5 research outputs found

    What lies beneath: lifting the lid on archaeological computing

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    Társasjáték a digitális médiában. A digitális játékok elméletétől a digitális társasjátékokig

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    Ludwig Wittgenstein, a huszadik századi nyelvfilozófia egyik legjelentősebb gondolkodója a nyelvhasználók megnyilatkozásainak természetét vizsgálva a nyelv és a gondolkodás határainak kérdéséig jut el. A jelentés jelentésének problematikáját kidolgozó wittgensteini nyelvkritika a kérdésfelvetés módja és a válaszkísérletek tekintetében a filozófia logikai, analitikus tradíciójával, azaz saját kiindulópontjaival is ellentmondásos viszonyba kerül. Ezek az ellentmondások és ambivalenciák azonban nem kizárólag a vizsgált kérdések gyakran önreferenciális, tautologikus szerkezetéből fakadnak

    Communicative Implications of the Modern Video Game: An Audience-Centered Approach

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    The advent of the home video game console and three decades of continuously evolving gaming technology has had a profound impact on American culture. While many studies have investigated various sociocultural outcomes and conducted behavioral correlation analyses of video games, few have examined how individuals talk about, or share meaning from the game outside of game play. This analysis first briefly reviews extant video game research and arguments for the increasingly immersive aspect of playing video games, then identifies a lack of focus in the literature on the communicative aspect of audience-centered analysis of these games via gamer-generated blogs and message board interactions. Subsequently, a rhetorical analysis of two independent blogs for World of Warcraft (WoW), a massively multiplayer online (MMO) video game examines, from a communication perspective, the inherent structure of the game, as well as the various methods by which the gamers discuss and share meaning about in-game and out-game experiences. A rhetorical analysis of gamers' out-game talk on WoW-centered message board forums and blogs is then conducted via the lens of dramatism. The theoretical underpinnings of this analysis further concretize the value and necessity of a communicative lens as a privileged voice in the field of video game studies

    The Prosthetic Imagination: Meditations on Virtual Space and Experience of the Single Player Computer Role Playing Games

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    Today’s video game players sit in front of their screens immersing themselves within the fictional environment of the video game. They connect their physical self to the game-controller and their cerebral self to the game-world. The video game medium becomes a cybernetic and psychological appendage, a prosthesis that allows game players to share their consciousness across actual and virtual realities. Such an appendage has the ability to expand the personal spatial environment of the game players as they navigate the spaces of an increasingly complex, digitally constructed extension of the imagination. The thesis begins with an autobiographical summary of personal experiences in the suburbs and the resultant escape from suburbia that video games provide. The thesis then presents a series of experiential diaries generated from gameplay. This is followed by a conceptual analysis that uses six meditations to discuss the spaces and experiences presented in the diaries. The purpose of the conceptual analysis is to investigate how the narrative and spatial experiences of single player role playing video games expand our perceptions of architecture and space beyond the real-world. The spaces of these games represent a new way of thinking about, experiencing and creating architecture