4 research outputs found

    Defining The Foundations Of Situational Method Quality

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    The use of situational methods (SM) is a practice that became widespread for some time in the scientific and the industrial sector. The use of these practices represents many advantages, however, the advent of this approach is due to problems encountered by conventional methods of application in particular contexts. This does not preclude that some points remain to be defined and / or resolve to optimize the effective use of these practices. One of the most important practices is the notion of quality that can ensure proper application of SM. In this paper, we will try to define basics in order to achieve the monitoring of SM quality in the early stages of its setting up to its effective exploitation. In this paper, we will indentify a certain number of evaluation criteria that allow us supervising the construction of a method in terms of quality. Subsequently, we will set up a mechanism for selection to ensure right decision. Finally, we discuss our choice to achieve this quality concep

    A Network Based Methodology to Reveal Patterns in Knowledge Transfer

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    This paper motivates, presents and demonstrates in use a methodology based in complex network analysis to support research aimed at identification of sources in the process of knowledge transfer at the interorganizational level. The importance of this methodology is that it states a unified model to reveal knowledge sharing patterns and to compare results from multiple researches on data from different periods of time and different sectors of the economy. This methodology does not address the underlying statistical processes. To do this, national statistics departments (NSD) provide documents and tools at their websites. But this proposal provides a guide to model information inferences gathered from data processing revealing links between sources and recipients of knowledge being transferred and that the recipient detects as main source to new knowledge creation. Some national statistics departments set as objective for these surveys the characterization of innovation dynamics in firms and to analyze the use of public support instruments. From this characterization scholars conduct different researches. Measures of dimensions of the network composed by manufacturing firms and other organizations conform the base to inquiry the structure that emerges from taking ideas from other organizations to incept innovations. These two sets of data are actors of a two- mode-network. The link between two actors (network nodes, one acting as the source of the idea. The second one acting as the destination) comes from organizations or events organized by organizations that “provide” ideas to other group of firms. The resulting demonstrated design satisfies the objective of being a methodological model to identify sources in knowledge transfer of knowledge effectively used in innovation

    Hacia la extensión del método GRAY WATCH basado en el estándar de calidad ISO/IEC 25010

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    Talk about software quality implies the need to rely on parameters that should allow to establish the minimal levels that a product of this type must reach in order to be considered of quality. This paper aims to propose an extension of the method GRAY WATCH, specially in the technical processes of Analysis and Design connecting the products obtained to the process of Implementation. The orientation of our proposal consists of using the standard of product quality ISO/IEC 25010, which establishes criteria for the specification of quality requirements of software products, their metrics and evaluation, and includes a quality model composed by characteristics and subcharacteristics. The result of this proposal, adds significant value to the extended method, Allowing to system analysts and Computer professionals to specify the precise activities to be performed to obtain quality requirements. To make this work we have supported our e orts in the Domain Engineering process based in Software Quality named InDoCaS as methodology for the definition of activities and products in the processes of Analysis, Design and Implementation of the Application.Hablar de calidad de software implica la necesidad de contar con parámetros que permitan establecer los niveles mínimos que un producto de este tipo debe alcanzar para que se considere de calidad. El presente artículo tiene como finalidad proponer una extensión del método GRAY WATCH, específicamente en los procesos técnicos de análisis y diseño acoplando los productos obtenidos al proceso de implementación. La orientación de nuestra propuesta consiste en utilizar el estándar de calidad del producto ISO/IEC 25010, que establece criterios para la especificación de requisitos de calidad de productos de software, sus métricas y su evaluación, e incluye un modelo de calidad compuesto por características y subcaracterísticas. El resultado de esta propuesta, agrega un valor importante al método extendido, permitiendo que analistas de sistemas y otros profesionales de computación puedan precisar las actividades específicas a realizar para obtener los requisitos de calidad. Para realizar esta labor hemos apoyado nuestros esfuerzos en el proceso para la Ingeniería de Dominio basado en Calidad de Software denominado InDoCaS como metodología para la definición de actividades y productos en los procesos de análisis, diseño e implementación de la aplicación

    MIME : Méthode d'Ingénierie de Méthodes par Evolution

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    MIME : An Approach for Evolution Driven Method EngineeringCette thèse s'inscrit dans le domaine de l'ingénierie des méthodes de développement des systèmes d'information et plus particulièrement dans une optique d'évolution de ces méthodes. Les Objectifs de cette Thèse sont : 1. Proposer un cadre général pour l'ingénierie de l'évolution de méthodes, 2. Proposer un méta-modèle générique de méthodes capable de décrire la plupart des méthodes d'ingénierie de SI. Ce méta-modèle permet de venir à bout du problème de la diversité des méthodes évoqué ci-dessus. Notre approche d'évolution sera entièrement basée sur ce méta- modèle. 3. Définir une démarche de rétro-ingénierie de méthodes permettant de formaliser les modèles de produit et de processus d'une méthode informelle ou mal définie. 10 Introduction MIME (Méthode d'Ingénierie de Méthodes par Evolution) 4. Définir une démarche pour l'ingénierie de méthodes par évolution. L'objectif de cette démarche est d'assister l'ingénieur de méthodes dans toutes les étapes du projet d'évolution d'une méthode. 5. Positionner l'approche proposée dans le contexte général de l'ingénierie des méthodes. 6. Valider l'approche proposée sur un cas d'étude. Ce cas est celui de la méthode industrielle Lyee [Negoro 01a], [Negoro 01b]