136 research outputs found

    Global semantic typing for inductive and coinductive computing

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    Inductive and coinductive types are commonly construed as ontological (Church-style) types, denoting canonical data-sets such as natural numbers, lists, and streams. For various purposes, notably the study of programs in the context of global semantics, it is preferable to think of types as semantical properties (Curry-style). Intrinsic theories were introduced in the late 1990s to provide a purely logical framework for reasoning about programs and their semantic types. We extend them here to data given by any combination of inductive and coinductive definitions. This approach is of interest because it fits tightly with syntactic, semantic, and proof theoretic fundamentals of formal logic, with potential applications in implicit computational complexity as well as extraction of programs from proofs. We prove a Canonicity Theorem, showing that the global definition of program typing, via the usual (Tarskian) semantics of first-order logic, agrees with their operational semantics in the intended model. Finally, we show that every intrinsic theory is interpretable in a conservative extension of first-order arithmetic. This means that quantification over infinite data objects does not lead, on its own, to proof-theoretic strength beyond that of Peano Arithmetic. Intrinsic theories are perfectly amenable to formulas-as-types Curry-Howard morphisms, and were used to characterize major computational complexity classes Their extensions described here have similar potential which has already been applied

    Formal Theories for Linear Algebra

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    We introduce two-sorted theories in the style of [CN10] for the complexity classes \oplusL and DET, whose complete problems include determinants over Z2 and Z, respectively. We then describe interpretations of Soltys' linear algebra theory LAp over arbitrary integral domains, into each of our new theories. The result shows equivalences of standard theorems of linear algebra over Z2 and Z can be proved in the corresponding theory, but leaves open the interesting question of whether the theorems themselves can be proved.Comment: This is a revised journal version of the paper "Formal Theories for Linear Algebra" (Computer Science Logic) for the journal Logical Methods in Computer Scienc

    Conceptual Modeling of a Quantum Key Distribution Simulation Framework Using the Discrete Event System Specification

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    Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) is a revolutionary security technology that exploits the laws of quantum mechanics to achieve information-theoretical secure key exchange. QKD is suitable for use in applications that require high security such as those found in certain commercial, governmental, and military domains. As QKD is a new technology, there is a need to develop a robust quantum communication modeling and simulation framework to support the analysis of QKD systems. This dissertation presents conceptual modeling QKD system components using the Discrete Event System Specification (DEVS) formalism to assure the component models are provably composable and exhibit temporal behavior independent of the simulation environment. These attributes enable users to assemble and simulate any collection of compatible components to represent QKD system architectures. The developed models demonstrate closure under coupling and exhibit behavior suitable for the intended analytic purpose, thus improving the validity of the simulation. This research contributes to the validity of the QKD simulation, increasing developer and user confidence in the correctness of the models and providing a composable, canonical basis for performance analysis efforts. The research supports the efficient modeling, simulation, and analysis of QKD systems when evaluating existing systems or developing next generation QKD cryptographic systems

    Mobile Resource Guarantees for Smart Devices

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    Abstract. We present the Mobile Resource Guarantees framework: a system for ensuring that downloaded programs are free from run-time violations of resource bounds. Certificates are attached to code in the form of efficiently checkable proofs of resource bounds; in contrast to cryptographic certificates of code origin, these are independent of trust networks. A novel programming language with resource constraints encoded in function types is used to streamline the generation of proofs of resource usage.

    Patterns and Rewrite Rules for Systematic Code Generation (From High-Level Functional Patterns to High-Performance OpenCL Code)

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    Computing systems have become increasingly complex with the emergence of heterogeneous hardware combining multicore CPUs and GPUs. These parallel systems exhibit tremendous computational power at the cost of increased programming effort. This results in a tension between achieving performance and code portability. Code is either tuned using device-specific optimizations to achieve maximum performance or is written in a high-level language to achieve portability at the expense of performance. We propose a novel approach that offers high-level programming, code portability and high-performance. It is based on algorithmic pattern composition coupled with a powerful, yet simple, set of rewrite rules. This enables systematic transformation and optimization of a high-level program into a low-level hardware specific representation which leads to high performance code. We test our design in practice by describing a subset of the OpenCL programming model with low-level patterns and by implementing a compiler which generates high performance OpenCL code. Our experiments show that we can systematically derive high-performance device-specific implementations from simple high-level algorithmic expressions. The performance of the generated OpenCL code is on par with highly tuned implementations for multicore CPUs and GPUs written by expertsComment: Technical Repor

    Reasoning About Vote Counting Schemes Using Light-weight and Heavy-weight Methods

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    We compare and contrast our experiences in specifying, implementing and verifying the monotonicity property of a simple plurality voting scheme using modern light-weight and heavy-weight verification tools

    Unbiased Watermark for Large Language Models

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    The recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) have sparked a growing apprehension regarding the potential misuse. One approach to mitigating this risk is to incorporate watermarking techniques into LLMs, allowing for the tracking and attribution of model outputs. This study examines a crucial aspect of watermarking: how significantly watermarks impact the quality of model-generated outputs. Previous studies have suggested a trade-off between watermark strength and output quality. However, our research demonstrates that it is possible to integrate watermarks without affecting the output probability distribution with appropriate implementation. We refer to this type of watermark as an unbiased watermark. This has significant implications for the use of LLMs, as it becomes impossible for users to discern whether a service provider has incorporated watermarks or not. Furthermore, the presence of watermarks does not compromise the performance of the model in downstream tasks, ensuring that the overall utility of the language model is preserved. Our findings contribute to the ongoing discussion around responsible AI development, suggesting that unbiased watermarks can serve as an effective means of tracking and attributing model outputs without sacrificing output quality
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