4 research outputs found

    Extraction of Land Cover Units from Land Cover Components Based on Geometric Rules

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    Land cover units are aggregations of land cover components that are obtained by using criteria of homogeneity and proximity of basic components. For example, residential urban settlements can be defined as aggregations of single buildings, neighboring green spaces, paved surfaces and small roads, which are separated by more prominent land cover components, such as main roads or rivers. Land cover components belong to standard classes typically obtained by an automated classification process applied to aerial or satellite images, such as buildings, constructed areas, bare soil, water, vegetation, and the like. Land cover units belong to more general classes, obtained by a combination of land cover components, such as residential areas, industrial areas, road networks, river systems, and agricultural units. In this paper, we describe an approach based on the application of geometric rules and semantic constraints to extract land cover units from land cover components. We use spatial operators to extract composite land cover units from land cover databases, where spatial operators are taken from standards of the Open Geospatial Consortium. Expert knowledge needs to be translated into specific automatic procedures, called complex object definitions or CODs. Finally, we build a prototype system, where the user can choose among a set of available CODs to build a sequence of actions that lead to the discovery of knowledge. We discuss several study cases, such as the recognition of urban settlements, agricultural land units, and road networks

    extraction of land cover units from land cover components based on geometric rules

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    Land cover units are aggregations of land cover components that are obtained by using criteria of homogeneity and proximity of basic components. For example, residential urban settlements can be defined as aggregations of single buildings, neighboring green spaces, paved surfaces and small roads, which are separated by more prominent land cover components, such as main roads or rivers. Land cover components belong to standard classes typically obtained by an automated classification process applied to aerial or satellite images, such as buildings, constructed areas, bare soil, water, vegetation, and the like. Land cover units belong to more general classes, obtained by a combination of land cover components, such as residential areas, industrial areas, road networks, river systems, and agricultural units. In this paper, we describe an approach based on the application of geometric rules and semantic constraints to extract land cover units from land cover components. We use spatial operators to extract composite land cover units from land cover databases, where spatial operators are taken from standards of the Open Geospatial Consortium. Expert knowledge needs to be translated into specific automatic procedures, called complex object definitions or CODs. Finally, we build a prototype system, where the user can choose among a set of available CODs to build a sequence of actions that lead to the discovery of knowledge. We discuss several study cases, such as the recognition of urban settlements, agricultural land units, and road networks

    A Conceptual Framework for Modelling Spatial Relations

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    Various approaches lie behind the modelling of spatial relations, which is a heterogeneous and interdisciplinary field. In this paper, we introduce a conceptual framework to describe the characteristics of various models and how they relate each other. A first categorization is made among three representation levels: geometric, computational, and user. At the geometric level, spatial objects can be seen as point-sets and relations can be formally defined at the mathematical level. At the computational level, objects are represented as data types and relations are computed via spatial operators. At the user level, objects and relations belong to a context-dependent user ontology. Another way of providing a categorization is following the underlying geometric space that describes the relations: we distinguish among topologic, projective, and metric relations. Then, we consider the cardinality of spatial relations, which is defined as the number of objects that participate in the relation. Another issue is the granularity at which the relation is described, ranging from general descriptions to very detailed ones. We also consider the dimension of the various geometric objects and the embedding space as a fundamental way of categorizing relations

    Qualitative Spatial Configuration Queries Towards Next Generation Access Methods for GIS

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    For a long time survey, management, and provision of geographic information in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have mainly had an authoritative nature. Today the trend is changing and such an authoritative geographic information source is now accompanied by a public and freely available one which is usually referred to as Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI). Actually, the term VGI does not refer only to the mere geographic information, but, more generally, to the whole process which assumes the engagement of volunteers to collect and maintain such information in freely accessible GIS. The quick spread of VGI gives new relevance to a well-known challenge: developing new methods and techniques to ease down the interaction between users and GIS. Indeed, in spite of continuous improvements, GIS mainly provide interfaces tailored for experts, denying the casual user usually a non-expert the possibility to access VGI information. One main obstacle resides in the different ways GIS and humans deal with spatial information: GIS mainly encode spatial information in a quantitative format, whereas human beings typically prefer a qualitative and relational approach. For example, we use expressions like the lake is to the right-hand side of the wood or is there a supermarket close to the university? which qualitatively locate a spatial entity with respect to another. Nowadays, such a gap in representation has to be plugged by the user, who has to learn about the system structure and to encode his requests in a form suitable to the system. Contrarily, enabling gis to explicitly deal with qualitative spatial information allows for shifting the translation effort to the system side. Thus, to facilitate the interaction with human beings, GIS have to be enhanced with tools for efficiently handling qualitative spatial information. The work presented in this thesis addresses the problem of enabling Qualitative Spatial Configuration Queries (QSCQs) in GIS. A QSCQ is a spatial database query which allows for an automatic mapping of spatial descriptions produced by humans: A user naturally expresses his request of spatial information by drawing a sketch map or producing a verbal description. The qualitative information conveyed by such descriptions is automatically extracted and encoded into a QSCQ. The focus of this work is on two main challenges: First, the development of a framework that allows for managing in a spatial database the variety of spatial aspects that might be enclosed in a spatial description produced by a human. Second, the conception of Qualitative Spatial Access Methods (QSAMs): algorithms and data structures tailored for efficiently solving QSCQs. The main objective of a QSAM is that of countering the exponential explosion in terms of storage space occurring when switching from a quantitative to a qualitative spatial representation while keeping query response time acceptable