20,686 research outputs found

    Confidentiality-Preserving Publish/Subscribe: A Survey

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    Publish/subscribe (pub/sub) is an attractive communication paradigm for large-scale distributed applications running across multiple administrative domains. Pub/sub allows event-based information dissemination based on constraints on the nature of the data rather than on pre-established communication channels. It is a natural fit for deployment in untrusted environments such as public clouds linking applications across multiple sites. However, pub/sub in untrusted environments lead to major confidentiality concerns stemming from the content-centric nature of the communications. This survey classifies and analyzes different approaches to confidentiality preservation for pub/sub, from applications of trust and access control models to novel encryption techniques. It provides an overview of the current challenges posed by confidentiality concerns and points to future research directions in this promising field

    Vitis: A Gossip-based Hybrid Overlay for Internet-scale Publish/Subscribe

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    Peer-to-peer overlay networks are attractive solutions for building Internet-scale publish/subscribe systems. However, scalability comes with a cost: a message published on a certain topic often needs to traverse a large number of uninterested (unsubscribed) nodes before reaching all its subscribers. This might sharply increase resource consumption for such relay nodes (in terms of bandwidth transmission cost, CPU, etc) and could ultimately lead to rapid deterioration of the system’s performance once the relay nodes start dropping the messages or choose to permanently abandon the system. In this paper, we introduce Vitis, a gossip-based publish/subscribe system that significantly decreases the number of relay messages, and scales to an unbounded number of nodes and topics. This is achieved by the novel approach of enabling rendezvous routing on unstructured overlays. We construct a hybrid system by injecting structure into an otherwise unstructured network. The resulting structure resembles a navigable small-world network, which spans along clusters of nodes that have similar subscriptions. The properties of such an overlay make it an ideal platform for efficient data dissemination in large-scale systems. We perform extensive simulations and evaluate Vitis by comparing its performance against two base-line publish/subscribe systems: one that is oblivious to node subscriptions, and another that exploits the subscription similarities. Our measurements show that Vitis significantly outperforms the base-line solutions on various subscription and churn scenarios, from both synthetic models and real-world traces

    Self-Stabilizing Supervised Publish-Subscribe Systems

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    In this paper we present two major results: First, we introduce the first self-stabilizing version of a supervised overlay network by presenting a self-stabilizing supervised skip ring. Secondly, we show how to use the self-stabilizing supervised skip ring to construct an efficient self-stabilizing publish-subscribe system. That is, in addition to stabilizing the overlay network, every subscriber of a topic will eventually know all of the publications that have been issued so far for that topic. The communication work needed to processes a subscribe or unsubscribe operation is just a constant in a legitimate state, and the communication work of checking whether the system is still in a legitimate state is just a constant on expectation for the supervisor as well as any process in the system

    Automatic subscriptions in publish-subscribe systems

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    In this paper, we describe how to automate the process of subscribing to complex publish-subscribe systems. We present a proof-of-concept prototype, in which we analyze Web browsing history to generate zero-click subscriptions to Web feeds and video news stories. Our experience so far indicates that user attention data is a promising source of data for automating the subscription process

    Reliable and timely event notification for publish/subscribe services over the internet

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    The publish/subscribe paradigm is gaining attention for the development of several applications in wide area networks (WANs) due to its intrinsic time, space, and synchronization decoupling properties that meet the scalability and asynchrony requirements of those applications. However, while the communication in a WAN may be affected by the unpredictable behavior of the network, with messages that can be dropped or delayed, existing publish/subscribe solutions pay just a little attention to addressing these issues. On the contrary, applications such as business intelligence, critical infrastructures, and financial services require delivery guarantees with strict temporal deadlines. In this paper, we propose a framework that enforces both reliability and timeliness for publish/subscribe services over WAN. Specifically, we combine two different approaches: gossiping, to retrieve missing packets in case of incomplete information, and network coding, to reduce the number of retransmissions and, consequently, the latency. We provide an analytical model that describes the information recovery capabilities of our algorithm and a simulation-based study, taking into account a real workload from the Air Traffic Control domain, which evidences how the proposed solution is able to ensure reliable event notification over a WAN within a reasonable bounded time window. © 2013 IEEE

    Crux: Locality-Preserving Distributed Services

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    Distributed systems achieve scalability by distributing load across many machines, but wide-area deployments can introduce worst-case response latencies proportional to the network's diameter. Crux is a general framework to build locality-preserving distributed systems, by transforming an existing scalable distributed algorithm A into a new locality-preserving algorithm ALP, which guarantees for any two clients u and v interacting via ALP that their interactions exhibit worst-case response latencies proportional to the network latency between u and v. Crux builds on compact-routing theory, but generalizes these techniques beyond routing applications. Crux provides weak and strong consistency flavors, and shows latency improvements for localized interactions in both cases, specifically up to several orders of magnitude for weakly-consistent Crux (from roughly 900ms to 1ms). We deployed on PlanetLab locality-preserving versions of a Memcached distributed cache, a Bamboo distributed hash table, and a Redis publish/subscribe. Our results indicate that Crux is effective and applicable to a variety of existing distributed algorithms.Comment: 11 figure

    Data centric trust evaluation and prediction framework for IOT

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    © 2017 ITU. Application of trust principals in internet of things (IoT) has allowed to provide more trustworthy services among the corresponding stakeholders. The most common method of assessing trust in IoT applications is to estimate trust level of the end entities (entity-centric) relative to the trustor. In these systems, trust level of the data is assumed to be the same as the trust level of the data source. However, most of the IoT based systems are data centric and operate in dynamic environments, which need immediate actions without waiting for a trust report from end entities. We address this challenge by extending our previous proposals on trust establishment for entities based on their reputation, experience and knowledge, to trust estimation of data items [1-3]. First, we present a hybrid trust framework for evaluating both data trust and entity trust, which will be enhanced as a standardization for future data driven society. The modules including data trust metric extraction, data trust aggregation, evaluation and prediction are elaborated inside the proposed framework. Finally, a possible design model is described to implement the proposed ideas