3 research outputs found

    Developing manufacturing control software: A survey and critique

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    The complexity and diversity of manufacturing software and the need to adapt this software to the frequent changes in the production requirements necessitate the use of a systematic approach to developing this software. The software life-cycle model (Royce, 1970) that consists of specifying the requirements of a software system, designing, implementing, testing, and evolving this software can be followed when developing large portions of manufacturing software. However, the presence of hardware devices in these systems and the high costs of acquiring and operating hardware devices further complicate the manufacturing software development process and require that the functionality of this software be extended to incorporate simulation and prototyping.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/45542/1/10696_2005_Article_BF01328739.pd

    Un modelo de control inteligente para sistemas de manufactura basado en los paradigmas hol贸nico y multi-agente

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    Los Sistemas de control Inteligente de Manufactura son organizaciones altamente distribuidas, que toman ventaja de las tecnolog铆as de la informaci贸n y las comunicaciones, de las t茅cnicas de inteligencia artificial y de la teor铆a moderna de control, integr谩ndolas en estos sistemas que compiten en un medio altamente din谩mico y de econom铆as agiles. En estas circunstancias, el desaf铆o se ha centrado en desarrollar sistemas de control inteligente con capacidades de autonom铆a, cooperaci贸n y de inteligencia, adaptaci贸n r谩pida a los cambios del entorno y m谩s robustos contra la ocurrencia de disturbios. Para ello se han propuesto varias arquitecturas basadas en los paradigmas hol贸nico (control hol贸nico) y la inteligencia artificial distribuida mediante sistemas Multi-Agente. Por definici贸n, las unidades de producci贸n hol贸nicas son unidades aut贸nomas que permiten el modelamiento de la informaci贸n e infraestructura que compone el sistema de control inteligente de manufactura. El hol贸n recurso definido como componente de la unidad de producci贸n hol贸nica, permite el modelamiento del comportamiento de las din谩micas existentes en los elementos que realizan una parte del proceso de manufactura. La misi贸n y la ingenier铆a del hol贸n representan las componentes funcionales del hol贸n y representan el objetivo y el conocimiento de producci贸n respectivamente. En este trabajo se propone desarrollar un modelo de control inteligente que incluya las exigencias de modelamiento, dise帽o y an谩lisis de los sistemas de control desde la teor铆a de sistemas din谩micos a eventos discretos, y atributos y requerimientos de representaci贸n tomados desde los paradigmas Hol贸nico y Multi-Agente. / Abstract. The intelligent control manufacturing systems are organizations highly distributed. They take advantage from information technologies and communications, from intelligent artificial techniques and modern theory control, integrate them in these systems that compete among a highly dynamic medium and agile economics. In these circumstances, the challenge has centered in developing intelligent control systems with features of autonomy, cooperation and intelligence, fast adaptation facing the environment changes, having robust parameters against the disturbs occurrence. Several architectures have been presented, based in holonic paradigm (holonic control) and intelligent artificial distributed through Multi-Agent systems. By definition, the holonic production units are autonomous elements that permit to model information an infrastructure composing the intelligent control manufacturing system. The resource holon defined as a component of the holonic production unit, permit the modeling of the existing dynamics in the elements to do a part of manufacturing process. The mission and engineering of the holon represent the functional components and the objective and knowledge of production respectively. This work propose to developing a intelligent control model including the modeling exigencies, design and analysis from control systems and their dynamic theory to discrete events, with the attributes a requirements took from holonic paradigm and Multi-agent.Maestr铆