54 research outputs found

    A Probabilistic Secret Sharing Scheme for a Compartmented Access Structure

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    In a compartmented access structure, there are disjoint participants C1, . . . ,Cm. The access structure consists of subsets of participants containing at least ti from Ci for i = 1, . . . ,m, and a total of at least t0 participants. Tassa [2] asked: whether there exists an efficient ideal secret sharing scheme for such an access structure? Tassa and Dyn [5] presented a solution using the idea of bivariate interpolation and the concept of dual program [9, 10]. For the purpose of practical applications, it is advantageous to have a simple scheme solving the problem. In this paper a simple scheme is given for this problem using the similar idea from [5]

    Multilevel Threshold Secret and Function Sharing based on the Chinese Remainder Theorem

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    A recent work of Harn and Fuyou presents the first multilevel (disjunctive) threshold secret sharing scheme based on the Chinese Remainder Theorem. In this work, we first show that the proposed method is not secure and also fails to work with a certain natural setting of the threshold values on compartments. We then propose a secure scheme that works for all threshold settings. In this scheme, we employ a refined version of Asmuth-Bloom secret sharing with a special and generic Asmuth-Bloom sequence called the {\it anchor sequence}. Based on this idea, we also propose the first multilevel conjunctive threshold secret sharing scheme based on the Chinese Remainder Theorem. Lastly, we discuss how the proposed schemes can be used for multilevel threshold function sharing by employing it in a threshold RSA cryptosystem as an example

    Generalized threshold secret sharing and finite geometry

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    In the history of secret sharing schemes many constructions are based on geometric objects. In this paper we investigate generalizations of threshold schemes and related finite geometric structures. In particular, we analyse compartmented and hierarchical schemes, and deduce some more general results, especially bounds for special arcs and novel constructions for conjunctive 2-level and 3-level hierarchical schemes

    Efficient Construction of Visual Cryptographic Scheme for Compartmented Access Structures

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    In this paper, we consider a special type of secret sharing scheme known as Visual Cryptographic Scheme (VCS) in which the secret reconstruction is done visually without any mathematical computation unlike other secret sharing schemes. We put forward an efficient direct construction of a visual cryptographic scheme for compartmented access structure which generalizes the access structure for threshold as well as for threshold with certain essential participants. Up to the best of our knowledge, the scheme is the first proposed scheme for compartmented access structure in the literature of visual cryptography. Finding the closed form of relative contrast of a scheme is, in general, a combinatorially hard problem. We come up with a closed form of both pixel expansion as well as relative contrast. Numerical evidence shows that our scheme performs better in terms of both relative contrast as well as pixel expansion than the cumulative array based construction obtained as a particular case of general access structure

    Joint Compartmented Threshold Access Structures

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    In this paper, we introduce the notion of a joint compartmented threshold access structure (JCTAS). We study the necessary conditions for the existence of an ideal and perfect secret sharing scheme and give a characterization of almost all ideal JCTASes. Then we give an ideal and almost surely perfect construction that realizes such access structures. We prove the asymptotic perfectness of this construction by the Schwartz-Zippel Lemma

    Efficient Explicit Constructions of Multipartite Secret Sharing Schemes

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    Multipartite secret sharing schemes are those having a multipartite access structure, in which the set of participants is divided into several parts and all participants in the same part play an equivalent role. Secret sharing schemes for multipartite access structures have received considerable attention due to the fact that multipartite secret sharing can be seen as a natural and useful generalization of threshold secret sharing. This work deals with efficient and explicit constructions of ideal multipartite secret sharing schemes, while most of the known constructions are either inefficient or randomized. Most ideal multipartite secret sharing schemes in the literature can be classified as either hierarchical or compartmented. The main results are the constructions for ideal hierarchical access structures, a family that contains every ideal hierarchical access structure as a particular case such as the disjunctive hierarchical threshold access structure and the conjunctive hierarchical threshold access structure, the constructions for three families of compartmented access structures, and the constructions for two families compartmented access structures with compartments. On the basis of the relationship between multipartite secret sharing schemes, polymatroids, and matroids, the problem of how to construct a scheme realizing a multipartite access structure can be transformed to the problem of how to find a representation of a matroid from a presentation of its associated polymatroid. In this paper, we give efficient algorithms to find representations of the matroids associated to several families of multipartite access structures. More precisely, based on know results about integer polymatroids, for each of those families of access structures above, we give an efficient method to find a representation of the integer polymatroid over some finite field, and then over some finite extension of that field, we give an efficient method to find a presentation of the matroid associated to the integer polymatroid. Finally, we construct ideal linear schemes realizing those families of multipartite access structures by efficient methods

    An Ideal Compartmented Secret Sharing Scheme Based on Linear Homogeneous Recurrence Relations

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    Multipartite secret sharing schemes are those that have multipartite access structures. The set of the participants in those schemes is divided into several parts, and all the participants in the same part play the equivalent role. One type of such access structure is the compartmented access structure. We propose an ideal and efficient compartmented multi-secret sharing scheme based on the linear homogeneous recurrence (LHR) relations. In the construction phase, the shared secrets are hidden in some terms of the linear homogeneous recurrence sequence. In the recovery phase, the shared secrets are obtained by solving those terms in which the shared secrets are hidden. When the global threshold is tt, our scheme can reduce the computational complexity from O(nt1)O(n^{t-1}) to O(nmax(ti1)logn)O(n^{\max(t_i-1)}\log n), where ti<tt_i<t. The security of the proposed scheme is based on Shamir\u27s threshold scheme. Moreover, it is efficient to share the multi-secret and to change the shared secrets in the proposed scheme. That is, the proposed scheme can improve the performances of the key management and the distributed system

    Asymptotically Ideal CRT-based Secret Sharing Schemes for Multilevel and Compartmented Access Structures

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    Multilevel and compartmented access structures are two important classes of access structures where participants are grouped into levels/compartments with different degrees of trust and privileges. The construction of secret sharing schemes for such access structures has been in the attention of researchers for a long time. Two main approaches have been taken so far: one of them is based on polynomial interpolation and the other one is based on the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT). In this paper we propose the first asymptotically ideal CRT-based secret sharing schemes for (disjunctive, conjunctive) multilevel and compartmented access structures. Our approach is compositional and it is based on a variant of the Asmuth-Bloom secret sharing scheme where some participants may have public shares. Based on this, we show that the proposed secret sharing schemes for multilevel and compartmented access structures are asymptotically ideal if and only if they are based on 1-compact sequences of co-primes

    Natural Generalizations of Threshold Secret Sharing

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    We present new families of access structures that, similarly to the multilevel and compartmented access structures introduced in previous works, are natural generalizations of threshold secret sharing. Namely, they admit an ideal linear secret sharing schemes over every large enough finite field, they can be described by a small number of parameters, and they have useful properties for the applications of secret sharing. The use of integer polymatroids makes it possible to find many new such families and it simplifies in great measure the proofs for the existence of ideal secret sharing schemes for them

    Ideal and Perfect Hierarchical Secret Sharing Schemes based on MDS codes

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    An ideal conjunctive hierarchical secret sharing scheme, constructed based on the Maximum Distance Separable (MDS) codes, is proposed in this paper. The scheme, what we call, is computationally perfect. By computationally perfect, we mean, an authorized set can always reconstruct the secret in polynomial time whereas for an unauthorized set this is computationally hard. Also, in our scheme, the size of the ground field is independent of the parameters of the access structure. Further, it is efficient and requires O(n3)O(n^3), where nn is the number of participants. Keywords: Computationally perfect, Ideal, Secret sharing scheme, Conjunctive hierarchical access structure, Disjunctive hierarchical access structure, MDS code