255,584 research outputs found

    Rotary target V-block

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    A device used in the optical alignment of machinery to maintain a measuring scale in the proper position for optical readings to be taken is described. The device consists of a block containing a notch in the shape of an inverted ""v'' and a rotatable plug positioned over the centerline of notch. The block is placed on the object to be aligned, the notch allows the block to be securely placed upon flat or curved surfaces. A weighted measuring scale is inserted through plug so that it contacts the object to be aligned. The scale and plug combination can be rotated so that the scale faces an optical aligning instrument. The instrument is then used in conjunction with the scale to measure the distance of the machinery from a reference plane

    DMD-based software-configurable spatially-offset Raman spectroscopy for spectral depth-profiling of optically turbid samples

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    Spectral depth-profiling of optically turbid samples is of high interest to a broad range of applications. We present a method for measuring spatially-offset Raman spectroscopy (SORS) over a range of length scales by incorporating a digital micro-mirror device (DMD) into a sample-conjugate plane in the detection optical path. The DMD can be arbitrarily programmed to collect/reject light at spatial positions in the 2D sample-conjugate plane, allowing spatially offset Raman measurements. We demonstrate several detection geometries, including annular and simultaneous multi-offset modalities, for both macro- and micro-SORS measurements, all on the same instrument. Compared to other SORS modalities, DMD-based SORS provides more flexibility with only minimal additional experimental complexity for subsurface Raman collection

    Large field Digital Image Plane Holography with a double cavity high speed laser

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    The three velocity components in a fluid plane can be measured by applying Digital Image Plane Holography. This technique is limited by the laser coherence length, which reduces its application with high speed lasers that, generally, have a very short coherence length. In addition, the use of a double cavity can also imply a small wavelength difference between the two laser beams. In this work, we present an improved Optical Path Length Enlarging Device that allows the velocity measurement, in a 2D field whose width is four times larger than the laser coherence length. The optical set-up and the procedure for measuring in a larger field (ten times the laser coherence length) were optimized, and the issues derived from the laser spatial and temporal coherence and wavelength changes were analyzed and solved. Digital Image Plane Holography with the Optical Path Length Enlarging Device and Particle Image Velocimetry were applied for measuring the whole velocity field in the central plane of a cylindrical cavity with a rotating lid, for two Reynolds numbers (800 and 2000), showing both of them a very good agreement with the numerical simulations

    Optical gyroscope system

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    Light beams pass in opposite directions through a single mode fiber optic wave guide that extends in a circle or coil in an optical gyroscope system which measures the rotation rate of the coil by measuring the relative phase shifts of the beams by interferometric techniques. Beam splitting and phase shifting of the light are facilitated by utilizing brief pulses of light and by using light-controlling devices which are operated for a brief time only when the light pulse passes in one direction through the device but not at a different time when the pulse is passing in the opposite direction through the device. High accuracy in rotation measurement is achieved at both very slow and very fast rotation rates, by alternately operating the system so that at zero rotation the interfering waves are alternately 90 out of phase and in phase. Linear polarization of the light beams is maintained by coiling the full length of the optic fiber in a single plane


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    The measuring device described in the paper is working by the Moire techniques using a lined grid, which sen'es simultaneously as a plane surface standard, resulting measurement pictures through Moiré lines. These lines, similar to the levellines of a map, give promptly the relief of the investigated surface. The sensibility depends from the division of the grid. The device build up as a compact table unit

    Compact Instrument for Measuring Profile of a Light Beam

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    The beamviewer is an optical device designed to be attached to a charge-coupled-device (CCD) image detector for measuring the spatial distribution of intensity of a beam of light (the beam profile ) at a designated plane intersecting the beam. The beamviewer-and-CCD combination is particularly well suited for measuring the radiant- power profile (for a steady beam) or the radiant-energy profile (for a pulsed beam) impinging on the input face or emerging from the output face of a bundle of optical fibers. The beamviewer and-CCD combination could also be used as a general laboratory instrument for profiling light beams, including beams emerging through small holes and laser beams in free space
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