4 research outputs found

    Independent Weighted Feature Set with Linked Feature Reduction Model for Lung Cancer Stage Detection using Machine Learning Model

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    Lung cancer is a potentially fatal disease that is affected to 18% of population every year. Finding the exact location of a cancer and identification of lung cancer stage continues to be difficult for medical professionals. The true reason for cancer and a comprehensive cure is still unknown. Treatment for cancer is possible if detected at an early stage with accurate stage detection. Finding areas of the lung that have been impacted by cancer requires the use of image processing techniques like noise reduction, highlight filtration, recognizable proof of effected lung regions, and perhaps a comparison with data on the curative history of lung cancer. This research investigates whether or not technology enabled by machine learning algorithms and image processing can correctly classifies and predict lung cancer. For images, the dimensional feature channel is used in the preliminary processing stage. The proposed model considers Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) images for detection of lung cancer. This research proposes an Independent Weighted Feature Set with Linked Feature Reduction (IWFS-LFR) model for accurate lung cancer stage detection based on the size of the tumour. The tumour stage can be accurately predicted using the feature attribute similarity calculation for accurate detection of lung cancer stage for proper diagnosis. The proposed model when contrasted with the traditional model exhibits better performance

    AI-driven synthetic biology for non-small cell lung cancer drug effectiveness-cost analysis in intelligent assisted medical systems

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    According to statistics, in the 185 countries' 36 types of cancer, the morbidity and mortality of lung cancer take the first place, and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) accounts for 85% of lung cancer (International Agency for Research on Cancer, 2018), (Bray et al., 2018). Significantly in many developing countries, limited medical resources and excess population seriously affect the diagnosis and treatment of alung cancer patients. The 21st century is an era of life medicine, big data, and information technology. Synthetic biology is known as the driving force of natural product innovation and research in this era. Based on the research of NSCLC targeted drugs, through the cross-fusion of synthetic biology and artificial intelligence, using the idea of bioengineering, we construct an artificial intelligence assisted medical system and propose a drug selection framework for the personalized selection of NSCLC patients. Under the premise of ensuring the efficacy, considering the economic cost of targeted drugs as an auxiliary decision-making factor, the system predicts the drug effectiveness-cost then. The experiment shows that our method can rely on the provided clinical data to screen drug treatment programs suitable for the patient's conditions and assist doctors in making an efficient diagnosis

    Alteraciones metab贸licas en el c谩ncer de pulm贸n

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    Premio extraordinario de Trabajo Fin de M谩ster curso 2014-2015. Investigaci贸n Biom茅dica TraslacionalEl c谩ncer de pulm贸n es una de las causas m谩s comunes de muerte por c谩ncer. Presenta una alta incidencia y baja prognosis, con una tasa de supervivencia de 5 a帽os. Dada la baja tasa de supervivencia actual del c谩ncer de pulm贸n, y la evidencia existente de que el diagn贸stico precoz de la enfermedad reduce la mortalidad, resulta de especial inter茅s la b煤squeda de biomarcadores para esta enfermedad. En este sentido, la metabol贸mica se presenta como una buena herramienta para la b煤squeda de indicadores que nos sirvan para identificar nuevos marcadores de la enfermedad con el fin de mejorar la supervivencia de los pacientes en todos los estad铆os. En este trabajo se describe la aplicaci贸n de la metabol贸mica con la finalidad de distinguir diferencias distintivas entre el tejido maligno y no maligno en el carcinoma epidermoide de pulm贸n. En este estudio fueron empleadas muestras de tejido tumoral diagnosticado como carcinoma epidermoide y su tejido normal adyacente procedente de 35 pacientes, los cuales no hab铆an recibido quimioterapia o radioterapia previa a la operaci贸n. En base a los resultados obtenidos, se ha detectado la alteraci贸n de gran parte de los metabolitos involucrados en la ruta de las purinas. La integraci贸n de esta informaci贸n junto con el an谩lisis g茅nico de las enzimas involucradas en esta ruta, as铆 como el an谩lisis proteico de algunas de ellas, nos ha permitido identificar un uso preferente de la ruta de novo en la s铆ntesis de purinas en el caso del tejido tumoral respecto al sano. Adem谩s, estos datos se帽alan a la enzima ADSL como una posible diana potencial en la terapia contra el c谩ncer epidermoide de pulm贸n. Todos estos resultados demuestran el posible uso de la monotorizaci贸n de los niveles de metabolitos involucrados en el metabolismo de las purinas como nuevos marcadores de diagn贸stico y/o pron贸stico en el c谩ncer de pulm贸n

    A Predictive Model for Personalized Therapeutic Interventions in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer

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