88 research outputs found

    Deep Feature-based Face Detection on Mobile Devices

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    We propose a deep feature-based face detector for mobile devices to detect user's face acquired by the front facing camera. The proposed method is able to detect faces in images containing extreme pose and illumination variations as well as partial faces. The main challenge in developing deep feature-based algorithms for mobile devices is the constrained nature of the mobile platform and the non-availability of CUDA enabled GPUs on such devices. Our implementation takes into account the special nature of the images captured by the front-facing camera of mobile devices and exploits the GPUs present in mobile devices without CUDA-based frameorks, to meet these challenges.Comment: ISBA 201

    Adaptive optimization for OpenCL programs on embedded heterogeneous systems

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    Heterogeneous multi-core architectures consisting of CPUs and GPUs are commonplace in today’s embedded systems. These architectures offer potential for energy efficient computing if the application task is mapped to the right core. Realizing such potential is challenging due to the complex and evolving nature of hardware and applications. This paper presents an automatic approach to map OpenCL kernels onto heterogeneous multi-cores for a given optimization criterion – whether it is faster runtime, lower energy consumption or a trade-off between them. This is achieved by developing a machine learning based approach to predict which processor to use to run the OpenCL kernel and the host program, and at what frequency the processor should operate. Instead of hand-tuning a model for each optimization metric, we use machine learning to develop a unified framework that first automatically learns the optimization heuristic for each metric off-line, then uses the learned knowledge to schedule OpenCL kernels at runtime based on code and runtime information of the program. We apply our approach to a set of representative OpenCL benchmarks and evaluate it on an ARM big.LITTLE mobile platform. Our approach achieves over 93% of the performance delivered by a perfect predictor.We obtain, on average, 1.2x, 1.6x, and 1.8x improvement respectively for runtime, energy consumption and the energy delay product when compared to a comparative heterogeneous-aware OpenCL task mapping scheme

    High Performance Implementation of Support Vector Machines Using OpenCL

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    Support Vector Machines are a machine learning approach that is well studied, thoroughly vetted and effective in a large number of applications. The objective of this thesis is to accelerate an implementation of Support Vector Machines (SVM) using a heterogeneous computing system programmed using OpenCL in C/C++. LIBSVM, a widely-available, popular and open source implementation of SVM is chosen, allowing the presented work to be integrated seamlessly into existing systems. The proposed framework is evaluated in terms of speed and accuracy when performing training and classification on a number of standard data sets. Testing was based on two work station GPUs, the NVIDIA GTX 480 and Tesla K20, and a modern, work station CPU (Intel i5 Quad Core, 3 GHz). We find that, for large data sets, training is accelerated by a factor ranging from 9 to 22. In general, speedup increases with the total number of training samples in the data set until the GPU device is fully utilized. While these gains in speedup are significant, they do not match the ideal parallel speedup, that is the total number of cores in the parallel system. Our findings indicate that performance is hampered by the portions of the SVM training algorithm that are sequential. In addition, we find that the classification phase of the SVM system is accelerated by a factor of up to 12. During classification only a relatively small number of samples are classified compared to the typical number of training samples, and the computational complexity of classification grows only linearly with the number of samples processed, as opposed to the training phase where it grows quadratically. The contri- butions of this thesis include the use of OpenCL for accelerating SVM training and testing on heterogeneous systems, and the performance analysis of the acceleration of SVM

    An automatic input-sensitive approach for heterogeneous task partitioning

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    Unleashing the full potential of heterogeneous systems, consisting of multi-core CPUs and GPUs, is a challenging task due to the difference in processing capabilities, memory availability, and communication latencies of different computational resources. In this paper we propose a novel approach that automatically optimizes task partitioning for different (input) problem sizes and different heterogeneous multi-core architectures. We use the Insieme source-to-source compiler to translate a single-device OpenCL program into a multi-device OpenCL program. The Insieme Runtime System then performs dynamic task partitioning based on an offline-generated prediction model. In order to derive the prediction model, we use a machine learning approach based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) that incorporates static program features as well as dynamic, input sensitive features. Principal component analysis have been used to further improve the task partitioning. Our approach has been evaluated over a suite of 23 programs and respectively achieves a performance improvement of 22% and 25% compared to an execution of the benchmarks on a single CPU and a single GPU which is equal to 87.5% of the optimal performance

    Mapping parallel programs to heterogeneous multi-core systems

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    Heterogeneous computer systems are ubiquitous in all areas of computing, from mobile to high-performance computing. They promise to deliver increased performance at lower energy cost than purely homogeneous, CPU-based systems. In recent years GPU-based heterogeneous systems have become increasingly popular. They combine a programmable GPU with a multi-core CPU. GPUs have become flexible enough to not only handle graphics workloads but also various kinds of general-purpose algorithms. They are thus used as a coprocessor or accelerator alongside the CPU. Developing applications for GPU-based heterogeneous systems involves several challenges. Firstly, not all algorithms are equally suited for GPU computing. It is thus important to carefully map the tasks of an application to the most suitable processor in a system. Secondly, current frameworks for heterogeneous computing, such as OpenCL, are low-level, requiring a thorough understanding of the hardware by the programmer. This high barrier to entry could be lowered by automatically generating and tuning this code from a high-level and thus more user-friendly programming language. Both challenges are addressed in this thesis. For the task mapping problem a machine learning-based approach is presented in this thesis. It combines static features of the program code with runtime information on input sizes to predict the optimal mapping of OpenCL kernels. This approach is further extended to also take contention on the GPU into account. Both methods are able to outperform competing mapping approaches by a significant margin. Furthermore, this thesis develops a method for targeting GPU-based heterogeneous systems from OpenMP, a directive-based framework for parallel computing. OpenMP programs are translated to OpenCL and optimized for GPU performance. At runtime a predictive model decides whether to execute the original OpenMP code on the CPU or the generated OpenCL code on the GPU. This approach is shown to outperform both a competing approach as well as hand-tuned code

    Machine Learning in Compiler Optimization

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    In the last decade, machine learning based compilation has moved from an an obscure research niche to a mainstream activity. In this article, we describe the relationship between machine learning and compiler optimisation and introduce the main concepts of features, models, training and deployment. We then provide a comprehensive survey and provide a road map for the wide variety of different research areas. We conclude with a discussion on open issues in the area and potential research directions. This paper provides both an accessible introduction to the fast moving area of machine learning based compilation and a detailed bibliography of its main achievements

    GPU acceleration of object classification algorithms using NVIDIA CUDA

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    The field of computer vision has become an important part of today\u27s society, supporting crucial applications in the medical, manufacturing, military intelligence and surveillance domains. Many computer vision tasks can be divided into fundamental steps: image acquisition, pre-processing, feature extraction, detection or segmentation, and high-level processing. This work focuses on classification and object detection, specifically k-Nearest Neighbors, Support Vector Machine classification, and Viola & Jones object detection. Object detection and classification algorithms are computationally intensive, which makes it difficult to perform classification tasks in real-time. This thesis aims in overcoming the processing limitations of the above classification algorithms by offloading computation to the graphics processing unit (GPU) using NVIDIA\u27s Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA). The primary focus of this work is the implementation of the Viola and Jones object detector in CUDA. A multi-GPU implementation provides a speedup ranging from 1x to 6.5x over optimized OpenCV code for image sizes of 300 x 300 pixels up to 2900 x 1600 pixels while having comparable detection results. The second part of this thesis is the implementation of a multi-GPU multi-class SVM classifier. The classifier had the same accuracy as an identical implementation using LIBSVM with a speedup ranging from 89x to 263x on the tested datasets. The final part of this thesis was the extension of a previous CUDA k-Nearest Neighbor implementation by exploiting additional levels of parallelism. These extensions provided a speedup of 1.24x and 2.35x over the previous CUDA implementation. As an end result of this work, a library of these three CUDA classifiers has been compiled for use by future researchers
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