11,634 research outputs found

    Un Curso práctico de programación paralela basado en problemas de Concurso Español de Programación Paralela

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    En este trabajo se presenta una experiencia de un curso de Introducción a la Programación Paralela. El curso está dedicado a herramientas y entornos de programación paralela, y principalmente al análisis, desarrollo y optimización de algoritmos paralelos. Tiene una orientación práctica, para lo que se utilizan problemas del Concurso Español de Programación Paralela. Los diferentes temas del curso se presentan en clases con la estructura tradicional, y para cada tema se organiza una sesión práctica, en la que se trabaja con problemas del concurso con los que se practica con los entornos de paralelismo y los paradigmas algorítmicos tratados en la clase anterior. En las sesiones prácticas los alumnos trabajan con problemas y con el entorno compu-tacional del concurso, lo que facilita el seguimiento y la validación en tiempo real de su trabajo, así como la atención personalizada y el tomar acciones correctoras de la organización de la docencia y las prácticas. De esta forma se realiza una evaluación continua que ha permitido reducir la tasa de abandono e incrementar la tasa de éxito en la asignatura.This paper presents an experience of an introductory course on Parallel Programming. The course is dedicated to parallel programming tools and environments, and in particular to the analysis, development and optimization of parallel algorithms. It has a practical orien-tation and is guided with the use of problems from the Spanish Parallel Programming Contest. The different units are presented in the traditional lecture for-mat, and a practical session accompanies each unit, with problems to work with in the tools or algorithmic paradigms presented in the previous lecture. The students work in the practical sessions on problems and using the system of the contest, which facilitates online and real time validation of their implementations. The practical approach of the course and the continuous evaluation used led to an important increase in the marks

    Post-Election Audits: Restoring Trust in Elections

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    With the intention of assisting legislators, election officials and the public to make sense of recent literature on post-election audits and convert it into realistic audit practices, the Brennan Center and the Samuelson Law, Technology and Public Policy Clinic at Boalt Hall School of Law (University of California Berkeley) convened a blue ribbon panel (the "Audit Panel") of statisticians, voting experts, computer scientists and several of the nation's leading election officials. Following a review of the literature and extensive consultation with the Audit Panel, the Brennan Center and the Samuelson Clinic make several practical recommendations for improving post-election audits, regardless of the audit method that a jurisdiction ultimately decides to adopt

    General Catalog - The School Year 1983-1984

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    IMPACT: The Journal of the Center for Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning. Volume 5, Issue 2, Summer 2016

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    Impact: The Journal of the Center for Interdisciplinary Teaching & Learning is a peer-reviewed, biannual online journal that publishes scholarly and creative non-fiction essays about the theory, practice and assessment of interdisciplinary education. Impact is produced by the Center for Interdisciplinary Teaching & Learning at the College of General Studies, Boston University (www.bu.edu/cgs/citl)

    Un curso práctico de Programación Paralela basado en problemas de Concurso Español de Programación Paralela

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    En este trabajo se presenta una experiencia de un curso de Introducción a la Programación Paralela. El curso está dedicado a herramientas y entornos de programación paralela, y principalmente al análisis, desarrollo y optimización de algoritmos paralelos. Tiene una orientación práctica, para lo que se utilizan problemas del Concurso Español de Programación Paralela. Los diferentes temas del curso se presentan en clases con la estructura tradicional, y para cada tema se organiza una sesión práctica, en la que se trabaja con problemas del concurso con los que se practica con los entornos de paralelismo y los paradigmas algorítmicos tratados en la clase anterior. En las sesiones prácticas los alumnos trabajan con problemas y con el entorno computacional del concurso, lo que facilita el seguimiento y la validación en tiempo real de su trabajo, así como la atención personalizada y el tomar acciones correctoras de la organización de la docencia y las prácticas. De esta forma se realiza una evaluación continua que ha permitido reducir la tasa de abandono e incrementar la tasa de éxito en la asignatura.This paper presents an experience of an introductory course on Parallel Programming. The course is dedicated to parallel programming tools and environments, and in particular to the analysis, development and optimization of parallel algorithms. It has a practical orientation and is guided with the use of problems from the Spanish Parallel Programming Contest. The different units are presented in the traditional lecture format, and a practical session accompanies each unit, with problems to work with in the tools or algorithmic paradigms presented in the previous lecture. The students work in the practical sessions on problems and using the system of the contest, which facilitates online and real time validation of their implementations. The practical approach of the course and the continuous evaluation used led to an important increase in the marks.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por MINECO y por fondos FEDER de la Comisión Europea, a través del proyecto TIN2015-66972-C5-3-R

    Student-tailored final year project on microcontroller-based hardware-in-the-loop speed control of a wind generator

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    Student-supervisor cooperation was carried out to design the inter-subject final year project reported in this paper. According to the student feedback, this approach allowed gathering his main interests – vector control, microcontroller programming and wind power generation – together, therefore reinforcing his motivation towards his final year project and making him feel particularly responsible for its outcome. Microcontroller-based hardware-in-the-loop emulation made possible to combine the three afore-cited student interests. In this context, the virtual prototype of a current-controlled wind turbine-driven 2-MW permanent-magnet synchronous generator is presented, along with the pseudo-code corresponding to the permanent-magnet synchronous generator speed control algorithm programmed in an 8-bit microcontroller. In addition, tuning formulas are derived for the digital integral-proportional controllers commanding both the permanent-magnet synchronous generator current and speed. Detailed descriptions are provided in order to guarantee reproducibility. Implementation of the hardware-in-the-loop rig is also tackled, supported by illustrative results obtained when running it. The developed hardware-in-the-loop rig is considered suitable for laboratory practices of subjects like digital control and microcontroller programming.Co-financed by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness under the DPI2015-64985-R research project, by the Basque Government under the IT677-13 research grant, and by the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU under both the UFI11/28 unit of formation and research and the GIU16/54 research grant

    Taking stock of structural funds implementation : current challenges and future opportunities

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    This paper highlights several themes which have informed programme management since IQ-Net meeting in June 2002, held in Lulea, Sweden. First, it provides an overview of the main development in programme implementation and the financial execution of programmes, including an exploration of the risks of automatic decommitment faced by the programmes. Second, it describes the progress made with the mid-term evaluations, following on the IQ-Net thematic paper on this subject presented at the Lulea conference. Third, it presents an overview of the current EU-level debate on simplification, highlighting the views of the network's partners as well as, where available, the member state

    Entrenamiento por Competencias de Computación de Alto Rendimiento para Ecosistemas de Computación Avanzada

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    peer reviewedHigh-Performance Computing (HPC) is one of the pillars of developing modern science and disruptive technologies, uniting computer architectures and parallel programming into multidisciplinary interactions to face domain-specific problems. That is why different areas of knowledge require their future professionals (scientists or not) to acquire skills in using HPC. The Super Computing and Distributed Systems Camping School, SC-Camp, is a non-profit activity that proposes a series of courses about HPC with an important focus on practical sessions (more than half of the time) addressed to undergraduate and graduate students who could benefit from HPC by demand. It is an itinerant school, bringing the HPC knowledge to a different place every year, focusing on diversity, sustainability, and humanity.La computación de alto rendimiento (HPC) es uno de los pilares del desarrollo de la ciencia moderna y las tecnologías disruptivas, uniendo arquitecturas informáticas y programación paralela en interacciones multidisciplinarias para enfrentar problemas específicos de dominio. Es por ello que distintas áreas del conocimiento exigen a sus futuros profesionales (científicos o no) adquirir habilidades en el uso de HPC. El Camping Escuela de Super Computación y Sistemas Distribuidos, SC-Camp, es una actividad sinánimo de lucro que propone una serie de cursos sobre HPC con un importante foco en sesiones prácticas (más de la mitad del tiempo) dirigidas a estudiantes de grado y posgrado que podrían beneficiarse de HPC según la demanda. Es una escuela itinerante, quelleva el conocimiento de HPC a un lugar diferente cada año, con un enfoque importante en la diversidad, la sostenibilidad y la humanidad