615 research outputs found

    Hashing Based Software Watermarking for Source Code Files

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    Software is developed and delivered to clients as a routine part of software engineering life cycle . Software is quite an expensive entity. However various attacks are possible on software to make its illegal use. Different solutions are there to prevent piracy. Software watermarking embeds a watermark in the source code so that it is undetectable yet it proves the ownership of the developer. The technique has been tested for C++ source code files, however, it can be applicable on any other language. The proposed techniques scans the code for all possible constants, forms a hash sequence using MD5 algorithm that calculates the watermark and stores in Date & Watermark Value Repository (DWVR)

    Exploiting loop transformations for the protection of software

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    Il software conserva la maggior parte del know-how che occorre per svilupparlo. Poich\ue9 oggigiorno il software pu\uf2 essere facilmente duplicato e ridistribuito ovunque, il rischio che la propriet\ue0 intellettuale venga violata su scala globale \ue8 elevato. Una delle pi\uf9 interessanti soluzioni a questo problema \ue8 dotare il software di un watermark. Ai watermark si richiede non solo di certificare in modo univoco il proprietario del software, ma anche di essere resistenti e pervasivi. In questa tesi riformuliamo i concetti di robustezza e pervasivit\ue0 a partire dalla semantica delle tracce. Evidenziamo i cicli quali costrutti di programmazione pervasivi e introduciamo le trasformazioni di ciclo come mattone di costruzione per schemi di watermarking pervasivo. Passiamo in rassegna alcune fra tali trasformazioni, studiando i loro principi di base. Infine, sfruttiamo tali principi per costruire una tecnica di watermarking pervasivo. La robustezza rimane una difficile, quanto affascinante, questione ancora da risolvere.Software retains most of the know-how required fot its development. Because nowadays software can be easily cloned and spread worldwide, the risk of intellectual property infringement on a global scale is high. One of the most viable solutions to this problem is to endow software with a watermark. Good watermarks are required not only to state unambiguously the owner of software, but also to be resilient and pervasive. In this thesis we base resiliency and pervasiveness on trace semantics. We point out loops as pervasive programming constructs and we introduce loop transformations as the basic block of pervasive watermarking schemes. We survey several loop transformations, outlining their underlying principles. Then we exploit these principles to build some pervasive watermarking techniques. Resiliency still remains a big and challenging open issue

    Extracting Source Level Program Similarities from Dynamic Behavior

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    The vast majority of work on comparing program similarities to detect software piracy either assumes the availability of the program source code (e.g., Moss) or performs a complicated source program transformation to embed carefully designed signatures, or software watermarks, into the binary code. In this paper, we propose a new approach to detecting program similarities that requires neither the availability of the program source nor complicated compile-time watermarking techniques. Furthermore, in contrast to the alternatives, our framework is resistant to standard attacks such as code obfuscation. Our approach exploits the observation that the sequence of system calls performed by a program execution provides a strong signature of the program semantics or functionality, thereby using the inherent properties of a program to identify it. By statistically analyzing sequences of system calls, the relative similarities and differences of program regions can be automatically determined. We have developed a framework that automatically extracts system call sequences, computes the similarities between two binaries via statistical analysis, and maps dynamically similar regions onto textually similar source files. We present several case studies showing the applicability of our framework in pinpointing pirated segments. Our experimental study also shows that directly comparing the binary files of the programs without considering their dynamic behavior is ineffective, and demonstrates strong consistency between the output of our new framework and that of Moss