29,554 research outputs found

    Educational Technology: The influence of theory

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    In this paper we explore the role of theories in current practice in educational technology. We review a range of writings from the past 30 years on the nature of learning technology research. We discuss influences on learning technologies from the related fields of Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED) and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). We identify two groups of theories which have been used. The first group are related to principled decisions about the design of learning materials. The second group influence the ways in which we frame our research on learning. Research in learning technologies in the future will need to draw on both groups of theories. In this paper, we draw on our own experiences as educational technologists and the purpose of the paper is to encourage other educational technologists to join with us in reflecting on their own use of theories

    Scaffolding Critical Reflection in Online Discussions: Helping Prospective Teachers Think Deeply About Field Experiences in Urban Schools

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    A teacher educator uses the methodology of a design experiment to compare patterns and levels of reflection in two semesters of her students’ e-mail discussions about field experiences in urban schools. Analysis of discussion transcripts during the earlier semester revealed that higher levels of reflection were rare. With a number of changes in both the design and level of support for the discussions, students during the second semester were more inclined to write at higher levels of reflection. Important scaffolds for higher levels of reflection seemed to be tailored and general questioning from the instructor and peers, critical readings on problematic issues and inequities in urban schools, and certain online discussion threads where students were jointly analyzing sociopolitical and moral aspects of critical incidents in the field. In light of this study, suggestions are offered for future use of electronic exchanges in teacher education courses and programs

    Spacecraft software training needs assessment research, appendices

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    The appendices to the previously reported study are presented: statistical data from task rating worksheets; SSD references; survey forms; fourth generation language, a powerful, long-term solution to maintenance cost; task list; methodology; SwRI's instructional systems development model; relevant research; and references

    Boating Against the Current: The Advance-Retreat Analysis for Socio-Economic Process

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    Boating against the current is a kind of human behavior which can generalize many real socio-economic processes. Starting from the view of point, this paper suggests the problem for advance-retreat course and builds the general analytic models of advance-retreat. By the models, we could see the endogenous resistances, instead of exogenous resistances, causes the periodic fluctuation in socio-economic process, and get the critical condition under which the periodic fluctuation is occured. A series of results for developing motivity and investing strategies are obtained. Finally, the conclusions and strategies are illuminated to be rational and maneuverable by two examples.socio-economic development; advancing motivity; environment resistance; advance-retreat course

    Projeto e avaliação de um jogo para dispositivos móveis sobre as propriedades periódicas dos elementos químicos

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    This paper presents the results of two studies on Xenubi, a computer/mobile game about periodic properties of the chemical elements. These studies were aimed at evaluating Xenubi in 3 dimensions: interface usability, user preferences and learning outcomes. The usability and user preferences study focused on the understanding of the game mechanics by students from a public state school and from a private school in Brazil. The learning outcomes evaluation study was conducted in a public technical school, and sought for differences in post-test score between groups that played Xenubi as printed cards and on the computer. The results point to a consistent better understanding of the game mechanics by students from the private school and a higher performance improvement for the students who played Xenubi on the computer.Este artigo apresenta os resultados de dois estudos sobre Xenubi, um jogo para computador e dispositivos móveis (celulares e tablets) sobre as propriedades periódicas dos elementos químicos. Os estudos realizados buscaram avaliar o jogo didático Xenubi em 3 dimensões: usabilidade de interface, preferências do usuário e resultados de aprendizagem. O estudo de usabilidade e preferências do usuário teve como foco a compreensão da mecânica do jogo por alunos de uma escola pública estadual e de uma escola particular. O estudo de avaliação de resultados de aprendizagem foi conduzido em uma escola técnica pública e por meio de pré e pós-testes se buscou analisar as diferenças na pontuação dos testes entre grupos que jogaram Xenubi com cartões impressos e com o computador. Os resultados apontam para uma melhor compreensão da mecânica do jogo entre alunos da escola privada e uma melhoria do desempenho dos alunos quando jogaram Xenubi no computador
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