2,513 research outputs found

    Propagating Piecewise-Linear Weights in Temporal Networks

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    This paper presents a novel technique using piecewise-linear functions (PLFs) as weights on edges in the graphs of two kinds of temporal networks to solve several previously open problems. Generalizing constraint-propagation rules to accom- modate PLF weights requires implementing a small handful of functions. Most problems are solved by inserting one or more edges with an initial weight of \u3b4 (a variable), then using the modified rules to propagate the PLF weights. For one kind of network, a new set of propagation rules is introduced to avoid a non-termination issue that arises when propagating PLF weights. The paper also presents two new results for determining the tightest horizon that can be imposed while preserving a network\u2019s dynamic consistency/controllability

    A transient boundary element method model of Schroeder diffuser scattering using well mouth impedance

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    Room acoustic diffusers can be used to treat critical listening environments to improve sound quality. One popular class is Schroeder diffusers, which comprise wells of varying depth separated by thin fins. This paper concerns a new approach to enable the modelling of these complex surfaces in the time domain. Mostly, diffuser scattering is predicted using steady-state, single frequency methods. A popular approach is to use a frequency domain Boundary Element Method (BEM) model of a box containing the diffuser, where the mouth of each well is replaced by a compliant surface with appropriate surface impedance. The best way of representing compliant surfaces in time domain prediction models, such as the transient BEM is, however, currently unresolved. A representation based on surface impedance yields convolution kernels which involve future sound, so is not compatible with the current generation of time-marching transient BEM solvers. Consequently, this paper proposes the use of a surface reflection kernel for modelling well behaviour and this is tested in a time domain BEM implementation. The new algorithm is verified on two surfaces including a Schroeder diffuser model and accurate results are obtained. It is hoped that this representation may be extended to arbitrary compliant locally reacting materials

    The Complexity of Rationalizing Network Formation

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    We study the complexity of rationalizing network formation. In this problem we fix an underlying model describing how selfish parties (the vertices) produce a graph by making individual decisions to form or not form incident edges. The model is equipped with a notion of stability (or equilibrium), and we observe a set of "snapshots" of graphs that are assumed to be stable. From this we would like to infer some unobserved data about the system: edge prices, or how much each vertex values short paths to each other vertex. We study two rationalization problems arising from the network formation model of Jackson and Wolinsky [14]. When the goal is to infer edge prices, we observe that the rationalization problem is easy. The problem remains easy even when rationalizing prices do not exist and we instead wish to find prices that maximize the stability of the system. In contrast, when the edge prices are given and the goal is instead to infer valuations of each vertex by each other vertex, we prove that the rationalization problem becomes NP-hard. Our proof exposes a close connection between rationalization problems and the Inequality-SAT (I-SAT) problem. Finally and most significantly, we prove that an approximation version of this NP-complete rationalization problem is NP-hard to approximate to within better than a 1/2 ratio. This shows that the trivial algorithm of setting everyone's valuations to infinity (which rationalizes all the edges present in the input graphs) or to zero (which rationalizes all the non-edges present in the input graphs) is the best possible assuming P ≠ NP To do this we prove a tight (1/2 + δ) -approximation hardness for a variant of I-SAT in which all coefficients are non-negative. This in turn follows from a tight hardness result for MAX-LlN_(R_+) (linear equations over the reals, with non-negative coefficients), which we prove by a (non-trivial) modification of the recent result of Guruswami and Raghavendra [10] which achieved tight hardness for this problem without the non-negativity constraint. Our technical contributions regarding the hardness of I-SAT and MAX-LIN_(R_+) may be of independent interest, given the generality of these problem