21 research outputs found

    Approximations for the Moments of Nonstationary and State Dependent Birth-Death Queues

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    In this paper we propose a new method for approximating the nonstationary moment dynamics of one dimensional Markovian birth-death processes. By expanding the transition probabilities of the Markov process in terms of Poisson-Charlier polynomials, we are able to estimate any moment of the Markov process even though the system of moment equations may not be closed. Using new weighted discrete Sobolev spaces, we derive explicit error bounds of the transition probabilities and new weak a priori estimates for approximating the moments of the Markov processs using a truncated form of the expansion. Using our error bounds and estimates, we are able to show that our approximations converge to the true stochastic process as we add more terms to the expansion and give explicit bounds on the truncation error. As a result, we are the first paper in the queueing literature to provide error bounds and estimates on the performance of a moment closure approximation. Lastly, we perform several numerical experiments for some important models in the queueing theory literature and show that our expansion techniques are accurate at estimating the moment dynamics of these Markov process with only a few terms of the expansion

    On the speed of convergence to stationarity of the Erlang loss system

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    We consider the Erlang loss system, characterized by NN servers, Poisson arrivals and exponential service times, and allow the arrival rate to be a function of N.N. We discuss representations and bounds for the rate of convergence to stationarity of the number of customers in the system, and display some bounds for the total variation distance between the time-dependent and stationary distributions. We also pay attention to time-dependent rates

    Performance analysis of time-dependent queueing systems: survey and classification

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    Many queueing systems are subject to time-dependent changes in system parameters, such as the arrival rate or number of servers. Examples include time-dependent call volumes and agents at inbound call centers, time-varying air traffic at airports, time-dependent truck arrival rates at seaports, and cyclic message volumes in computer systems.There are several approaches for the performance analysis of queueing systems with deterministic parameter changes over time. In this survey, we develop a classification scheme that groups these approaches according to their underlying key ideas into (i) numerical and analytical solutions,(ii)approaches based on models with piecewise constant parameters, and (iii) approaches based on mod-ified system characteristics. Additionally, we identify links between the different approaches and provide a survey of applications that are categorized into service, road and air traffic, and IT systems

    Strong approximations for time-varying infinite-server queues with non-renewal arrival and service processes

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    In real stochastic systems, the arrival and service processes may not be renewal processes. For example, in many telecommunication systems such as internet traffic where data traffic is bursty, the sequence of inter-arrival times and service times are often correlated and dependent. One way to model this non-renewal behavior is to use Markovian Arrival Processes (MAPs) and Markovian Service Processes (MSPs). MAPs and MSPs allow for inter-arrival and service times to be dependent, while providing the analytical tractability of simple Markov processes. To this end, we prove fluid and diffusion limits for MAP(t)/MSPt/ queues by constructing a new Poisson process representation for the queueing dynamics and leveraging strong approximations for Poisson processes. As a result, the fluid and diffusion limit theorems illuminate how the dependence structure of the arrival or service processes can affect the sample path behavior of the queueing process. Finally, our Poisson representation for MAPs and MSPs is useful for simulation purposes and may be of independent interest.111sciescopu

    Linear differential equations for families of polynomials

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    Abstract In this paper, we present linear differential equations for the generating functions of the Poisson-Charlier, actuarial, and Meixner polynomials. Also, we give an application for each case

    Analysis of buffer allocations in time-dependent and stochastic flow lines

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    This thesis reviews and classifies the literature on the Buffer Allocation Problem under steady-state conditions and on performance evaluation approaches for queueing systems with time-dependent parameters. Subsequently, new performance evaluation approaches are developed. Finally, a local search algorithm for the derivation of time-dependent buffer allocations is proposed. The algorithm is based on numerically observed monotonicity properties of the system performance in the time-dependent buffer allocations. Numerical examples illustrate that time-dependent buffer allocations represent an adequate way of minimizing the average WIP in the flow line while achieving a desired service level