars

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    The browser wars are probably the best-chronicled standards competition in recent history. Yet the standard lock-in model does not readily account for the dramatic change in fortunes of Microsoft. At one time it seemed that Microsoft would be go the way of IBM before it and fail to catch the next technological wave in the computer industry. However Microsoft managed to capture the browser market, overturning Netscape''s initial domination of the market. In seeking to understand this dramatic return of events, the paper begins by outlining the key elements of the Arthur model. This is followed by a historical narrative of the browser wars that highlights three aspects of this technological competition; firms'' strategic use of standards, users'' considerations of initial set-up costs, and the degree of interconnectivity between product markets. The paper finally considers how the standard lock-in model may be extended in order to encompass these dimensions.economics of technology ;

    Perceptions And Validation Of Key Information Technology Competencies From An IT Alumni Viewpoint: Another Stakeholder In The Curriculum Design Process

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    The objective of this research was to determine the perceptions of End-user Information Systems graduates from selected universities (now alumni status) regarding an updated Organizational & End-user Information Systems (OEIS) curriculum sponsored by the Organizational Systems Research Association now referred to as AIS-SIG OSRA.  The study included the following research objectives:  (1) to determine the perceived level of importance of the OEIS curriculum content in today’s global workforce and (2) to ascertain the information systems (IS) personnel viewpoints on the overall importance of the specific course objectives.  Survey findings revealed specific topics are of critical and/or considerable importance upon graduation from an end-user information systems-related program.  An understanding of the systems development life cycle (SDLC) including planning and implementation of end-user support systems in combination with troubleshooting skills were perceived to be noted essential components of an IT curriculum.  Moreover, an experiential learning/internship experience—similar to a clinical practicum--was deemed to be of critical importance for information technology (IT) professionals.  To further validate the model, it is recommended that universities in other regions of the United States survey their alumni to assess what specific IS & IT objectives and skill sets are currently needed, especially given the exponential demand for trained personnel in emerging areas of health information technology, enterprise systems, project management, virtualization,  and information assurance

    Intellectual Property Rights in Japan

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    Indonesian Printing Industry Profile

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    This study aims to determine the profile of the printing industry from the point of view of the factors that influence the success of the industry. The influencing factors are marketing and sales and government regulations. Data were collected using the documentation method from literature and regulatory studies and analyzed by using qualitative data triangulation techniques. The results show that the profile of the printing industry in Indonesia is unique in terms of industrial classification. This is following applicable government regulations. Marketing and sales aspects show good results based on empirical studies of government reports. From the analysis, it can be seen that clarity of government regulations is needed for the sustainability and success of this industry to support the national agenda. Keywords: Printing; Industry; Profile; Industry Classification. eISSN: 2398-4287 © 2022. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC BYNC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21834/ebpj.v7iSI7%20(Special%20Issue).378
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