13 research outputs found

    An Efficient Authenticating Short Encrypted Messages Using IND-CPA Algorithms

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    In today's age of information and technology , many applications can exchange network of information and communication. In Banking , educational, economical area can also exchange the information over the internet. The exchange of information is too risky to work from internet. So many hackers are try to stolen information from the internet. So there is must require data security and integrity over the internet.There are many authentication Technics are in information technology fields. Like HMAC , UMAC, etc.but all this authentication schemes are time consuming and less secure .so we propose more secure and less time consuming authentication codes that are more useful than any other message authentication code in the our literature survey . DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15073

    On a New Formal Proof Model for RFID Location Privacy (Extended Version)

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    We discuss a recently proposed formal proof model for RFID location privacy. We show that protocols which intuitively and in several other models are considered not to be location private, are provably location private in this model. Conversely, we also show that protocols which obviously are location private, are not considered location private in this model. Specifically, we prove a protocol in which every tag transmits the same constant message to not be location private in the proposed model. Then we prove a protocol in which a tag’s identity is transmitted in clear text to be weakly location private in the model. Finally, we consider a protocol with known weaknesses with respect to location privacy and show it to be location private in the model

    The Q-curve construction for endomorphism-accelerated elliptic curves

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    We give a detailed account of the use of Q\mathbb{Q}-curve reductions to construct elliptic curves over F_p2\mathbb{F}\_{p^2} with efficiently computable endomorphisms, which can be used to accelerate elliptic curve-based cryptosystems in the same way as Gallant--Lambert--Vanstone (GLV) and Galbraith--Lin--Scott (GLS) endomorphisms. Like GLS (which is a degenerate case of our construction), we offer the advantage over GLV of selecting from a much wider range of curves, and thus finding secure group orders when pp is fixed for efficient implementation. Unlike GLS, we also offer the possibility of constructing twist-secure curves. We construct several one-parameter families of elliptic curves over F_p2\mathbb{F}\_{p^2} equipped with efficient endomorphisms for every p \textgreater{} 3, and exhibit examples of twist-secure curves over F_p2\mathbb{F}\_{p^2} for the efficient Mersenne prime p=2127−1p = 2^{127}-1.Comment: To appear in the Journal of Cryptology. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1305.540

    The Twist-AUgmented technique for key exchange

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    Key derivation refers to the process by which an agreed upon large random number, often named master secret, is used to derive keys to encrypt and authenticate data. Practitioners and standardization bodies have usually used the random oracle model to get key material from a Diffie-Hellman key exchange. However, formal proofs in the standard model require randomness extractors to formally extract the entropy of the random master secret into a seed prior to deriving other keys. Whereas this is a quite simple tool, it is not easy to use in practice ­or it is easy to misuse it­. In addition, in many standards, the acronym PRF (Pseudo-Random Functions) is used for several tasks, and namely the randomness extraction. While randomness extractors and pseudo-random functions are a priori distinct tools, we first study whether such an application is correct or not. We thereafter study the case of Zp where p is a safe-prime and the case of elliptic curve since in IPSec for example, only these two groups are considered. We present very efficient and provable randomness extraction techniques for these groups under the DDH assumption. In the special case of elliptic curves, we present a new technique --the so-called 'Twist-AUgmented' technique-- which exploits specific properties of some elliptic curves, and avoids the need of any randomness extractor. We finally compare the efficiency of this method with other solutions

    The Self-Anti-Censorship Nature of Encryption: On the Prevalence of Anamorphic Cryptography

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    As part of the responses to the ongoing ``crypto wars,\u27\u27 the notion of {\em Anamorphic Encryption} was put forth [Persiano-Phan-Yung Eurocrypt \u2722]. The notion allows private communication in spite of a dictator who (in violation of the usual normative conditions under which Cryptography is developed) is engaged in an extreme form of surveillance and/or censorship, where it asks for all private keys and knows and may even dictate all messages. The original work pointed out efficient ways to use two known schemes in the anamorphic mode, bypassing the draconian censorship and hiding information from the all-powerful dictator. A question left open was whether these examples are outlier results or whether anamorphic mode is pervasive in existing systems. Here we answer the above question: we develop new techniques, expand the notion, and show that the notion of Anamorphic Cryptography is, in fact, very much prevalent. We first refine the notion of Anamorphic Encryption with respect to the nature of covert communication. Specifically, we distinguish {\em Single-Receiver Encryption} for many to one communication, and {\em Multiple-Receiver Encryption} for many to many communication within the group of conspiring (against the dictator) users. We then show that Anamorphic Encryption can be embedded in the randomness used in the encryption, and give families of constructions that can be applied to numerous ciphers. In total the families cover classical encryption schemes, some of which in actual use (RSA-OAEP, Pailler, Goldwasser-Micali, ElGamal schemes, Cramer-Shoup, and Smooth Projective Hash based systems). Among our examples is an anamorphic channel with much higher capacity than the regular channel. In sum, the work shows the very large extent of the potential futility of control and censorship over the use of strong encryption by the dictator (typical for and even stronger than governments engaging in the ongoing ``crypto-wars\u27\u27): While such limitations obviously hurt utility which encryption typically brings to safety in computing systems, they essentially, are not helping the dictator. The actual implications of what we show here and what does it mean in practice require further policy and legal analyses and perspectives

    Batching Base Oblivious Transfers

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    Protocols that make use of oblivious transfer (OT) rarely require just one instance. Usually a batch of OTs is required --- notably, when generating base OTs for OT extension. There is a natural way to optimize 2-round OT protocols when generating a batch, by reusing certain protocol messages across all instances. In this work we show that this batch optimization is error-prone. We catalog many implementations and papers that have an incorrect treatment of this batch optimization, some of them leading to catastrophic leakage in OT extension protocols. We provide a full treatment of how to properly optimize recent 2-round OT protocols for the batch setting. Along the way we show several performance improvements to the OT protocol of McQuoid, Rosulek, and Roy (ACM CCS 2020). In particular, we show an extremely simple OT construction that may be of pedagogical interest

    Sender-Anamorphic Encryption Reformulated: Achieving Robust and Generic Constructions

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    Motivated by the violation of two fundamental assumptions in secure communication - receiver-privacy and sender-freedom - by a certain entity referred to as ``the dictator\u27\u27, Persiano et al. introduced the concept of Anamorphic Encryption (AME) for public key cryptosystems (EUROCRYPT 2022). Specifically, they presented receiver/sender-AME, directly tailored to scenarios where receiver privacy and sender freedom assumptions are compromised, respectively. In receiver-AME, entities share a double key to communicate in anamorphic fashion, raising concerns about the online distribution of the double key without detection by the dictator. The sender-AME with no shared secret is a potential candidate for key distribution. However, the only such known schemes (i.e., LWE and Dual LWE encryptions) suffer from an intrinsic limitation and cannot achieve reliable distribution. Here, we reformulate the sender-AME, present the notion of â„“\ell-sender-AME and formalize the properties of (strong) security and robustness. Robustness refers to guaranteed delivery of duplicate messages to the intended receiver, ensuring that decrypting normal ciphertexts in an anamorphic way or decrypting anamorphic ciphertexts with an incorrect duplicate secret key results in an explicit abort signal. We first present a simple construction for pseudo-random and robust public key encryption that shares the similar idea of public-key stegosystem by von Ahn and Hopper (EUROCRYPT 2004). Then, inspired by Chen et al.\u27s malicious algorithm-substitution attack (ASA) on key encapsulation mechanisms (KEM) (ASIACRYPT 2020), we give a generic construction for hybrid PKE with special KEM that encompasses well-known schemes, including ElGamal and Cramer-Shoup cryptosystems. The constructions of â„“\ell-sender-AME motivate us to explore the relations between AME, ASA on PKE, and public-key stegosystem. The results show that a strongly secure â„“\ell-sender-AME is such a strong primitive that implies reformulated receiver-AME, public-key stegosystem, and generalized ASA on PKE. By expanding the scope of sender-anamorphic encryption and establishing its robustness, as well as exploring the connections among existing notions, we advance secure communication protocols under challenging conditions

    Algorithm Substitution Attacks: State Reset Detection and Asymmetric Modifications

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    In this paper, we study algorithm substitution attacks (ASAs), where an algorithm in a cryptographic scheme is substituted for a subverted version. First, we formalize and study the use of state resets to detect ASAs, and show that many published stateful ASAs are detectable with simple practical methods relying on state resets. Second, we introduce two asymmetric ASAs on symmetric encryption, which are undetectable or unexploitable even by an adversary who knows the embedded subversion key. We also generalize this result, allowing for any symmetric ASA (on any cryptographic scheme) satisfying certain properties to be transformed into an asymmetric ASA. Our work demonstrates the broad application of the techniques first introduced by Bellare, Paterson, and Rogaway (Crypto 2014) and Bellare, Jaeger, and Kane (CCS 2015) and reinforces the need for precise definitions surrounding detectability of stateful ASAs

    Stealth Key Exchange and Confined Access to the Record Protocol Data in TLS 1.3

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    We show how to embed a covert key exchange sub protocol within a regular TLS 1.3 execution, generating a stealth key in addition to the regular session keys. The idea, which has appeared in the literature before, is to use the exchanged nonces to transport another key value. Our contribution is to give a rigorous model and analysis of the security of such embedded key exchanges, requiring that the stealth key remains secure even if the regular key is under adversarial control. Specifically for our stealth version of the TLS 1.3 protocol we show that this extra key is secure in this setting under the common assumptions about the TLS protocol. As an application of stealth key exchange we discuss sanitizable channel protocols, where a designated party can partly access and modify payload data in a channel protocol. This may be, for instance, an intrusion detection system monitoring the incoming traffic for malicious content and putting suspicious parts in quarantine. The noteworthy feature, inherited from the stealth key exchange part, is that the sender and receiver can use the extra key to still communicate securely and covertly within the sanitizable channel, e.g., by pre-encrypting confidential parts and making only dedicated parts available to the sanitizer. We discuss how such sanitizable channels can be implemented with authenticated encryption schemes like GCM or ChaChaPoly. In combination with our stealth key exchange protocol, we thus derive a full-fledged sanitizable connection protocol, including key establishment, which perfectly complies with regular TLS 1.3 traffic on the network level. We also assess the potential effectiveness of the approach for the intrusion detection system Snort

    Practical Privacy-Preserving Authentication for SSH

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    Public-key authentication in SSH reveals more information about the participants\u27 keys than is necessary. (1) The server can learn a client\u27s entire set of public keys, even keys generated for other servers. (2) The server learns exactly which key the client uses to authenticate, and can further prove this fact to a third party. (3) A client can learn whether the server recognizes public keys belonging to other users. Each of these problems lead to tangible privacy violations for SSH users. In this work we introduce a new public-key authentication method for SSH that reveals essentially the minimum possible amount of information. With our new method, the server learns only whether the client knows the private key for some authorized public key. If multiple keys are authorized, the server does not learn which one the client used. The client cannot learn whether the server recognizes public keys belonging to other users. Unlike traditional SSH authentication, our method is fully deniable. Our new method also makes it harder for a malicious server to intercept first-use SSH connections on a large scale. Our method supports existing SSH keypairs of all standard flavors — RSA, ECDSA, EdDSA. It does not require users to generate new key material. As in traditional SSH authentication, clients and servers can use a mixture of different key flavors in a single authentication session. We integrated our new authentication method into OpenSSH, and found it to be practical and scalable. For a typical client and server with at most 10 ECDSA/EdDSA keys each, our protocol requires 9 kB of communication and 12.4 ms of latency. Even for a client with 20 keys and server with 100 keys, our protocol requires only 12 kB of communication and 26.7 ms of latency