14 research outputs found

    A Physical Approach for Stochastic Modeling of TERO-based TRNG

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    International audienceSecurity in random number generation for cryptography is closely related to the entropy rate at the generator output. This rate has to be evaluated using an appropriate stochastic model. The stochastic model proposed in this paper is dedicated to the transition effect ring oscillator (TERO) based true random number generator (TRNG) proposed by Varchola and Drutarovsky in 2010. The advantage and originality of this model is that it is derived from a physical model based on a detailed study and on the precise electrical description of the noisy physical phenomena that contribute to the generation of random numbers. We compare the proposed electrical description with data generated in a 28 nm CMOS ASIC implementation. Our experimental results are in very good agreement with those obtained with both the physical model of TERO's noisy behavior and with the stochastic model of the TERO TRNG, which we also confirmed using the AIS 31 test suites

    D2.1 - Report on Selected TRNG and PUF Principles

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    This report represents the final version of Deliverable 2.1 of the HECTOR work package WP2. It is a result of discussions and work on Task 2.1 of all HECTOR partners involved in WP2. The aim of the Deliverable 2.1 is to select principles of random number generators (RNGs) and physical unclonable functions (PUFs) that fulfill strict technology, design and security criteria. For example, the selected RNGs must be suitable for implementation in logic devices according to the German AIS20/31 standard. Correspondingly, the selected PUFs must be suitable for applying similar security approach. A standard PUF evaluation approach does not exist, yet, but it should be proposed in the framework of the project. Selected RNGs and PUFs should be then thoroughly evaluated from the point of view of security and the most suitable principles should be implemented in logic devices, such as Field Programmable Logic Arrays (FPGAs) and Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) during the next phases of the project

    Refutation and Redesign of a Physical Model of TERO-based TRNGs and PUFs

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    In an article from CHES 2015, which appears in extended form in the Journal of Cryptology in 2019, Bernard, Haddad, Fischer, and Nicolai modeled the physical behavior of a transient effect ring oscillator (TERO), thereby providing a means to certify its operation as a true random number generator (TRNG). In this work, we disprove the physical assumption on which the whole model is based. Moreover, we show that the convenient use of tractable, closed-form equations stems from a mathematical error. On a more constructive note, we are the first to point out that TEROs and Bistable Ring physically unclonable functions (PUFs) are closely related, thereby not only laying the foundations of a more accurate physical model but also revealing a new design trade-off between throughput, entropy, and reliability. Furthermore, we demonstrate that most TERO implementations in the literature are prone to counter value corruptions, and propose a solution to this problem. Measurements performed on a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) substantiate our claims

    On the Entropy of Oscillator-Based True Random Number Generators under Ionizing Radiation

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    The effects of ionizing radiation on field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) have been investigated in depth during the last decades. The impact of these effects is typically evaluated on implementations which have a deterministic behavior. In this article, two well-known true-random number generators (TRNGs) based on sampling jittery signals have been exposed to a Co-60 radiation source as in the standard tests for space conditions. The effects of the accumulated dose on these TRNGs, an in particular, its repercussion over their randomness quality (e.g., entropy or linear complexity), have been evaluated by using two National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) statistical test suites. The obtained results clearly show how the degradation of the statistical properties of these TRNGs increases with the accumulated dose. It is also notable that the deterioration of the TRNG (non-deterministic component) appears before that the degradation of the deterministic elements in the FPGA, which compromises the integrated circuit lifetime.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (ESP-2015-68245-C4-1-P)Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (ESP-2015-68245-C4-4-P)Ministerio de Economía y Empresa (TIN2016-79095-C2-2-R)CAM (S2013/ICE-3095

    Impact of the Flicker Noise on the Ring Oscillator-based TRNGs

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    Ring Oscillators (RO) are often used in true random number generators (TRNG). Their jittered clock signal, used as randomness source, originates from thermal and flicker noises. While thermal noise jitter is generally used as the main source of randomness, flicker noise jitter is not due to its autocorrelation. This work aims at qualitatively settling the issue of the influence of flicker noise in TRNGs, as its impact increases in newer technology nodes. For this, we built a RO behavioural model, which generates time series equivalent to a jittered RO signal. It is then used to generate the output of an elementary RO-TRNG. Despite general expectations, the autocorrelation inside the output bit stream is reduced when the amplitude of flicker noise increases. The model shows that this effect is caused by the sampling of the jittered signal by the second oscillator, which hides the behaviour of the absolute jitter, causes resetting of the perceived phase, and suppresses any memory effect. The inclusion of flicker noise as a legitimate noise source can increase the TRNG output bit rate by a factor of four for the same output entropy rate. This observation opens new perspectives towards more efficient stochastic models of the RO-TRNGs

    Side-Channel Analysis of the TERO PUF

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    Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) have the potential to provide a higher level of security for key storage than traditional Non-Volatile Memory (NVM). However, the susceptibility of the PUF primitives to non-invasive Side-Channel Analysis (SCA) is largely unexplored. While resistance to SCA was indicated for the Transient Effect Ring Oscillator (TERO) PUF, it was not backed by an actual assessment. To investigate the physical security of the TERO PUF, we first discuss and study the conceptual behavior of the PUF primitive to identify possible weaknesses. We support our claims by conducting an EM-analysis of a TERO design on an FPGA. When measuring TERO cells with an oscilloscope in the time domain, a Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT) based approach allows to extract the relevant information in the frequency domain. By applying this method we significantly reduce the entropy of the PUF. Our analysis shows the vulnerability of not only the originally suggested TERO PUF implementation but also the impact on TERO designs in general. We discuss enhancements of the design that potentially prevent the TERO PUF from exposing the secret and point out that regarding security the TERO PUF is similar to the more area-efficient Ring Oscillator PUF

    Development of The RISC-V Entropy Source Interface

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    The RISC-V True Random Number Generator (TRNG) architecture breaks with previous ISA TRNG practice by splitting the Entropy Source (ES) component away from cryptographic DRBGs into a separate privileged interface, and in its use of polling. The modular approach is suitable for the RISC-V hardware IP ecosystem, allows a significantly smaller implementation footprint on platforms that need it, while directly supporting current standards compliance testing methods. We describe the interface, its use in cryptography, and offer additional discussion, background, and rationale for various aspects of it. The design was informed by lessons learned from earlier mainstream ISAs, recently introduced SP 800-90B and FIPS 140-3 entropy audit requirements, AIS 31 and Common Criteria, current and emerging cryptographic needs such as post-quantum cryptography, and the goal of supporting a wide variety of RISC-V implementations and applications. Many of the architectural choices result from quantitative observations about random number generators in secure microcontrollers, the Linux kernel, and cryptographic libraries

    Design of hardware-orientated security towards trusted electronics.

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    While the Internet of Things (IoT) becomes one of the critical components in the cyber-physical system of industry 4.0, its root of trust still lacks consideration. The purpose of this thesis was to increase the root of trust in electronic devices by enhance the reliability, testability, and security of the bottom layer of the IoT system, which is the Very Large-Scale Integration (VLSI) device. This was achieved by implement a new class of security primitive to secure the IJTAG network as an access point for testing and programming. The proposed security primitive expands the properties of a Physically Unclonable Function (PUF) to generate two different responses from a single challenge. The development of such feature was done using the ring counter circuit as the source of randomness of the PUF to increase the efficiency of the proposed PUF. The efficiency of the newly developed PUF was measured by comparing its properties with the properties of a legacy PUF. The randomness test done for the PUF shows that it has a limitation when implemented in sub-nm devices. However, when it was implemented in current 28nm silicon technology, it increases the sensitivity of the PUF as a sensor to detect malicious modification to the FPGA configuration file. Moreover, the efficiency of the developed bimodal PUF increases by 20.4% compared to the legacy PUF. This shows that the proposed security primitive proves to be more dependable and trustworthy than the previously proposed approach.Samie, Mohammad (Associate)PhD in Transport System

    Side Channel Attacks on IoT Applications

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