2 research outputs found

    Pursuing perspectives on ambient intelligence.

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    This paper takes a broad perspective on ambient, intelligent technologies in the context of contemporary European society at the turn of the 21st century. The underlying ideas and expectations of ambient intelligence in a period when Europe focuses progressively on the various social, economic, and ethical challenges facing the Information Society are discussed. The use of information and communication technologies in different organizational and economic settings are explored, with an illustrative focus on eHealth. It is particularly argued that more space, effort and facilities need to be created for a public social and ethical debate among European‟s citizens with regard to information and communication technologies development

    Uma abordagem de aprendizagem profunda para identificação de pessoas através do som dos passos

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    With the advent of pervasive computing, the technology has become part of human daily life. Thus, in the construction of ”intelligent”environments, systems are used that are linked to the routine of the individuals who live there. So one of the main needs is the recognition of the individual who lives in the space. The objective of this work is to iden tify individuals in an intelligent environment through information obtained by the sound of their steps. To this end, different configurations of neural networks of deep learning were developed and tested in order to classify the people who participated in an experi ment realized in Carvalho and Rosa (2010). The proposed neural network architecture is composed of a chain of neural networks and the results achieved to 98.57 % accuracy.Com o advento da Computação Ubíqua, a tecnologia passou a fazer parte do cotidiano do ser humano. Deste modo, na construção de ambientes “inteligentes”, são empregados sistemas ligados `a rotina dos indivíduos que ali habitam. Assim, uma das principais necessidades ´e o reconhecimento do indivíduo que convive no espaço em questão. O objetivo deste trabalho ´e identificar os indivíduos em um ambiente inteligente através de informações obtidas pelo som de seus passos. Para isso, foram desenvolvidas e testadas diferentes configurações de redes neurais de aprendizado profundo com o propósito de classificar as pessoas que participaram de um experimento realizado em Carvalho e Rosa (2010). A arquitetura de rede neural proposta ´e composta por um encadeamento de redes neurais e seus resultados alcançaram até 98,57% de acuráci