2,419 research outputs found

    Passive Motion Paradigm: An Alternative to Optimal Control

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    In the last years, optimal control theory (OCT) has emerged as the leading approach for investigating neural control of movement and motor cognition for two complementary research lines: behavioral neuroscience and humanoid robotics. In both cases, there are general problems that need to be addressed, such as the “degrees of freedom (DoFs) problem,” the common core of production, observation, reasoning, and learning of “actions.” OCT, directly derived from engineering design techniques of control systems quantifies task goals as “cost functions” and uses the sophisticated formal tools of optimal control to obtain desired behavior (and predictions). We propose an alternative “softer” approach passive motion paradigm (PMP) that we believe is closer to the biomechanics and cybernetics of action. The basic idea is that actions (overt as well as covert) are the consequences of an internal simulation process that “animates” the body schema with the attractor dynamics of force fields induced by the goal and task-specific constraints. This internal simulation offers the brain a way to dynamically link motor redundancy with task-oriented constraints “at runtime,” hence solving the “DoFs problem” without explicit kinematic inversion and cost function computation. We argue that the function of such computational machinery is not only restricted to shaping motor output during action execution but also to provide the self with information on the feasibility, consequence, understanding and meaning of “potential actions.” In this sense, taking into account recent developments in neuroscience (motor imagery, simulation theory of covert actions, mirror neuron system) and in embodied robotics, PMP offers a novel framework for understanding motor cognition that goes beyond the engineering control paradigm provided by OCT. Therefore, the paper is at the same time a review of the PMP rationale, as a computational theory, and a perspective presentation of how to develop it for designing better cognitive architectures

    Human-like arm motion generation: a review

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    In the last decade, the objectives outlined by the needs of personal robotics have led to the rise of new biologically-inspired techniques for arm motion planning. This paper presents a literature review of the most recent research on the generation of human-like arm movements in humanoid and manipulation robotic systems. Search methods and inclusion criteria are described. The studies are analyzed taking into consideration the sources of publication, the experimental settings, the type of movements, the technical approach, and the human motor principles that have been used to inspire and assess human-likeness. Results show that there is a strong focus on the generation of single-arm reaching movements and biomimetic-based methods. However, there has been poor attention to manipulation, obstacle-avoidance mechanisms, and dual-arm motion generation. For these reasons, human-like arm motion generation may not fully respect human behavioral and neurological key features and may result restricted to specific tasks of human-robot interaction. Limitations and challenges are discussed to provide meaningful directions for future investigations.FCT Project UID/MAT/00013/2013FCT–Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020

    Adaptive sensorimotor peripersonal space representation and motor learning for a humanoid robot

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    This thesis presents possible computational mechanisms by which a humanoid robot can develop a coherent representation of the space within its reach (its peripersonal space), and use it to control its movements. Those mechanisms are inspired by current theories of peripersonal space representation and motor control in humans, targeting a cross-fertilization between robotics on one side, and cognitive science on the other side. This research addresses the issue of adaptivity the sensorimotor level, at the control level and at the level of simple task learning. First, this work considers the concept of body schema and suggests a computational translation of this concept, appropriate for controlling a humanoid robot. This model of the body schema is adaptive and evolves as a result of the robot sensory experience. It suggests new avenues for understanding various psychophysical and neuropsychological phenomenons of human peripersonal space representation such as adaptation to distorted vision and tool use, fake limbs experiments, body-part centered receptive fields, and multimodal neurons. Second, it is shown how the motor modality can be added to the body schema. The suggested controller is inspired by the dynamical system theory of motor control and allows the robot to simultaneously and robustly control its limbs in joint angles space and in end-effector location space. This amounts to controlling the robot in both proprioceptive and visual modalities. This multimodal control can benefit from the advantages offered by each modality and is better than traditional robotic controllers in several respects. It offers a simple and elegant solution to the singularity and joint limit avoidance problems and can be seen as a generalization of the Damped Least Square approach to robot control. The controller exhibits several properties of human reaching movements, such as quasi-straight hand paths and bell-shaped velocity profiles and non-equifinality. In a third step, the motor modalities is endowed with a statistical learning mechanism, based on Gaussian Mixture Models, that enables the humanoid to learn motor primitives from demonstrations. The robot is thus able to learn simple manipulation tasks and generalize them to various context, in a way that is robust to perturbations occurring during task execution. In addition to simulation results, the whole model has been implemented and validated on two humanoid robots, the Hoap3 and the iCub, enabling them to learn their arm and head geometries, perform reaching movements, adapt to unknown tools, and visual distortions, and learn simple manipulation tasks in a smooth, robust and adaptive way. Finally, this work hints at possible computational interpretations of the concepts of body schema, motor perception and motor primitives

    Integrating Gestures

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    Gestures convey information about culture, discourse, thought, intentionality, emotion, intersubjectivity, cognition, and first and second language acquisition. Additionally, they are used by non-human primates to communicate with their peers and with humans. Consequently, the modern field of gesture studies has attracted researchers from a number of different disciplines such as anthropology, cognitive science, communication, neuroscience, psycholinguistics, primatology, psychology, robotics, sociology and semiotics. This volume presents an overview of the depth and breadth of current research in gesture. Its focus is on the interdisciplinary nature of gesture. The chapters included in the volume are divided into six themes: the nature and functions of gesture, first language development and gesture, second language effects on gesture, gesture in the classroom and in problem solving, gesture aspects of discourse and interaction, and gestural analysis of music and dance

    Living "in the glow of the cyber-capital.": finance capital in Don DeLillo's fiction

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    The present thesis reads Don DeLillo’s fiction as expressive of the process of financialization which emerged in response to the 1970s capitalist crisis in the United States and gave rise to a specific social materiality and peculiar “structure of feeling” grounded in finance capital. I will argue that DeLillo’s works offer a powerful representation and critique of the workings of finance capital and of American hegemony pursued via the emergence, consolidation and expansion of finance. As DeLillo’s novels depict a specifically finance-driven US hegemony, they also register the attempts to resist such hegemony. Simultaneously, I shall focus on DeLillo’s analysis of a culture immersed in what Keynes called “the fetish of liquidity”, and on DeLillo’s investigation of how the seemingly dematerialising power of speculative capital modifies the construction of a new social materiality and human experience. By articulating a comparison between specific mechanisms within finance capital and the workings of mourning and melancholia, I shall explore the anxiety and dread pervading DeLillo’s characters as originating within the erasure of the commodity form from the dominant financial mode. Within such purview, I will first explore those texts, written in the 1970s, which best depict the crisis in US capitalism and the response to such crisis via the emergence of a chiefly financial economic and cultural mode. Subsequently, I will investigate DeLillo’s latest production in order to highlight how such works expose the contradictions and limitations of a finance-dominated economy and its attendant “structure of feeling”, and express an ever-growing need to return to less virtual, less evanescent forms of economic production

    Integrating Gestures

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    Gestures convey information about culture, discourse, thought, intentionality, emotion, intersubjectivity, cognition, and first and second language acquisition. Additionally, they are used by non-human primates to communicate with their peers and with humans. Consequently, the modern field of gesture studies has attracted researchers from a number of different disciplines such as anthropology, cognitive science, communication, neuroscience, psycholinguistics, primatology, psychology, robotics, sociology and semiotics. This volume presents an overview of the depth and breadth of current research in gesture. Its focus is on the interdisciplinary nature of gesture. The chapters included in the volume are divided into six themes: the nature and functions of gesture, first language development and gesture, second language effects on gesture, gesture in the classroom and in problem solving, gesture aspects of discourse and interaction, and gestural analysis of music and dance
