1,252 research outputs found

    MATHICSE Technical Report: A posteriori error estimation for the stochastic collocation finite element approximation of the heat equation with random coefficients

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    In this work we present a residual based a posteriori error estimation for a heat equation with a random forcing term and a random diffusion coefficient which is assumed to depend affinely on a finite number of independent random variables. The problem is discretized by a stochastic collocation finite element method and advanced in time by the θ-scheme. The a posteriori error estimate consists of three parts controlling the finite element error, the time discretization error and the stochastic collocation error, respectively. These estimators are then used to drive an adaptive choice of FE mesh, collocation points and time steps. We study the effectiveness of the estimate and the performance of the adaptive algorithm on a numerical example

    A Posteriori Error Estimation for the Stochastic Collocation Finite Element Method

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    In this work, we consider an elliptic partial differential equation (PDE) with a random coefficient solved with the stochastic collocation finite element method (SC-FEM). The random diffusion coefficient is assumed to depend in an affine way on independent random variables. We derive a residual-based a posteriori error estimate that is constituted of two parts controlling the SC error and the FE error, respectively. The SC error estimator is then used to drive an adaptive sparse grid algorithm. Several numerical examples are given to illustrate the efficiency of the error estimator and the performance of the adaptive algorithm

    MATHICSE Technical Report : A posteriori error estimation for the stochastic collocation finite element method

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    In this work, we consider an elliptic partial differential equation with a random coefficient solved with the stochastic collocation finite element method. The random diffusion coefficient is assumed to depend in an affine way on independent random variables. We derive a residual-based a posteriori error estimate that is constituted of two parts controlling the stochastic collocation (SC) and the finite element (FE) errors, respectively. The SC error estimator is then used to drive an adaptive sparse grid algorithm. Several numerical examples are given to illustrate the efficiency of the error estimator and the performance of the adaptive algorithm

    A posteriori error analysis and adaptive non-intrusive numerical schemes for systems of random conservation laws

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    In this article we consider one-dimensional random systems of hyperbolic conservation laws. We first establish existence and uniqueness of random entropy admissible solutions for initial value problems of conservation laws which involve random initial data and random flux functions. Based on these results we present an a posteriori error analysis for a numerical approximation of the random entropy admissible solution. For the stochastic discretization, we consider a non-intrusive approach, the Stochastic Collocation method. The spatio-temporal discretization relies on the Runge--Kutta Discontinuous Galerkin method. We derive the a posteriori estimator using continuous reconstructions of the discrete solution. Combined with the relative entropy stability framework this yields computable error bounds for the entire space-stochastic discretization error. The estimator admits a splitting into a stochastic and a deterministic (space-time) part, allowing for a novel residual-based space-stochastic adaptive mesh refinement algorithm. We conclude with various numerical examples investigating the scaling properties of the residuals and illustrating the efficiency of the proposed adaptive algorithm

    Adaptive stochastic Galerkin FEM for lognormal coefficients in hierarchical tensor representations

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    Stochastic Galerkin methods for non-affine coefficient representations are known to cause major difficulties from theoretical and numerical points of view. In this work, an adaptive Galerkin FE method for linear parametric PDEs with lognormal coefficients discretized in Hermite chaos polynomials is derived. It employs problem-adapted function spaces to ensure solvability of the variational formulation. The inherently high computational complexity of the parametric operator is made tractable by using hierarchical tensor representations. For this, a new tensor train format of the lognormal coefficient is derived and verified numerically. The central novelty is the derivation of a reliable residual-based a posteriori error estimator. This can be regarded as a unique feature of stochastic Galerkin methods. It allows for an adaptive algorithm to steer the refinements of the physical mesh and the anisotropic Wiener chaos polynomial degrees. For the evaluation of the error estimator to become feasible, a numerically efficient tensor format discretization is developed. Benchmark examples with unbounded lognormal coefficient fields illustrate the performance of the proposed Galerkin discretization and the fully adaptive algorithm
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